How often do you think about suicide?

how often do you think about suicide?

Every day bro

Too often, but as tempting as eternal abyss seams, life will get better

I will only once

Several times per day.

Every single day.

Every fucking day.

you just thought about it

is this a joke question? more often than not. Can't bring myself to do that to my parents yet tho.
>maybe someday

pretty much never. i kindof enjoy living.

I'm young, and I've seen so much shit happen around me and to me that the thought of suicide just didn't feel like a satisfying thought anymore.
I say didn't because I toughed things out... for the people that counted on me. I had little family that supported me through the shit I had to endure because we went through it together. That family was my brother.
He was the one who kept me on my feet everyday, because we were both struggling.
Suicide would satisfy the demons I still have yet to fight off, but it would mean I've lost... I've lost my life and lost my fight.
I stuck through all this shit and I met an amazing girl who held my head high and kept me awake and alive. I attempted suicide, but she fought with me... keeping me awake and making me fight my own death. We're still together to this day and I don't feel like I have to fight anymore... I feel as if I've won, and now nothing from my past or anything from the present or future can/will affect me.

user, things get better.. I promise you. Fight through whatever it is you're going through, and soon you will feel different... things change and you will win.

I don't know you but I hope you stick it out.

-Love user.

If you want some backstory to all my shit. Then just ask.

Like pretty much every hour I'm awake

fuck off faggot no one cares about you

Im down for a story

thanks dude. This is the kind of thought that keeps me from doing it. I remember how long life is, and how relatively quickly things seem to snap into place and fix. Every day I just feel drained nowadays but I've been through fucked up depressed states and know it'll be over.

I'm glad you got through the mud and see things positively. I'm down for the story as well

Yo, fuck you. I love you though,
Shit pretty much dates back to when I was 4 years old.
My family has always been living at the fine line of poverty, so there would always be arguments of finances and shit, which would be normal, but then shit started getting more serious,
My father started selling drugs from the home and bringing in more money, but my mother and the rest of the family didn't take too kindly of it. So, they tossed all the drugs and my father was an alcoholic abusive father, so he would always beat my mom and sometimes make me watch as he punched her and smacked me when I would cry from seeing these kinds of fights.
I ended up walking in on my mother overdosing on pills when I was 5, and I didn't really know what was going on except that my mom was hurt so I screamed and family took her to the hospital to be treated. My father was taken to jail on robbery and assault charges and I was left in the care of my mother after she was cleared for no threats to herself or others.

Sorry, I don't want to make it too much tl:dr'ish so I am trying to summarize as much of it as I can while making it make sense.
should i cont??

That's a bit too often, you should consider controlled moderate substance abuse. Helps for a while.


Are you guys serious?
If you ask me to think about suicide or dying in general, all I'll want to do is be immortal..

Wanting to commit suicide is a disease of the mind

You're about 20 at most and haven't been here long enough.


A lot.
Just want private occupancy of my mind back.
Kinda bummed when I thought I was the only one who existed, just to figure out that nobody ever thought about me.

"I approve this message"
hes right, not only are you young, you dont have the chemical imbalance to urge suicide

10 years and ongoing of that shit fuckin takes its toll

When I was 6 me and my mom moved to California and stayed with other family.
Things were good for the year we were there and now that I look back, I saw it as a sign of hope that everything would turn out Ok for once. I was wrong.
My mom tried dating a few times while we were there and for some reason she was like a magnet for abusive men who would take advantage of her and beat her when she wouldn't do everything they asked of her. I would always wake up to my mom screaming for help and would always see my aunt and uncle trying to fight some guy off my mom and then seeing my mom with a bloody face and black eyes. Things financially weren't working out in California, who would've fucking guessed. So we moved back to our previous state... I was then left with my dad because my mom had no home or anything so she was deemed unfit to care for a child. Yeah, didn't expect that did you? My dad got out on bail and they threw out the cases on him... fucking fuck.
Everyday being with my dad, he would abuse my stepmom right in front of us and it was like seeing him abuse my mom all over again. He would make me and my brother watch like it was a game. He would throw beer bottles at her, lock her in rooms, body slam her, and just flat out jab her in the fucking face a lot. Me and my brother were young... helpless and we couldn't do anything. We watched everyday as my dad would get drunk, beat us, then beat his wife and we had to pretend it was all fun and shit or else we would get slapped or fucking our food taken away... we saw suicide attempts from our step mother, my dad always told her he would fucking kill her, then kill himself if she tried to leave. She was scared... we were scared. Nothing we could do but endure this visual torture.


We found a way to escape all that for a while though.
My brothers rich friend gave us a N64 and a PS2 with a few games like Jak and Daxter, and F-ZERO... We would spend our days with the games we got for the next few months... Then came moving day... we moved to a new apartment and after everything was setup, our dad sold the game consoles and the games for drugs... Meth more like it. We would always find him tweaked out or drunk all the god damn time after we moved. It was a new thing, he's never been tweaked out before. Things just got worse from here. Our dad sold some of our clothes and foodstamps for drug money so he could get his fix. Well, one day he got drunk and beat his wife and she actually ran and called the cops. This son of a bitch of a father fought the cops right in front of us and was bailed out the next day by his wife... instead of letting him rot, she bailed him out. Yet, he was still deemed a fit father.
One day, there was a fight that changed everything. My stepmom threw a glass plate at my dads face and it shattered and fucked up his nose and right eye and left him with cuts, and they were both arrested because I mean... my dad fought back and beat her so bad. They were bailed out by my fathers family and they came home and fought some more, and when me and my brother tried to just leave and my dad grabbed me and fucking threw me probably about 15 feet away from the door. My brother ran, called the cops and they took us away and finally let us stay with our Mother.

Jesus user. I'm sorry you and your family had to deal with it. You guys ok now?

I feel you so much it hurts,
I went thru about half of the things you said, and thought I had it the worst...
We moved on, here, and now it's all as if a bad dream... Hope you can find peace


Got something on your mind? You can talk about it if you're comfortable with it.

Now, things were relatively slow living with our mom. We were in a bad neighborhood so my brother got involved in a gang at age 13 and was jumped in at 13 as well. This is where shit got life threatening. I was 8 and in 3rd grade and there would always be people waiting for my brother and his friends so they could beat the shit out of them. They would sometime throw rocks through our windows and shit or rob us. Now, my brother thought it to be a good idea to rob them back. Well he did it... he came back with a good amount of stuff. Money, weed, and shoes???
People and their god damn shoes.
Anyways, I'm tired. Maybe I will continue this tomorrow if anyone even fucking cares,

At least you are in the right place now.

if you love me so much suck my dick. blow me faggot.

Just do what you can, and don't give up. You've been through a lot but all of you are still here.

I will, daddy.
For sure. Things have drastically changed.
Now, look... I did say I was young... How young? Guys... I'm 19. Barely old enough for this site lol. I've seen a lot of shit. Ranging from abusive dad to gang violence to murder and death. I guess murder and death would fall into the same category, but it's different in my story.

Depends on what answer you're looking for. I think about suicide as a romantic notion (i.e. if I killed my self that'd sure show them!) usually like 6-7 times a day. I know it's asinine and infantile but come one everyone is guilty of doing that shit when they're depressed. I think about genuinely ending it because life is just long periods of extreme suffering interrupted by short commercial breaks of a fake happiness that people like me aren't afforded the luxury of living for real like, 12-15 times a dayish? I really want to die, I actually prayed that a truck would hit me before I went to bed a few nights ago. I'm still here now so I don't really bother praying anymore.

>breaks of a fake happiness
It's real, just your perception is so fucked by now it feels alien. Brace yourself, it's getting only worse from there if you let yourself go down.

Daily, I have 3 kids and a wife I'm 33 and I don't have a job since one if my kids is sick most of the time. I'm an alcoholic, my son is an asshole yet I drive to exist for my daughter's. I've thoughts about veering off a highway or just disappearing into the woods. Yet I don't
Because I'm not selfish

Maybe twice a week. Sometimes I hear "you're worthless and nobody loves you".

Not sure when it started. I wish it would go away.

Used to be every day, now I keep myself distracted af so I don't think about it as often.

I'd rather just be done

That's not true. Love yourself a little more
Just do what you can man. Mix it up a little, try to enjoy life a bit.
I get that. But none of this really matters. Might as well enjoy the time you have man.

Every couple hours. Most of the time it's for catharsis. "Man, instead of having to sit in this traffic, I should just decapitate myself under the wheel of a semi; fuck these dishes, I'm slitting my wrists; etc." Sometimes it's pretty real.

I try but having kids and a life is much more stressful than you know.

I'm thinking about your suicide a lot right now.

life is boring and absurd. even seing comments about suicide is fucking boring.

there's a point when you just see everyone around u like nothing more but stupids. Nothing impress you, nothing fills you.

my death is closer.

>Seeing comments about suicide is boring.
Is tru.

Nothing works both ways. Why waste time when you won't get anymore? Everything's boring and worthless when you look at it a certain way. Do something fun. Enjoy yourself.

Pretty frequently. At least once a week.

everyday, but i also have recurring thoughts of murder everyday

only funny at this moments is being cynic and disrespectful with others, making them feel bad about their lifes, making them share my misery. hummiliating others makes me laugh so hard.

So there is still no point

few times a week for sure, dealing with crippling anxiety that sometimes stops me in ny tracks. Memories, regrets, guilt make me contemplate a final solution. Im giving shit one or two more proper tries. Still got some people around me(friends) and hapily married, but sometimes i still feel like that isn't the cure im looking for. So im locked in this battle between feeling hope and feeling worthless, stupid, weak etc....

If thats how you want to look at it. You still deserve better though. Who wants to live shitty and then just die without doing anything worthwhile?

At the very least it's at least a passing thought every night as I lie down in bed.

I haven't thought about it seriously in years. I just don't care enough anymore to even want to end it.

I think about you dying every day

I'm thinking about it right now, actually. Think about it on the way to class, think about it on the way home from class. During class, too. GF just broke up with me and I hate being alone more than I hate her. I did so much for her. Supported her through a year of unemployment while saving for college. Got her a job after that year, then another when that didn't work out. Moved to uni, just 5 hours away. She was supposed to come up and see me this weekend, today as a matter of fact. She said she wouldn't leave me. Said she couldn't bear being without me in her life.

Why do women always lie? I bet she's already fucking someone else. I bet she never loved me. I just want it to be over with. I'm so fucking tired.

I have something similar. Fuck them user, I personally gave up on them and I am just gonna focus on myself for now. They will always lie or cheat so fuck em I say.

At least daily. On average, I'd say once every 3 hours?

Fucking young fags! I 5 years you'll have banged at least another 3 chicks and wont even care about her anymore. Move on, get on Tinder and get a fuck.

no one cares fuck you nigger

Doubt that. I've got some pretty sever anxiety and being around people is really difficult for me. Just wish I could get someone who was a little more loyal than willing to throw away "the best relationship she's ever had" because of a short drive.

I'm also not for the whole sleeping around thing. I'm interested in someone who can be a friend, but do the gay relationship stuff with me.

I would say on a daily base. But extremely serious thougts about it are rare. Had a breakdown yesterday.

maybe once a month

i'm 22, never held a job longer than 3ish months. not particularly suicidal, never would commit suicide.

But I think about it hourly, because there isnt much else to do. I just sit in my room all day and play league of legends / steam games.

Been considering joining the military, but I'm pretty out of shape and have been smoking cigarettes for 6 years.

I lay in bed for 2-3 hours after waking up, and only brush my teeth once a day, if that. idk why I have no motivation but it really feels bad

Every now and then. Still thinking of a way to kill myself without losing my dignity.
