Go for a nice walk this sunny afternoon

>Go for a nice walk this sunny afternoon
>Pass a vapour lounge I have never seen before, with a sandwich board sign that said "Cannabis Infused Teas and Coffees"
>Go inside, ask about it, buy some coffee with kief and leave

Didn't get ID'd, don't have a prescription. Why do Americans think the DUDE WEED meme is funny?

Marijuana turns people into losers. The only people that take it are people who can't deal with reality. It also leads people to use cocaine and heroin. It ruins the life of kids. If you start taking Marijuana, it is likely you will end up dead of a heroin overdose.

>Marijuana turns people into losers. The only people that take it are people who can't deal with reality.
muh degeneracy argument

>It also leads people to use cocaine and heroin.
muh slippery slope

>It ruins the life of kids.
muh appeal to emotion

>If you start taking Marijuana, it is likely you will end up dead of a heroin overdose.
muh second appeal to emotion

>deaths by marijuana ever in recorded history: 0
>billions of dollars wasted fighting a plant
>only reason why people believe it should be illegal is because of traditionalism

1.3/10 made me reply


>falling back on a meme for a rebuttal

literally debate me on this. I don't even smoke.

So Bill Gates is a loser who can't deal with reality, do tell me more about how nice things were under Reagan?

>it is likely you will end up dead of a heroin overdose.
> it is likely


Marijuana should be illegal and drug sellers should be hanged!
Marijuana is not just a gateway drug, it's a gateway to degeneracy.
Teenagers who do marijuana are very likely to one day take part in raves and take MDMA, Raves are very dangerous because MDMA makes people feel good (especially during intercourse) and people will take part in degenerate activities such as pre marital sex and homo sex (most gay men take MDMA constantly, this is why it's called the party drug homos always party)
Marijuana is extremely dangerous, one of the most dangerous drugs in existence, it won't kill you but it's a gateway to some of the most degenerate lifestyles in existence.
One day your lips will be wrapped around a joint, the next it will be wrapped around another mans lips and who knows what other horrific activities you'll take part in.

^ good satire m8 ^

Cant wait to open my maple syrup pancake house smoke shop.

So approximately 20 million people will likely die of heroin overdoses this year

I don't think people should be using drugs.

Please point out to me the evidence that shows that cannabis use causes homosexuality and increased sexual promiscuity, then explain why these things are wrong. Hard mode: do it without saying degenerate

I'm serious

Good for you

It doesn't, it's a gateway to degeneracy. One minute you're smoking a joint the next you're at a rave popping MDMA at the back closet with a guy in a pink crop top with glow stick bracelets on his knees in front of you

Come on, you can't deny that cannabis leads people to a more liberal state of mind.
It makes you lose your conservative values.

Neither do I.
I also don't think people should smoke cigarettes. But if people want to, they should be allowed to safely and their money should go towards private industries, not underground markets.
And if they get addicted, they should be able to get treatment and be productive members of society again.

Show me any evidence that this is a common occurrence, also you forgot to explain how homosexuality is bad

you're a fucking moron I hope you know that.
what the hell is slippery slope

He's right you know

>But if people want to, they should be allowed to safely and their money should go towards private industries, not underground markets.
Right, but I think that legalization would increase the amount of people smoking cannabis.

>also you forgot to explain how homosexuality is bad
Now you're just trolling, aren't you?

And this is a bad thing why? Neo-conservatism hasn't seemed to have accomplished many positive things my friend

...go on..

>I think that legalization would increase the amount of people smoking cannabis.
no, it wouldn't. Just like alcohol legalization didn't increase number of drinkers. it's all the same prohibition

Not an argument

I'm not talking about neoconservativism. I'm talking about more traditional conservativism.
Nationalism, racial pride, religion, nuclear family, etc.

not a argument

Explain to me how those things are good in comparison to classical liberalism

I'm not making an argument, I'm asking you to back up your claim

says the no-gf internet addict

Hello, Sargon.

Homosexuality is bad because it spreads aids
Thank you, once again I'm convinced Canadians are the only posters here against degeneracy
What else is there to say? I'll admit a minority of marijuana smokers don't go onto other stuff but most get bored, they need some new excitement going to a rainbow party with 16 gay men on MDMA is the kind of excitement they seek.

where can I actually watch empire of dust? the trailer is hilarious

It's on YouTube

What, you didn't know they were ancestral jews? After all, their religious history comes from Babylon.

Hello, Carl Benjamin

Holy shit your the type of kid who actually took those elementary drug classes seriously

I've been smoking weed for about 10 years and I still vote conservative. God I wish Brazil got a nationwide IP ban

He's right though

>calls himself a conservative
>needs mind altering substances
Why can't you be sober and enjoy Gods creations?

This is like saying you're both a christian and gay.
Can't happen.

>a naturally occurring plant
Where's that second wall?

only way a society can thrive

look at the american black community iwth their 70% illegitimacy. total degeneracy and zero productivity

Why should people get help if they get addicted? You said it yourself, they voluntarily did the drug(s), they reap the consequences. We shouldn't have to pay for their poor life choices.

>sin doesn't happen if your christian
So Jesus died for nothing :(

But you can't keep sinning.

Because marijuana is good for the environment, it's been proven that having marijuana plants near airports actually helped keep the air cleaner. It has it's uses but human consumption isn't one of those uses it's damaging to your brain

Yeah you gotta die at some point

That's not the point. The point is that you can't sin, ask for forgiveness, and then do the same sin.
You gotta try to change. If you can't stop being a homosexual, at least stop having sex with men.

Even with all the angles for a degenerate to try and counter this reply it's still mostly truth coming from my own experiences with people who do drugs.

Yeah plenty of shit we consume daily is fucking up your body. Despite what you're fourth grade health teacher told you you can smoke a bowl here and there and still funtion.

But your still a homosex. This has gotten way of topic lol


Yes, but you are not acting on it.
At least try to change.

No matter what you say weed doesn't take a mind that's pro-gun, anti-big gov, closed borders and flip it around.

>buttmad stoners won't realise this is a joke

I bet God isn't thrilled about you smoking weed and supporting the cartels.

We didn't have health class in grade 4, health class wasn't until grade 7. And no even one joint is bad for you it's smoking going into your lungs that's never good

fuck what you think

I walked down a street and saw 8 weed shops, there is a new one opening every 4 days here on average right now, it's crazy

It's like cigs & booze, just legalize it and move the fuck on, let people grow it and focus on real crime for a change

>implying my weed isn't local grown and fresh af
Bitch gtfo

Kek where the fuck was this? That shit ain't legal just yet m8

Dude I live on the out skirts of a well populated city. I could smoke a pack a day in a clean air environment and my lungs would still be in better shape

Hey man heroin cures cancer, Bill nye said so. Fucking fascist

I live in [spoiler]Toronto[/spoiler] and 4 weed shops have opened up within 2 blocks of my apt in the past month or two. Two of them are right next to each other. I'm not sure how legal any of them are, though.

Then smoke 10 packs a day if it's okay for your lungs

The clinic right across from me has a huge sign that says "MEDICAL MARIJUANA HERE"


It may as well be, it's essentiall de facto legal here right now, there are so many weed shops openly operating now it's astounding. Several of which require no license to purchase anything, and those that do, will sell you the license on the spot after a quick 'skype consultation' with a dr. who is in on the scheme

Yea this place is about to be a massive hotbox city

yes of course, """""medical""""

Fuck that's crazy. But I guess Toronto and all. Nothing left to do but DUDE

Dude, you're incredibly ignorant. I was one of the best in class in 4th grade DARE. I believed all the propaganda and excelled in the program. Then I tried weed many years later, my eyes were opened, and I was pissed for being lied to.
Your animosity towards people who smoke weed is you covering up your own insecurity about not really being sure about the facts. You can't handle the possibility in your mind manifesting, that the authority figures you place so much trust upon to do what's right, are deceiving you. The plant is not the issue. The society is the issue. What is promoted and accepted. What is "cool." Pop culture. Tell-lie-vision. Just about every person that falls into step with society norms, models themselves off of what they consider to be their pop culture archetype. Straight edge people are no exception. Really, no one is, unless they fully reject being pigeon-holed into an archetype in the first place. Weed, once people stop vegging in front of mindless entertainment, actually helps people break away from the crowd mentality. The problem with young stoners, is they mostly live and breath pop culture bullshit, and embrace being everything that you hate. HURRR teenagers and young adults are rebellious. Who would have thought!?

Kek sure.
Marijuana changed me to the better. I actually got motivation to better myself, study more and train.

I hate living in city, going downtown it's literally like I walked into Tumblr


The RCMP hat doesn't have a feather

It should be the rcmp turban

I live in Toronto too. Got 2 cards to 2 different dispensaries, and the one I went today just sells product to anyone that comes in.

He wants to serve and protect he's at least doing something

DMT should be legalised. Not useless shit like weed and booze. Perhaps if everyone smoked DMT, the world would be a better place.

It turns people to using other psychedelics like acid and shrooms not heroin and coke you fucking donut


Toronto. I'm obviously not going to say which store because I was surprised they just let anyone come in and buy product but the two I have memberships with I needed to do a 45 second """"""consultation"""""" with a """"""doctor"""""" on skype. I'm not even kidding, all I did was sit down, and answer these 4 questions:

>Have you used Cannabis before?
>Do you self medicate with Cannabis?
>Why do you need medical cannabis?
>What kind of stress, work stress?
>....ok user welcome to _______

It's pretty easy. At the Marijuana March in Queens park the middle of the park resembled a market place with people yelling over eachother selling cookies and lolipops trying to beat eachothers prices. I haven't gone in 3 years. The first time I went there was tents all around selling t-shirts and bongs and pipes, but this year, every single tent sold weed products, there was even a couple of "dab bars" where you pay them 5 bucks for a nice chunk of 'shatter" or whatever it's called. It's fucking insane over here.

>>Go inside, ask about it, buy some coffee with kief and leave

Probably didn't tip, either.

Sup Forums turns people into losers. The only people that take it are people who can't deal with reality. It also leads people to use loli and video games. It ruins the life of kids. If you start using Sup Forums, it is likely you will end up dead of suicide after you've realize you've wasted your life.

So does the internet and anonymity and Sup Forums, yet you don't see people on Sup Forums criticizing something which has probably been the biggest cause of liberal degeneracy in the past decade.