Holy shit Sup Forums the Jews have really done a number on the blacks

>reaction video here

Other urls found in this thread: and 'em

I wish I can suck my dick.

How can white women compete?

Nothing escapes the eternal merchant and Zog. I laugh at the fact even the niggers aren't safe.

Oh my fucking God. We are reaching heights of degeneracy I never thought possible.

>3 hours 28 minutes


30 seconds in and


holy shit


a lot of millenials are 'gay' or whatever the fad is. i tutor kids and asked one if there's gay kids in middle school and he laughed and said there's a lot of them that say they are gay.

Blacks have high rates of Estrogen.


They gotta gun to they opp's head makin them suck they dick XD

lel someone else already posted it

top kek

the funny thing is, for as much as liberals worship nogs, they're probably the most homophobic people in america. these kids are gonna get their teeth knocked if they ever get recognized

Even blacks started to notice the slippery slope.
So many people denied it's existence but its happening.

nogs hate fags. they'll knock a fag clean across the room for looking at them funny. i had to break up a fight between some old nigger and a white fag at my university gym. the old man said the fag was looking at him funny so he called him a fag and was fixing to beat his ass. would have too, except that i stopped it


Hahaha the nignogs don't even know what hit them so they're blaming "hiphop culture"

I for one support this. Now all the hoodrats will be fucking men instead of reproducing and having 15 kids.


reminds me of those gay gangsters rap songs you would download on kazaa but irl god thats sad haha 100 senpai desu desu senpai

two and half million views on that. holy shitnuggets

Does anybody know what type of bird this is?

i hate jews

My sweet Lord. This is the best thing I've seen all month.

Somebody post "throw dat boypussy" with the male niggers twerking

Shit was hilarious

"Mm...tastes like M&Ms"

At last I truly see anons.

We need to gay up the black community. This way they stop breeding like rats and at the same time stop raping white women while pozing white liberal men who don't arm themselves.

We need to be the jews for once.

is this real life?

>suckin on dem 2 by fo's

Many tribes like the Azande and Zulu practiced homosexuality to make warriors bond as lovers too

The idea was that you'd fight harder to protect your brothers in arms

>these kids are gonna get their teeth knocked if they ever get recognized
That's why they travel in packs. You've never seen a flock of young queer blacks? It's kind of hard to miss. Swishing all over the god damned place. Arms like pic related.


i believe it, even accusing a nog of being a fag is enough to set some of em off

pls do. i want to laugh


They'll stop raping white women and start raping white men. This is the future you want?
America heads the world culture again.

How are jews immune to their own propaganda. That's what I wanna know.

Shoebill stork

As a black man, this greatly worries me.
How do I save my people?

>What's your real name? And not your Jack'd name?
>Bend it over, bust it open, bring it back, man
>Hold it open, I'ma eat it like a Pac-Man

this video literally made me gag

You mean like the Greeks/Romans did?

Educate people on the ways of the Jew. Part of this is from that touchy feely music put out by that half-kike Drake. The other part of it is the whole gay acceptance movement peddled by Jewish owned mass media and Jewish-funded grassroots LGBT movements.

Man, what the fuck.

They aren't. Jews self-hate at an incredible rate. They really don't like to be Jewish and just want to be Anglo.

Basically they buy into the Hitler meme that Jews are racially treacherous and they go out of their way to seem like normal people which of course makes them seem more suspect.

Source: many Jewish friends since always.

I'm not gay but those videos made me rock hard

I'm well aware that mister 6g(orillion)d is an agent of the grand kike scheme.
There are also faggots like Young Thug rapping about smoking penises.

For the most part, blacks have been pretty anti LGBT since most are conservative or at least just find it disgusting.
But it seems like the Jews are doing a number to us.

I'll try my best senpai


You don't get the Jewish Journal?
It's a weekly periodical that let's you know the latest propaganda moves and what to do to keep you and your family of chosen ones safe.

Look at the comments

>For the most part, blacks have been pretty anti LGBT since most are conservative or at least just find it disgusting
blacks are surprisingly disproportionately faggots

>that orange cap on the gun
holy shit niggers are stupid


I attribute that to the "prison gay" effect and sexual repression.
It's not ok to be gay if you're growing up in a black neighborhood.


how can males completely disregarding the vaginal jew not be a good thing for all involved?

Fucking hell

I sent this to my friend and he stopped talking to me. That's how good this dope shit is.


All from Sup Forums

I downloaded this, dissolved it in water, and injected it right into my bloodstream

bitch you know im the shit

But the Romans were black Africans, burgerbro

What you don't Cc? Or you live in a liberal shithole? You deserve nigger aids if you don't own a gun.

i dont get it when does he want his money?

>today I watched 4 minutes of gay niggers twerking

Sup Forums - Politics

>I also watched the whole video

Yo no sé por que la gente,
En este mundo,
Unos lloran,
Y otros son maricones.

WSHH compilations have all kinds of gay shit, nig culture can get very gay without them really noticing.

Blacks and Arabs are bi from lack of self control.
Instead of being simply homophobic, they detest "bottoms," and argue that being in the "male" role doesn't make you gay.

Now not only do I have to worry about teenage nigger gangs sucker punching me, and stealing my wallet I have to worry about teenage nigger gangs sucker punching me, stealing my wallet, and sucking my dick.

Blacks and everybody else need to realize that the NWO or "Illuminati" (wouldn't use that word) stuff is real. But it's being perpetrated at the top by Jewish bankers who are out to deconstruct the identity of every gentile ethnic group on the planet and herd them all together as indistinguishable slaves under a one-world Maoist dystopia run by these dynastic banking families and other elite bloodlines. Communism won't save you since that has the same goal, and the far-left are useful-idiot foot soldiers of ultra-kikes like Soros.

These Jews fear genuine nationalism more than anything. Something that would threaten their precious central banks (centers of control).

This thread is so gay I need to jack it to lesbian orgy porn to balance it out

Yeah its consequence of the high test that makes them want to fuck anything with a nice ass. But they also say gay shit like, "whos mans is dis" referring to friend but calling him your man? Hmm

I think he just feels like sucking his dick

>no fathers
>grow up watching mom suck dick for crack
>start niggering
>get sent to Juvy
>horny as fuck
>start sucking dicks, tossing salad, ass fucking
>commit major felony
>repeat in prison

I think we'll be seeing a major increase in HIV soon.

I swear to god, so MANY blacks are on the DOWN-LOW. Shit is fucking weird. The amount of time grown ass black men dedicate to fashion trends, taking selfies and attention whoring on social media makes the Kardashians look like Catholic Nuns locked away in monastery. Sorry, Snapchatting your skinny jeans 15x times a day with emojis across the screen for your other "niggaz" to see does not make you cool, that makes you a FAG.


Blacks are about to find out they're going to get cucked in favor of cheaper Muslims and Hispanics.

Welcome to the Jew World Order boys.

They're saying "who's the wife of this man" not that's my man.

They aren't.

They're on a scorched earth race to the conditions of their end times.

I've known a few and they're always embroiled in this shit themselves, not a single one i've known has come from a happy family and two out of 4 were involved in active legal disputes regarding divorce.

They breed less than whites, too.

This is what makes any faction dangerous in anything: it's got nothing to lose and it's dying. Like a mad dog.

No you idiot have never heard nigger venicular? and 'em

blacks are prone to homosexuality

despite being the most homophobic race. they still manage to have the highest percentage of gays by race and the highest case of gay aids

Thats not a orange cap its his finger thats most likely a jennings .380 the niggers favorite type of gun

Oh fuck Gangsta Fags


black people are a mess

Stand amongst the ashes of a trillion dead niggers and ask the ghosts if pussy matters

Niggas so straight dey can suck dick and not be gay


Am I the only one that doesn't have a problem with this?

Good for them being confident in expressing their sexual preferences

>despite being the most homophobic race
why the fuck do you autists always say the most retarded shit? niggers aren't even close to being the most homophobic

the white version is even hotter :-q
vid related

fag rap slaps tho

jej. this can only lead to hilarity.

>Blacks vs. Gays
>Feminists vs. Gays
>Gays vs. Muslims