ITT post Companies that share your political ideologies
ITT post Companies that share your political ideologies
These fuckers
Wait, is Publix based?
I didn't think conservative companies existed anymore outside of gun stores.
Kind of hard to beat IBM and Bayer.
What do they align to?
I support any political ideology that creates the best damn sandwich on earth
this, not even memeing. I wan't to work for them.
I'm pretty sure this corporation is practically the devil
gtfo commie
Publix it is
Explain this one? What are Publix's political ideologies, besides selling off-brand food that's usually better than name brand and having excellent customer service?
I'm fine in all stores that have what I want and provide a pleasant shopping experience. I come in, get goods, and they get money. I haven't clashed with any company politics yet, nor would I let politics make me boycott some company I like.
More like pube-licks
The Third Reich.
Fellow Floridians check in
Hey I'm out of the loop here,can someone please explain why Publix is so redpilled?
Not giving a shit.
>Build yourself up on burgeoning military contracts
>Rapidly expand into civilian market with some of the most respectable revolvers made, a wide array of automatic pistols, and every flavor of 5.56 and 9mm AR-15 variation that could be dreamed of
>US military goes in with the fuckin' wops for their new pistol
>Stop making new revolvers, reduce variety of all other civilian firearms (the ones they make the most profit off of)
>'86 MGB destroys your full-auto civilian sales
>Reduce variety further, narrow your market
>Try to coast off your rifle and carbine sales to military and government agencies
>They choose fucking Remington and the Belgians to replace you
>At no point attempt to revitalize your civilian market reputation
>Colt is kill, declare bankruptcy
Best town best flag
Medicens sans Frontiers.
I'm sure there's others. The ones that have ceos who sell the company when they retire and share the proceeds with their longest working and most loyal proceeds
I love you guys.
Pompano Beach
or "Pimp a Ho" as the blacks call it.
I'm sorry about that m8. Remember when Wilma hit in like 05 and you guys didn't have power for like a month?
Who says you need to live in Florida to enjoy Publix? It's right up there with Kroger in store brand, deli and bakery quality, though I wish they made more cereal types.
I'm right-wing until you start talking about the environment.
>has strongly-held principles that they actually follow
To be fair, that alone is usually a certain indicator that a person/organization is conservative.
>tfw grew up in 561 Florida
>tfw loved it
>tfw moved to North Carolina for work
>tfw no Checkers or Pollo Tropical and very very few Publix
>tfw miss my sunshine state
Tally fag here. Publix is god tier if you don't go to the college degenerate tier stores. Their house made meatballs are the endall.
Conservatives are the real environmentalists
Instead of setting up massive tax fueled bureacracies to regulate personal behavior we plant trees and clean up barren lands is all
why do I see publix mentioned so often on Sup Forums? not that I don't love it, publix is one of my favorite places, I just think it's funny seeing it mentioned here so often
Yes, that shit was crazy. But also fun at the same time. All the neighbors bonded. I met a my neighbors qt friend. We talked about music and listened to Alice in Chains for hours under the stars. I had to drive my dads SUV everywhere, because the roads were covered in tree branches.
Ft Myers reporting in to say that this is my favorite store ever
>former publix guy here
Publix is pretty right-wing.
Hair must be kept above ears, none of that hippy shit in our store.
The founder is fucking revered. The training starts off like a cult meeting, and the founder's picture is framed up on the wall.
>"George W. Jenkins had the BRILLIANT idea to create a better supermarket"
>"Let's do an exercise: What would Mr. George do?"
It was pretty based desu.
Heil Jenkins
United Fruit Company for me really. Third world countries are made to be exploited by the first world.
Moving to Washington St soon, just now started realizing no checkers fries or publix
Palm Beach Gardens reporting in. I gre up walking distance from a publix and was shocked to discover they weren't providing happiness to every one of these United States. Only found out a few years ago when I visited California and asked my uncle where the nearest Publix was.
Yeah man that's a bummer, pollo is awesome and open late. La granja is Fucking awesome too. I imagine the lack of Cuban restaurants being bretty depressing too
I know that feel m8 I went to Oregon for college. Fred Meyer is the only place that has boars head cold cuts Safeway and albertsons don't.
Always remember
Yeah, most grocery stores are regional.
TampaFag reporting in
Try looking at NHL threads on Sup Forums - Tampa Bay Lightning fans are COMPLETELY obsessed with Publix and shill/shitpost it endlessly. All the Publix smug pepe meme images you see are from hockey thread Lightning fans.
I'm a Lightning fan
my tally homie we are rotting in the pit of degeneracy
Yeah man we didn't have powe for a week. My buddies mom took me and my friend to Orlando and went to Halloween horror nights at universal.
I have heard stories Publix made or continues to make it's employees come in at the middle of the night to wax and buff the floor till the store opens next day.
Clearwater here
New Smyrna Beach checking in.
Also supposedly a good place to work. The one right down the street from me has had the same people, of all ages, working there for years. My brother's friend worked there, did well for himself managed to buy a fucking house using only his Publix money and not being a tard.
561 native, exile in virginia
Circa 1940
That's sick. I know a few people who did that.
oh right, because it's the nazi drink
fracking, oil spills offshore and inland say otherwise
brevard fag checking in
>Explain this one? What are Publix's political ideologies, besides selling off-brand food that's usually better than name brand and having excellent customer service?
That's really it though. You can tell that actual thought and courtesy towards the customer goes into it. Their subs and cooking demos are great, their bakery is great (dem mini croissaints), their storebrand stuff is cheap and actual good quality. I've never seen a degenerate faggot working in a Publix, even the blacks are fairly respectable or at least don't bring their nig shit to the job. Stores are laid out well and brightly lit, plenty of space to move around, everything is orderly.
For contrast, my girlfriend likes going to Aldi's because it's way cheaper but holy fuck is it the most miserable shopping experience I've ever seen. Shit just bleeds into everything else, there's no order whatsoever in the store so you're constantly having to dodge customers and Mexicans with their 20 kids while trying to get around some black single mom to get some vegetables, there's only ever one person working the register, the entire "hurr bring your own bags and don't forget your quarter" shit.
It's like night and day. Publix is a store created and run by people who want to treat the customer well and give them a nice shopping experience. You pay more but the quality of the business you're supporting justifies it. Aldi's is a store created and run by people who seemingly hate the customer and want to do everything they can to discourage people from ever coming back right down to making everything cheap to attract Gibs Monkeys and Mexicans.
Grew up in the 850, moved only a couple months ago to wine country New York
They're about to be bought out by Bayer (as in, Bayer aspirin, Bayer). They might go full antifa.
Agree. Used to be a bleeding heart lefty, clutched my copy of A People's History of the United States close and nodded thinking about the fine job anti-imperialists did standing up to the evil exploiters.
Then I grew up, read more history and realized that if someone wasn't exploiting them then they'd just self-destruct and everything would go to waste anyway. Better to have a banana republic or nice colony and get some use out of it and not just let the locals squander it all like retards.
>their storebrand stuff is cheap and actual good quality
My wife works at Publix. The Publix brand stuff comes from the same factories as name-brand stuff.
Good to see it spreading. The world needs to know about Publix.
Wanting to live in a world without fresh food clean water or medical care I see
St. Pete here, hopping aboard the shillwagon Publix.
I lived in Ormond for a while, just a little north, and everyone made fun of Smyrna for having like 30 shark attacks every year. I checked it out one time and it wasn't that bad
I just recently moved to the Venetian Bay (if you're remotely familiar with the area), and it's almost like a tucked away, hidden gem in the state. The only downside I've seen so far is the city is basically Orlando's beach on the weekends.
813 !!!!!!
>tfw from spic city florida and have this shit
at least the old cubans are based
Produce boy for Publix. It's okay.
Busiest store in the region is the one i work at. We close at 10 pm but employees are working almost 24 hours a day there.
NB, still has factories here. Gov't wanted to remove military contracts from them.
Same desu
That feel when being a deployed welfare queen and coming home soon to based publix and seeing my pupper.
Ultimate sub on Multigrain
Live in Gainesville right now. Grew up Jupiter/Juno
407 here, Orlando
I just quit Publix a little bit ago to work at Ingles (shitty grocery store my dad has worked at for 10 years), and while the work is easy, the management and customer service is possibly the worst I've seen.
They sit in the office on their phones all day, talk shit about you right behind your back, and clearly have favorites among the employees.
I'm actually considering going back to Publix if it weren't so far away.
[spoiler] and I miss their chicken tendies. holy fuck they're good [/spoiler]
Kill yourself.
561 right now, gonna be going to UCF in the fall though. Whats it like up there?
I am one of those shitposters desu
also clearwater here
Fort lauderdale here