>Americans chant "move bitch get off the pitch"
Fucking hell
can we have a cringe american sports fans thread
>Americans chant "move bitch get off the pitch"
Fucking hell
can we have a cringe american sports fans thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>sings to the tune of knick knack paddy whack
>sings to the tune of when the saints
>sings to the tune of seven nation army
>lectures other countries about chants
Mohammed pls go
Go doop yourself you coop
>sings to the tune of Chelsea's dagger
I unironically like it 2bh
It's edgy and it rhymes.
And if they didn't steal it from you, it's actually original too.
it's not a bad chant. if they'd copied something from britain then people would moan that they were getting it wrong. it's definitely an american thing to do, it's how i imagine americans go about their lives, they stop every so once in a while to drop some truth 'faggot ass bitch' and then continue walking.
oi! I'm creasin' righ nao, mate! Their chants aren't propa! Bloody wankas!
Fan culture is cancer anyways
I would go and watch sports live more if people just sat in their seats and shut the fuck up more and behaved like grown ups
>Sloop John B
>When the saints
>x's right, your fans are shite
More original than 90% of chants in Europe
Also this
Nothing wrong with it really. American sports fans should chant shit like this.
This desu. Celebrating your team's goals is fine, but this other nonsense isn't.
Most "traditionalist" football fans only drink themselves stupid and sing along, trying to belong to something for once in their sad lives.
Who sings at a sporting event? Gay
Americans act different based on what region we are from. We aren't all like New Yorkers, who are generally loud.
Us midwesterners are hard working, friendly people. We apologize a lot where I'm from too.
>We apologize a lot where I'm from too.
You what? American fans sang a song that didn't go USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA? I'm proud of you, amerilards
They can't really win because if they emulate European football too much then it's never going to flourish.
Like this was handed out at an MLS match the other day, it seems just over the top.
Poor Nigel over here trying his hardest to imagine what freedom might be like.
You'd probably also want an empty seat in between everyone in the crowd in order to minimize the possibility of a social interaction occurring.
>North Korea tier brainwashing
Oh, America.
to be fair, that was handed out to media reporters who don't normally cover the sport
Kill yourselves faggots, stick to video games and anime instead
>Not having a goaltender
is that really so controversial? sure keeper is used a lot, but goalie isn't unheard of.
Holy shit American soccer fans need to be removed and sent to Canada or something
I was thinking the same thing. People here say goalie all the time. You go down to a local park and the term goalie is used more than keeper.
Not the worst to be fair.
Saw Atlanta United had 55k at their first game. Decent, even if the novelty wears off.
Overpriced stadium 2bh
Chants here are all nursery rhymes and cringe American tunes, funny that hearing people mock yanks when it's worse here
You autistic fuck.
A goal tender stops goals and if he's not busy makes refreshments for his defenders as a thank you.
i don't get why foreigners always post this, NY Post headlines are the original clickbait
Who's more cringe worthy american soccer fans or hull city fans?
who doesn't say goalie?
They will be at 10k a game by June