>Thanks for buying me dinner, user.
Thanks for buying me dinner, user
Other urls found in this thread:
>Was I speeding Officer user...? I've been a bad boy, you know what you're gonna have to do to me...
What a bad boy!
>It's bedtime now user! Come and join us!
im not paying for anything youre the rich one i thought you were inviting me wtf
has anybody here seen my mom?
He has the best sheets.
He seems like the type of person who would make a clone just to fuck himself.
are you fucking serious
Dr Pavel, I'm CIA.
Dr. Fuentes, I'm CR7.
Ronaldo is weirdo
i met her at work
what did he mean by this
my guess is he's shilling some shitty workout equipment, like that ridiculous mouth exerciser.
>boys make fun OFF me
disgusting paedo
im calling the social services
>a (maybe more) picture of himself of his bedside table
is this real life
That looks disgusting
Enough is enough, someone get this child out of there NOW.
you know damn well all three are of him
Imagine a day in the life of Ronaldo. You wake up in a premium top tier comfy bed. You walk into a shower room which costs hundreds of thousands. You wash with ridiculously expensive soaps. You put some cologne on that costs more than you make in 6 months. You slip into your own brand of socks and underwear. You eat the finest most healthiest food for breakfast. You take a ride in the most expensive car. Literally everything you do is literally the best of the best.
And the best part lads? He deserves every fucking bit of it ;_;
>Those fucking pictures of himself on his table
For a second I thought those were shooped but with Ronaldo you can't be sure
We need to save that child from this pedo
>still no gf
don't forget
>getting fucked in the ass by badr hari
who's taking the picture Sup Forums?
Do muslims love him so much cause he's a pedo like your prophet?
You're welcome CR7!
>mfw I poisoned it
he has a big brother type set up so he can mire himself
Probably has it on a camera tripod with a timer
Reminder that Alex Rodriguez commissioned artists to paint him as mythical Gods and beasts such as a centaur
He also lives alone with his two little daughters.
Are they dare I say it.
Truly the GOAT
cocksucking 99
Tell me about Messi why does he take growth enhancers
really made me think
Looks like bondage equipment.
A-God best God
>he literally purchased a pack of ratty ass Spanish orphans to play with his kid
you welcome bro
where does this meme even come from bro? i live in the caliphate and literally all muslims i know are messi dicksuckers.
all the Turks i know are on the TSUUwaggon
even before Özil
Hand looks shopped
But if it isn't I think it's time to get that kid away from him
then i either live in an exceptional part of our land or you are all lying. until i met spuh, i always though picking ronaldo and real was the edgy choice since fucking everyone here bandwagons barca/messi.
Probably lying. Messi fanboys are mentally ill
could be an age thing
Wh-what did he mean?
It is shopped. Here is the original from Ronnie's instagram.
someone call the cops
Where I live, which is really racially diverse, all the Barca/Messi bandwaggoners are spics, and all the RM/cr7 bandwaggoners are arabs/chinks.
he's such a fucking weirdo
very michael jackson-esque
why do you never see him with women?
only with that sandnigger boxer and children
Once in a while some pics of him with women show up, but on the other hand he painted his toenails so you can never be sure
>looks disgusted at the woman
>rainbow flag on his shorts
you can't make this shit up
>that look on his face
>rainbow on his shorts
>getting bullied by you son's friends
Ayyyy lmao
there are some nice candid pics od this girl, 11/10 ass. ronaldo is obviously an ass man, even if he prefers men.
TSUUUnaldo is definitely an ass man
>Maybe it's your son
>it actually is
Very clever Ronaldo Jr.
he is a small guy
Yeah he takes it up the ass
Plot twist: person in the pic has a dick
He only needs to be white like MJ now
It's nonsense how he can get away with shit like that. An average dude would be fucked if he was caught in such a moment.
Ronaldo also was fucked shortly after that photo was taken.
lol imagine if Ronaldo 'accidentally' killed his son? That would be a real hoot!
there is nothing wrong with being gay you know
*blocks your path*
Imagine having Ronaldo as your standard of what a man should be
His son is fucked.