I can't take it anymore, Sup Forums. Life just isn't worth living when you can't experience Andy Sixx's warm, creamy...

I can't take it anymore, Sup Forums. Life just isn't worth living when you can't experience Andy Sixx's warm, creamy, dreamy, steamy, sunbeamy log of shit SLIDDING down your throat. Feeling it massage your esophagus with the little pieces of corn sticking out. Tasting the slight sweetness of the traces of red bell peppers in his chocolatey logs. To forcefully swallow it down your windpipe and feel the warm brown love wash down your throat and feel warmth spread through your torso like a good Brandy. To lick clean his pink starfish with your tongue and lick over your upper lip any remnants of shit that could remain.

To be clear, I want Andy Sixx to shit a steamy log down my throat.






God that's so hot


So hot OP

Logging in

kill yourself

Grow up



no u

Grow up

kill yourself


poo poo skippety doo

kill yourself


Grow up


kill yourself faggot

i curse you OP untill this shit stops i hope nothing but bad shit happens to you and your family

Grow up.

Maurice and I wish tou fuys would just stop with this

FUCK YOU STEVEN AND MAURICE. You are clearly a pair of cunts

Yah. I HATE Steven and Maurice and I also think that they ARE Andy Sixx





kill yourselvs


kill yourself

Poopy stinky butt-bottom anus anal ring-piece starfish pooey doings

WOAH NOW! I Happen to know Steven and Maurice and can confirm that neither of them are Andy Sixx