Who's up and who's on what? It's Friday and I know some of you guys are fucked up

Who's up and who's on what? It's Friday and I know some of you guys are fucked up.


Coffee. I had a soda earlier.

This is how mormons party

Some hard and some boy

Pot and some vodka

what the fuck does that even mean?

Speak English goddamnit!

he means crack and heroin

hard is crack, i dont know what boy is

Took 2 and snorted a quarter of adderral and finished about a little less than half a G of coke

ahhhh. that probably feels pretty amazing

Drinking and doing coke

I'm not a Mormon though. I just can't do fun stuff because I never get time off. I'm seriously considering moving to Colorado so I can smoke the weed.

How's the coke? I finally got some good stuff after awhile. Last batch I got was awful, burned my nose real bad.

So much beer. Fucking 96oz in 2 hours. Plus an 8th of shrrooms. I'm gone. Yes. Beer and shrooms. I am a degenerate.

vodka,lemonade,klonopin,bad threads,etc

clonazepam, xanax and codeine for now.
getting opium, temazepam, 10mg valium and K soon though

adding beer and ambien now :^))))

nvm vodka

Jesus man are you alive

I'm on uphoria

Insomnia for life

cocaine, got some kpins here for the comedown

fucking crazy good shit too.

How much do you pay for a q

down goes the third ambien p

hah i wouldnt know, never bought more than a ball.. officer

im on ab a g and a half of coke and my coke dick is preventing me from getting pussy

Clearly you're retarded as fuck,!bitch.

im on suboxone and a half fifth of whiskey and weed and cigs and death

Saturday morning here, just woke up, smoked two joints and going to go out in an hour looking for mushies yummy yummy


g o t t h e w o r k s!
