Fact: Islam is most based Religion in the world
>no liberals
>no feminism
>holy war
>no gays, jews, degenerates,etc.
>empire building

Why aren't you fucking Sup Forumsssies bowing down to Allah 5 times a day?

Other urls found in this thread:

Muhammad you must go back

>Canadian cucked by Islam
>Wonders why the rest of us are not insane Muslims

How about pic related, thumbdick.

That wouldn't happen if everyone just converted to Islam already...

islam is a religion of peace, terrorists do not represent the islam


when they're not united against the west

they have the sunni and shiites which is pretty much pro-skub anti-skub

We're killing liberals so what?

>Canada promoting Islamisation

Of course.

Because i don't have hot cousins to rape and marry.

im sorry, but they almost look retarded, or at least the lights are on but no-one's home.

lol, no. enjoy your satanic cult

not an argument

>Minsk metro bombing
gee i wonder who could've done that...

Sup Forums is an Islam board.

There is nothing wrong with Islam. The problem is the genetically inferior subhuman brown people who adhere to it. Islam can stay, but all non-whites must be gassed.

You're argument is invalid

no no Arabs are far more superior you whites need to be cleansed and we're going to do it

Islam is the shittiest thing mud slimes ever came up with. Would rather eat shit than convert to islam.

>be ugly male
>get ugly wife

She'll soon wear a garbage bag.

Insh'allah akhi

lol what fuckin retard made that map?

That can be arranged

Allahu Akbar

Arabs have substantially smaller brains than Europeans. If not for the Jew infestation of our institutions, Arabs would have been exterminated long ago.

>living in dar al kufr amerika
kill yourself


>china partial european control
>corea & japan never colonized by europe

I don't know my history on the other non green countries, but those for sure should be under controlled by europe.

not a rebuttal

u mad whiteboi?

Hahaha if whites we're smarter than why are you ruled by a liberal? Checkmate

Shut up leaf

Now you have to throw away the entire gook.

>you ruled by a liberal?

Just a few more months until removal ahmed.

but you smell kebab stinky desert weasel and you are brown shit skin no thanks

Friendo, the eve of your removal has been a long time coming. We've never needed your worthless death cult.

>Wear Hijab
>Shows hair anyway
How low can women go just to seek attentions?

>post 20th century christianity
>a religion

Pick one.

Here is the truth

>torture a devout muslim
>say that you'll fee him if he says "muhammad was a sob, fuck him and allah"
>he wouldn't say it even you burn him alive

>torture a devout christian
>say that you'll release him if he says "jesus was a sob, fuck god"
>he says it as soon as you touch him with your knife. (even jesus died for them)

you know this is the truth. you can't deny that. modern christianity is no different than a new age "lets feel good and all will be good" "religion". it got no value compared to islam or judaism.

you see people defending what they got with shit tier weapons vs top tech armies. it's because they believe in heaven, that's why they don't fear death. christians pretending to believe in heaven, but they are not sure and they do afraid of death because of this. e: that's why shellshock is a christian majority thing or they are more vulnerable to it.

christians go to church to show how /fa/ they are, or to make their neighbours not to talk shit with them or smth. muslims go to mosque to feel the god, to pay their love and respect. they even wake up at 5 am to pray while christians don't pray at all. oh they eat turkey and sing songs.

a muslim that went to kaaba and holy lands are the happiest of happiest. while christians go vatican or hagia sophia to fill their instagram album. also hagia sophia is the symbol of christ cuckery atm. just think about kaaba being a church or museum. it would be a massacre.

anyway modern christianity is no different than an average "lets feel good" new age religion. bible is no different than average osho book. it doesn't worth shit anymore, it's not that spiritual. it's degenerate. it's WEAK, it's LOW ENERGY and it will get more emptier, more new ageish and eventually will be forgotten.

that's the fact.

>inb4 m-muh scientific contributions
see, you are still obsessed with material world thats how weak you are.

Sup Forums on suicide watch

Hillary's gonna beat him

You sniff mens asses.


Canada please stop shitposting, you'll never reach Australia's level so give up.

>no liberals
>no feminism
using animals for work isn't slavery
>holy war
it's even the same holy war, unfortunately opposing sides though
>no gays, jews, degenerates
but their solutions are primitive, throwing off buildings, seriously? humans can designs marvelous tools of death and destruction and they're just going to throw them off a building?!
>empire building
rather death than submitting to their empire, user

well takbir'd my islamic brother

You better pray to allah that she does.

>muh maymays

Christcucks can only ever reply with "muh violence" it's literally another shoah to them that we take a stand against invaders.

Islam is as far right as you can get and it will save you
Sup Forums why have you not REVERTED to Islam?

pls if you post on this thread for the purpose of trolling or offending muslims ITT, then i will ask you to leave pls or stay if you want a legit debate.

Seriously considering it.....

pakis out tbqh lads

reported to the regional islamic council of london

Prove that half of muslim men are not avid repressed homosexuals that flex on instagram and pretend to have fun. Those are purely hypothetical blanket statements of yours, one will never have to denounce islam in today's world, it's the other way around- being forefully converted to it.

saudi shills pls go

Tell you what Pajeet, if your faction can overthrow sjws, jews, and liberals I will personally attend your mosque, 5 times a day.

Fair deal?

most muslim men are ALPHA as fuck and look like this

How are canadians still allowed on Sup Forums... their posts are literally the worst

Nobody wants to get circumcised


Shut up sideways leafless Canada


Orthodox niggers, made pretty cool music though

>kill muslims
>get bombed by your own christian brothers
how can christcucks ever recover?

>japs cut people heads left and right,and blow thenselves up
>usa nuke then
>never again

>islâmic people cut heads left and right, and blow thenselves up

You know the cure USA
Do it


But you do have designated shitting streets.

You mean most mooselimbs would like to fuck alpha as fuck manly men right in the sandy asshole.

then why are you so afraid of dogs and pigs?

nigga fuck off, I'd butcher a pig, drown your kids and wives in the blood and let your kill me.

have your virgins in heaven, I'll fuck your family in hell.


>the Christcuck projecting this hard

t. Justin Trudeau


may Allah protect caliph Trudeau

I'm gay, so I know about.

>no gays
That dellusion

>a gay Christian
How long will you keep this joke going?

bomb all of the middle east (minus israel) and rebuild it without religion

Because I'm not an islamocuck. Fuck off. You have to go back.


Turkey has been fighting an on-off civil war with 1/3rd of its population for the best part of 40 years, and its military just underwent a massive purge less than a decade ago.

>implying its material strength advantage would matter under these circumstances
>not including Russia in remover ranks

Diaspora plz go.

>minus israel

Until the jinn tells me to stop.

Israel is the only first world country in the Middle East, and they kill Arabs everyday

Even shitting streets are better than stabbing streets.

Arabs have buttfuck Thursdays but yeah there not "gay".

I don't like fucking goats. I don't care about religion at all. And I can hate Jews without worshipping anything. No need for any of ur snake oil faggot. So go fuck your neighbors' Hurd or something.

Because Islam isn't white Christian civilization. I'll stick with MUH tribalism considering that's why Europe wasn't conquered by mud poops in the first place

>implying muslims know what an argument is when they are all about deception and violence

Canadians. The greatest disappointment of the Anglo family.

You can't clean with shit

Lol! No. Your claims are insignificant mishaps that are the historical equivalent of modern day "white males shooting up schools." Go suck a dick you fucking divisive faggot.

I'm not sure it will make a difference now desu. Something is going to give either way


Bullshit. Everyone succumbs to torture.

In fact I'm beginning to think it's a final solution for Islamists.

Islam is a duscusting religion where pedophilia and honor killings are condoned

> no freedom of thought or inquiry
> medieval technology without the west
> no bikinis
> no fun
> no bratwursts
> no sausage biscuits

Yeah, not my cup of tea.


>lol what fuckin retard made that map?

Your mom.

Oh no question it is the final solution for moslems...

I don't hate Jews enough to join some cult of a murderous pedophile.

Does too much sun make people stupid or something?

We could just reclaim christianity, it has all of these things.
But nah just bent over and welcome your invaders the way they deserve.

I'll revert when the Muslims make Germany raise Hitler's banner again, and liberals praise it & him.

Kikes and mudslimes are equally shit tier humans. Gas them all.