Was Cobain the first openly sjw musician?

Was Cobain the first openly sjw musician?

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No, Lennon at the very least was one before him
And no, just because Lennon beat his wife doesn't mean he wasn't

he's not wrong though

the problem with 'muh essjaydoubleyah' and the radical left is that is desensitises real racism and real oppression. someone being killed or beaten for the colour of their skin, not being hired because they're gay, having rights taken away because of their sex, and so on. all serious issues which are swept under the rug for "MANSPLAINING" and "Not looking at a black person is a micro-aggression"

you don't have to be left wing to just be a decent human being, why don't people get that?

How is not being racist being an SJW, and if that's the case then tons of others like The Beatles were SJW's.

Lol fag

There is absolutely nothing wrong with SJWs.

"Musician" is not a synonym for ripoff artist

Fighting for social justice is a good thing.

The fact some people don't fight for social justice in the correct way doesn't mean that social justice is suddenly bad. it just means they need to adjust the way they fight for it

Cobain is the only guy who could pull off a beard and look cute. RIP

Bend over, bttm.

Lol fag

starting with you

Holy shit! Will Nirvana ever recover from this burn?!?!


>all serious issues which are swept under the rug for "MANSPLAINING" and "Not looking at a black person is a micro-aggression"
I see you you believe the right wing propaganda intended to discredit social justice.


>How is not being racist being an SJW,
According to Sup Forums and youtube comments, anyone to the left of Hitler is an SJW.

It still hasn't recovered from Cobain's death

>projecting this hard
It's okay sweetie, we know that evil Droompaloompa is Hitler × 10000 two scoops bad

>Sup Forumstard doesn't know what projection means
I'm not surprised

>being serious on this Laotian Pokemon fan forum



Were you the first shitty poster or the series in a long line of shitty posters

Cobain was a fucking autismo. If you actually think that Cobain was just a sane sensible leftist you need to read through some of his writings again.

What indicates that Lennon was anything close to being an SJW? I'm pretty sure he believed that women should be kept in the kitchen (and beaten mercilessly). Just because Imagine has slightly commie lyrics doesn't mean he was an SJW

>"fuck racists"

i was under the impression that racism is bad

Anons on this board have deemed several contemporary artists as "le sjws nu male cucks" for saying similar stuff.

oops, forgot pic

There's a difference between being someone who is against racism, and an SJW.

However, he has gone on record talking shit about white people, and I remember him basically talking about cultural appropriation and Hip-Hop, so he was an SJW.

I'd say Yoko Ono was the first real SJW in music. Even during Lennon's last Playboy interview, when she started to go on about how Paul McCartney hates her because she's a woman, John basically says "oh fuck off." I believe she does actually leave the room around that point as well.

The point is that saying "fuck racists" means absolutely nothing because that is just putting an opinion the vast majority of people hold in a vulgar manner. It's like saying "fuck thieves" or "fuck murderers." There's no meaning behind it besides saying "hey guys, I also am a normal human being. Ain't that special? :)"

this thread is nothing but teenager poltards prove me wrong

>being serious on this Laotian Pokemon fan forum

Kek. That's like saying Mick Jagger was an sjw

Mick does respect women though. He respects the hell out of them. :)

The Bed-In was slacktivism before the internet was invented. Lennon is the proto-SJW.

Except you don't find many advocates for thieves or murders, nor people who base entire political ideologies off of stealing and murdering.

Give it another shot.

>Bed-In was slacktivism
that was the point

Hitler was leftist.

>Except you don't find many advocates for thieves or murders
You don't find many advocates for racists outside of fellow racists. Sup Forums isn't real-life.

>nor people who base entire political ideologies off of stealing and murdering.
Literally Communism and many forms of Anarchy.

>Hitler was leftist.
No he wasn't.

>Literally Communism and many forms of Anarchy
What? Those ideologies are based on the opposition to theft and murder. Private property is theft

>not being hired because they're gay

It's just as bad as beating someone. Not being able to get a job means you'll be homeless.

He was a radical centrist.

He had attempted assassinations from members of his own party for abandoning left wing policies and going full on right wing

i'm an unironic nazi and i'm fully against cultural marxism and social justice. I refuse to apologise for being who I am, that's all. the left has been killing art and music. today's art is nothing but an endless slam poetry event where a pink haired lgbtsjw PoCWoC stands on the stage and screeches about white people and we're all supposed to congratulate ourselves for being oh so woke. fuck that. I see beyond the cult of victimhood that rules our society. I aspire to greatness, not eternal self flagellation.

he was generation x and generation x educated the y soooo

Racism is good

You're talking about liberals honey, the left hates them too

>anti-war activism
>bed-ins for peace
>Give Peace a Chance
>Power to the People
>Working Class Hero
>Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
>Woman Is the Nigger of the World

>wow he never wrote about killing niggers what le sjw

the 60s mentality seems downright quaint by 2010s standards. compare the sappy idealism of the hippies with the hopelessness, guilt and pessimism of the modern left. Even the weathermen and the baader meinhof gang knew how to channel their energies in a constructive fashion. sjws are calvinists. the similarities are eerie(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calvinism). we are all born wretched, sinners in the hands of an angry god, best we can hope for is for god to have mercy on us, for we are wretched and undeserving. It's not about social change, but about a personal relationship with your guilty bourgeoisie conscience. the oppressed are passive powerless objects at the mercy of bourgeoisie whites.

>anti-war activism
Woah that sounds horrible. Imagine not wanting war? What a fucking crybaby SJW you'd have to be

>bed-ins for peace
See the sentence above and replace 'not wanting war' with 'wanting peace'

>Give Peace a Chance
See above

>Power to the People
Imagine wanting the public to have opinions that matter

>Working Class Hero
He wasn't working class but what he's saying in this song holds weight and perfectly describes growing up in the working class british education system, nothing to do at all with being an SJW

>Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
See the first rebuttal

>Woman Is the Nigger of the World
This was during a time when women in the west were actually somewhat oppressed

New pasta

haha get a load of this faggot

Yeah I know how you feel. I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.


Every time I read the word 'SJW' my brain swaps it for 'decent empathetic human being'

There is absolutely nothing wrong with tumblr



The sappy idealism of the hippies has been gone ever since the 70s dude. In fact, a lot of literature and music in the 70s is about the death of the hippie. In the 70s it mostly just became about taking drugs and partying, rather than social change. The pessimism has existed since the 80s when the hippies became the yuppies, embracing exactly what they were fighting against. Any major counterculture movement has existed in that shadow ever since. I agree that our generation should be more active in its push for social change, but the failure of the hippy ideal is a big downer.

>not being racist
Okay then.

good one

Tumblr's literally just a blogging website. There's many different opinions on the site. You could be reading a transgender support blog, and then switch to a rape fantasy blog. It's basically exactly the same as Sup Forums and Reddit.


A lot of people in punk bands felt that way but he was the first one to take the virtue signaling to such an over-the-top extent, yes.