After years of binge drinking and eating like shit, I decided to quit. I did fine for the first 6 days...

After years of binge drinking and eating like shit, I decided to quit. I did fine for the first 6 days. I didn't get shakes or anything that I was told I'd probably get.

Today's day 7 though and weird shit is happening. I don't know who I can tell because they'll probably think I need to be put in a mental hospital.

Earlier, I noticed something weird in the corner of my eye standing in front of my office door. I look over and it looks like it's really there. It's a woman dressed in all black with ashy pale skin and sharp blackened teeth stabbing herself in the face over and over laughing at me. I'm seeing all kinds of weird shit like a decapitated head that keeps blinking, my arm being covered in maggots and a lot of bizarre shit straight out of a horror movie. They come and go but none of them are pleasant, they're like living real nightmares.

It's not just stuff I'm seeing either. I'm hearing things like people calling my name, people screaming, the sounds of doors slamming and other stuff.

I want to call my doctor and ask for advice but I don't want to be put in some psych hospital for months because they think I'm schizo or losing it completely. Anyone who's ever quit drinking experience shit like this?

Its called withdrawals retard, go to a shrink

sounds like you should ask /x/

that sounds metal as fuck bro
am jelly
enjoy that shit dude fucking pussy

Delirium Sup Forumsro. You cannot quit cold turkey after years of binge drinking. Shit can possibly kill you.

Alcoholpsychosis dude, go to doctor

Dont quit without help. Your body is now depending on the alcohol. Glad you want to stop, but get help.

...Those are delirium tremens. They peak anywhere from 24 hrs after stopping to a few days. You need to go to the ER. If you dont, you could start seizing and your blood pressure could spike out of control. My dad went through them and had hallucin at ions when I was young and he ran out of money so he was forced to quit.

He almost died. Go to the ER and tell them you're withdrawing and having really bad DTs.

stfu faggot

this. OP needs medically supervised detox.

I work in a psych hospital that specializes in detox as well. Sounds like typical withdrawals especially after drinking for a long time.

How old are you user? Any mental illness in the fam?

i had similiar experiences and it gets a lot fucking worse. go to er bro.

lol you can't go to the er for being a fucking drunk they'll turn you away.

What should op do? Not everyone can afford medical help.

Go to the liquor store, bro. Stopping can kill you.

Yes you can you fucking moron. Alcohol poisoning and withdraws are one of the most common reasons for a visit to the ER, ranking slightly lower than chest pains. No ER would turn anyone saying they're experiencing DTs away because they're very close to possibly having seizures.

I was only an alcoholic for 6 years but I drank heavily every single day during that period.

It sucked but the first week I wanted to quit, I only drank at night. I would take a few small sips at night (AND NIGHT ONLY) until I started to feel a small buzz coming. Then I would stop and put the bottle down. After a week, I could go days or weeks without alcohol and it wouldn't bother me anymore.

You need to ween yourself off of it.

Also, check for the following
>Yellow eyes
>Bloated stomach
>Bloated ankles
>Dark stool
>Dark urine
If you have a combination of the above, you need to quit right now or you can progress to liver failure, if you're not on the brink of it.

This is true, but many different kinds of insurance would do at an inpatient facility. OP honestly needs to be supervised medically because he can die.

Maybe he doesn't need to go to a psych floor, but any detox floor would help him out

Also, start eating healthy. You will be amazed at how much money you save when you start buying healthy food compared to how much you spend on alcohol and your body will thank you.

You're a fucking idiot.

>because I remembered something

Most of my patients are homeless and seem to afford insurance for medical help

God bless America.

>Hey there, are you sick or in desperate need of medical?
>Okay no problem, who's your insurance?
>Oh no insurance? Here's a pill, good luck out there

even if you have insurance, America is so fucking scummy and corrupt. Their main goal is to keep people addicted to pills for the rest of their lives rather than treat them.

Actually, thanks to Obama, all you have to do is say you're unemployed and uninsured, then the burden falls to the taxpayers and the people who aren't worthless pieces of shit that work for a living.

Actually, thanks to Obama, you already have insurance

Idiot conservatives just need the shit beat out of them.'re an idiot

When I was working graveyard and not sleeping I used to see this dude with a grey sweater always had the hood on and no matter what angle I would see him from I could never see his face your brain does some weird shit

>implying mental illness and addiction can be treated

It's a life long battle friend. Medication is needed in this respect

ACA. everyone has insurance.

That happens during the later stages of withdrawl, you begin to get horrid hallucinations. Just remember it's all in your head and if you keep on not drinking, they will go away. Best of luck, OP

Don't let these fools fool you. Quit cold turkey, tough it out, eat healthy and stay hydrated. In two weeks you should start feeling normal again. In 6 months the symptoms should stop and in a few years you can start drinking in moderation from time to time. Avoiding alcohol always alcohol to still control you. Once you stop thinking about it, you win. Like the game. Which now you lost.

You can tell the guy that voted for president cheetoh.

That better be a woman's arm in that pic or that faggot is gonna be made my trap and get turnt out.

>LOL, 'Merica!
I take it school's out where you live?

Its probably just your dead grandmother

>Actually, thanks to Obama, you already have insurance
I'm sorry you're such a poor piece of shit you can't afford private healthcare.
>Idiot conservatives just need the shit beat out of them.
This wouldn't happen to be you, would it?

Hillary voter spotted

This. Green Beans & Corn cost a little over $1 a can and can last you for two days if you portion them out for two meals.

If you want to flush your liver, invest in a milk thistle supplement, dandelion root supplement and eat foods with vitamins. I don't recommend supplements for getting natural vitamins.

Also, drink a fuck ton of water to help you clean out the liver more frequently. Your urine should be a very light yellow to indicate your liver is healthy or at least getting better. You'll notice you sleep better and have more energy.

Oh and spices. Cinnamon, Turmeric, Crushed Red Pepper and Garlic. I personally can't fucking stand peeling garlic so I buy chopped garlic.

Good luck OP.

What part of
are you having trouble with?

it is possible to get halucinations after yours of drinking and then quiting cold turkey, i highly recomend you go to a doctor if you want to do this.

>peeling garlic
Put the smashed garlic whole into a bowl and cover it with another bowl. Shake it up really hard for about 20-30 seconds and most of the peeling will be done for you if not all of it.

>it is possible to get halucinations
>i highly recomend you go to a doctor if you want to do this.

I want to live in your town.

Say no more fam, my retardation knows no limits.

It's 2017. Who knows what she identifies as, seeing as that's a thing now.

all spices do is make your shit burn they don't help you detox and they're not good for your body take it from the experts of b Sup Forums though

Probably just get you addicted to benzos. Hey op, got any Valium? I heard it helps.

are you completely fucking retarded? obamacare isnt just free and available to everyone you have to signup and pay premiums just like any other insurance

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you don't have access to Google.

Garlic is great for your liver. One of the main things Garlic has is selenium, which helps detox the liver and has a lot of anti-oxidants. It can also help alleviate blood pressure in the liver, protect against liver cancer and provides B6.

I'm going to advise you go to the nearest location that has access to Google, a search engine that allows you to search what spices can do for your body and why they're good for you. Not to mention most of them have 0 calories.

>I believe everything I read on the internet
there is literally no benefit to spices other than making your asshole bleed

That wasn't your original argument, dumbass

Oh, oh, a conservative that changes his argument mid sentence...that never happens.

No wonder idiots like you voted for president cheetoh

>Liberals think Obamacare is 100% free
What else is new?

You want me to kick your ass?

Ok. Challenge accepted.'s where the pussy gets a gun because too much of a pansy to fight like a man.

Get your gun you little bitch. I'll still kick you faggot ass.


This has to be a troll.

Why are hallucinations always horrifying? Why can't you have sexual hallucinations?


Because of the chemical imbalance as a result of alcohol. Your brain isn't a state of ease or relaxation, it's freaking out. It will produce things you've seen in horror movies and things that terrify you, bringing them to life in front of you. Long term alcohol dependency fucks with a lot of chemicals in your body that are usually used to regulate normal functions.

I woke up one night in a cold sweat with my heart racing with what looked like a flying demon growling at me hovering inches in front of me. Shit's no joke. Drink a little and tapper off bro.

-NO- withdraw after 6 days but then this? That's not the alcohol. You should start drinking again.

DTs can take days or a couple of weeks in some cases to manifest. DTs are the worst of the symptoms and rarely ever appear right away.

6 days is weird though

Not really. The annoying symptoms like shakiness, vomiting, sweating and mood changes usually go away after a couple of days. I know someone who had shaky hands for months after quitting.

No one really understands why the hallucinations happens and why they manifest so late into withdraws for some people.

This nigga gettin gaslighted

This is the biggest load of shit ive ever read.

You should read up on DTs and people who've experienced them. They're very real and deadly if you don't seek immediate medical help.

Just got put on a moniter that registers any alcohol consumed. Had to quit cold turkey after years of drinking a fifth a day. Weirdest thing about quitting are the dreams/nightmares. And falling asleep is a lot harder. Good luck to you.

This (for me) is why I will never return to binge drinking. I would get tired at random times throughout the day and I would only sleep for 2-3 hours before waking up, no matter what I did. The lack of an appetite, constant diarrhea with only a small amount coming out, etc.

I have no idea how the fuck I lived like that for so long. I would rather an hero before ever going back to that.

I have and this is bullshit. No withdrawal symptoms and then 7 days in he just sees a woman covered in maggots wooow

I've worked with alcoholics since I was able to work and I came from a family full of them. There's no definitive guide to when someone does or doesn't get symptoms of severe withdraws.

DTs certainly can come out of nowhere just when you think you're in the clear. I've seen it happen two weeks after quitting when people feel fine.

I still havnt quit drinking for a day, but I barely drank the past 2 weeks cause of 55 hour work weeks.
Wont be the same next week, but I can be alright if I stick to beer. I think I could actually quit with no repercussion, but just havnt tried.

That seems extremely irresponsible of whoever sentenced you, you could have seized. Possible law suit? Any lawfags on?

You don't have to quit, you just need to drink in moderation.

how often and how much did you drink OP

But everyday?
The problem is the weekend for me where I go overboard. I need more activities, but I feel drained and agitated when I dont get alone time.

No, picrelated is delirium tremens

Any chance you got sleep paralysis / lucid dreaming?

also I drink quite heavily when I work a half day, which is what i'll be doing like 3 days of the week typically.

It's perfectly healthy and some studies have shown its actually good for your heart to have ONE drink per day. ONE.

Not OP but i've had them. I was drinking 2 liters of vodka every 3 days and got real dangerous when I switched to some shit called Paramount that's 100 proof. I was drinking it raw and consuming the same amount. I threw up every single day even touching my lips to the bottle and to this day, I have no idea wtf I was thinking.

No, never, just shitty quality of sleep. I always laid down with a strong buzz so I fell asleep fast.

why would I drink 1 drink if not to get drunk. I want 2 heavy beers or 3 shots of liquor assuming I dont have a lot of free time.

they call it spirits for a reason pal

those spirits are hungry

and want you to feed them.

go to a CHRISTIAN church and talk to a leader about exorcisms, cleansing houses and renewing your own spirit

For some people, one beer calms your nerves and helps you focus better.

You need to tell a doctor. They will put you in a hospital. A regular hospital. Not a mental hospital. You are experiencing what is to be expected after years of binge drinking. They will not lock you in a padded cell forever or anything. They will know that it is the withdrawl causing this, and you are not crazy.

Seriously. Right now you need to be supervised, being alone is not safe for you. Even if you know you are seeing stuff that isn't there, you might not be able to tell when, or you might not be able to think clearly. You could see worms coming out of your arms and try to cut them out with a knife and bleed out and die. Seriously dude, its awesome that you are quitting, just make sure someone is watching you while you do it.


Yeah I vidya better after a couple beers.

Damn all excessive alcohol did to me was make my anxiety go through the fucking roof. I was super sensitive to every single touch, even the fan blowing on me. I would check my pulse non-stop and think I was about to drop dead. My legs felt so weak I couldn't walk and everything scared the shit out of me. Any slight noise would give me a panic attack. I was walking around one day trying to calm myself down, a neighbor said hello and wanted to ask me a question. The second she said hello, it scared the shit out of me and I thought I was having a stroke. I couldn't walk for a couple of seconds and my vision felt like half the world was sinking and the other half was blurry for a couple seconds.

If you have anxiety, it's imperative you don't binge drink because it will make it incredibly worse to the point where you firmly believe you're dying and your time is up soon.

Continue drinking please

I mean think about it. Your brain has been running with alcohol in it for years, it gets used to it. You suddenly take that away, and something it is used to compensating for is suddenly not their anymore. It will still try to compensate for it out of "habit" and this causes what are essentially glitches. But glitches are still dangerous. what if your brain suddenly glitches out and shuts down your kidneys or hear or something?

The worst comes 72 hours after stopping alcohol. if he hasn't dangerously dropped in blood pressure and stroked out by now, he'll be fine.

If you went to the ER they'd give you ativan and you'd be chill.


agree with this 100% your anxiety increases a lot, have you taken other drugs by any chance? struggling with anxiety already myself I found certain drugs other than alcohol was 100x worse. I feel people should be aware of this before they take it if they do have anxiety problems

I have anxiety too but alcohol is really helpful for managing it. In general, alcohol should normally help with anxiety. And even excessive drinking helps my anxiety.

On the other hand, pot worsens my social anxiety pretty dramatically. So as we all know, not all drugs work for everybody. It's stupid to claim that alcohol generally worsens anxiety.

Jesus christ.

If you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, which is 95% of the posts in this thread, shut the fuck up

You literally can and will die from withdrawal. Fucking google it instead of trusting retarded high schools on here.

DTs can appear between 2 and 14 DAYS after you stop drinking. Hallucinations are not common but also no unheard of.

if you were drinking 2 liters of vodka a day you should have tapered over a week to 10 days.

Go to the doctor or hospital ASAP, don't worry if you dont have insurance, the USA a socialist state now and the bills of the worthless are paid by the earnings of those who work.

Don't mind me, I'm just a nurse who actually deals with this shit.

Same with me. Alchohol helps anxiety, weed makes it worse.

I've had three different prescriptions given to me by a doctor.

One was BusPirone. All it did was give me non-stop palpitations and make anxiety worse.

Another was Hydroxyzine Pamoate. It made me so tired and my head so heavy I couldn't do anything but lay down.

Then she gave me this garbage called Effexor. Before even taking one, I read about the side effects from people who have taken it and it sounded horrifying. Against my better judgement, I took one. My head felt like it was being electrocuted all day, severe nausea and a long list of other shit.

I quit taking scrips recommended by doctors for anxiety. After I stopped drinking, it went down to a mild level and now I just deal with it. If you ever stop trying to take Effexor, you go through extreme withdraws from it. That drug is fucking horrible and even if it does work, you can't ever stop taking it.

>reddit spacing
I'm sure you are, kings kingston.

A lot of the people I saw come in to the ER were junkies making shit up to get pills but I worked at night. It's amazing that people will sit in a hospital bed for hours, have a host of lab work done all for what? To get a couple of pills. It takes so much time away from people who come in with a potential myocardial.

Either way OP, ERs will not turn you away as some others have suggested in here. They take DTs seriously and you'll probably end up staying a few days so they can monitor you. Don't worry about the bills. If you're broke and unemployed, you'll end up probably being covered by the state and signing a bunch of paperwork.

Believe it or not, a lot of people are too fucking lazy to fill out the required paperwork for financial aid after they leave and never do. That's when they get fucked up credit. I love helping people but unfortunately, most of the time, that's not what I was doing. It was re-assuring hypochondriacs they were fine and giving junkies pills knowing they'll be back for another fix.

>2 liters of vodka a day
I would drink that amount every three days and that's when I was drinking all day.

How the fuck do people do that every day? Do they literally just start chugging out of the bottle?

Well if your aim was to come across as a self entitled narcissistic asshole you did well.