Secret jewish thread

Will tell jewish secret for attention whoring sake. Ever wondered why we cut foreskin?

Other urls found in this thread:

The covenant?

Post tefillin and timestamp.

to make skin products from them and earn shekels

Maybe you also want my pasport pic?

Well you are close. The right question is. Where does it go. You see the foreskin has very special properties.

Post talmud

Post constitution.

Are you as Jew as me?

oh fug me y u do dis kek.

its special properties are the potential suffering stored in them, you rub them on yourselves becuase kikes feed off negative energy. this is why kikes practice human sacrifices en masse

Nah, I don't give a fuck about your passport. Tefillin tends to be the best thing to ask for if a Jew actually knows anything about Judaism.

>Here is my kippah I wore one time at Uncle Rothstein's wedding! Checkmate, Sup Forums.
>Here is my Israeli passport! See, it's a got a menorah on it and everything
>Here is my dick! Only Jews have circumcised penises!

Tefillin and timestamp or gtfo.

We Jews are actually all blind

We can only detect you by smelling your shekels

I'm just going to leave this here.

Is gentile foreskin as valuable as G-d's chosen men's foreskin for whatever purposes your secret entails?

>If you leave your wallet, it can't see you
Nice try schlomo

Are there any benefits to getting your foreskin cut off?

I alway assumed you guys ate them, cause your gross people.

We're not allowed to eat unclean animals

Because Judaism is based around a penis worshipping mushroom cult.

Why did the pharaohs have elongated skulls?

Mr.Schlomoberg tell me, do you guys get American TV shows in your country? Like Game of Thrones etc?

R u demiurge? Plz stop

You cut them because jewish women prefer stuff thats 10% off

Please tell me, how do we save the white race?

Show is yours OP ;^)

Superior intelligence and early fallen angels represented ayyy lmao's sooo instead of standing out they looked human enough and just wore tons of gold to masquerade their true forms.

>Also mind manipulation and telekinesis.

Here's a jewish secret you guys probably didn't know. If you go into a Jewish owned business at the beginning of the day when they first open up. If you're the first customer through the door, they have to sell something to you. You could literally walk into one of these places and get the highest priced item in there, and haggle it down to an affordable price, the jew will argue with you head to toe but he will sell it to you no matter what, as long as you are the first customer of the day.

Fallen angels, what? Who were they?



dude is super aesthetic tho

Because circumcision is the mark of the Jew on a good goy


This jew has made good on 0 promises. Typical.

wasn't it to symbolize what God told Abraham to circumcise jacob


a couple of very minor health benefits at the cost of an extreme loss of sensation.

don't you guys wear the foreskin like rings n shit