Is flying safe anymore...

Is flying safe anymore? I have an offer for a job that will require frequent flying to Europe and SA and after the Egypt plane 'disappearing' I'm thinking of telling this company to fuck off while I stay right in the suburbs where it's safe.

is going to a movie theater safe anymore? come on dude these are isolated incidents youre retarded there is a very low chance of anything happening


Terrorism is Europe is only going to get worse. Eurofags have no idea how to handle sandniggers and seem to be content with watching their people get murdered.

This concludes it. I'm #HillaryArtillery now

It would be much safer if everyone on every plane had a gun.

It boggles mind, eurocucks got seriously fucked in the head, whatever indoctrination it was, was very effective.

Terrorists have won

if you kill your enemies they win

so planes are safe

denazification, marshall-plan basically the same thing you did in Iraq, difference is here it worked for the short term, it never worked in Iraq