Honestly the melting pot of America if not the world, cops actually enforce the law instead of stroking their ego. The majority of elderly are the only downside.
Why are you not in Florida?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off we're full
Was supposed to go to Disney world but I wanted to go before it got hot. Florida weather is terrible, its muggy as fuck and there's always a scary ass purple thunderstorm.
good don't come back.
>1. A telecommunications mast in Tranemo had part of a fiber-optic cable cut, which led to major problems for the rescue service. The case is being investigated as sabotage.
>2. Sunday the 332 meter high Häglared mast outside Borås collapsed. The case is being investigated as sabotage.
>3. Last night the SOS alarm system was put out of action, so no one who called the emergency number could be heard. The case is investigated as sabotage
>4. Today, an aviation plant was hit by radar breakdowns, which meant that all 113 aircrafts near Stockholm and Gothenburg were forced on the ground. The case is being investigated as sabotage.
Dude, in Miami Dade, the cops actually shoot niggers for fun.It is great. The only problem are the cubans
As opposed to?
Cubans over Mexicans/Niggers any day of the week.
Lived there for 2 years. Hated it.
I moved here from Chicago a couple days ago. It's ten thousand times better than that shithole. It's still like 50s in the middle of May and there's days that have a 45 or 50 degree temperature drop during the night. Couple months ago it was 80 during the day, 43 at night. Winters are literally 5 months long over there.
Chicago Snow is not comfy either, it's shitty, cold and everywhere, and the plows never clear it on time usually requiring 2 days. Suicide if you try driving a RWD car on the I-55
Oh word I figured it would be in the steady 90s by now.
Just moved here. Drug addicts ruined the pharmacies for normal people. It's enough to make me want to leave. Can't get fucking anything filled anywhere.
>The majority of elderly are the only downside.
Also tons of spics, the worst drivers in the country, and by FAR the fucking weirdest crimes and niggers in the entire country. Oh also fuck that humidity.
I'm not a Florida native, but I live here now (for the second time in my life). Currently live in New Smyrna Beach.
It seems like a lot of the (younger) natives hate the state. Florida is really awesome unless you're poor, so I just assume that's why most people hate it. But even at that there's so much free, cool shit to do.
You could compile a list of any demographic of people.
>the worst drivers in the country
I think that really only applies to the Miami-Dade area. Otherwise it's just slow, old people that are pretty easy to get around. I never want to drive in Nevada, California, or New York again.
Where the fuck did you move? Did you decide to live in the hood then surprised there are drug addicts there?
Literally none of that is true.
>mfw all these people moving to Miami and surprised there are spics
You had it coming.
After driving military vehicles in the streets of South Korea, I have no more complaints about Florida traffic.
>Literally none of that is true.
>he doesn't know about Florida Man
We get it, faggot, you really fucking love the state shaped like a dick. Also there are drug addicts everywhere not just the hood.
I am a Florida native and I grew up hating it all the way up until I left for college out of state. Realized I made a horrible mistake, moved back 2 years into college, said fuck the degree, got a PI license now I'm ruining marriages and getting people arrested for insurance fraud. Feelsgoodman.
>Also there are drug addicts everywhere
No, there aren't. Unless you count weed. A lot of people smoke weed, but that's true in many places.
You're doing God's work.
>he thinks weed is the problem
Lemme just blow you the fuck out real quick.
I live in Florida and its nothing but crusty old overly entitled snow birds that only come down for a season and can't drive and un/underemployed pill heads. This place is a fucking cesspool.
>he doesn't know about Florida Man
"Florida Man" exists everywhere. The Government and the Sunshine Act makes everything public so there's a lot of visibility to the media (and you).
I think a lot natives need to move out of or leave the state to get a deeper appreciation of how awesome it is here.
This is true but I would t give it up for any other state
>pseudo-southern shithole full of the worst aspects of southern culture supplemented by the worst parts of yankee culture from all the snowbird retirees
>Hot, humid, shit weather, supplemented by the worst hurricanes and storms
>Either dirt poor or retardedly expensive tourist traps
>White trash, spics, niggers galore
This is probably the Cuban faggot who claims his lineage is "white"
yeah, but they are cancer still
The most epic thing I've done in my life is have a milf pay me to get her evidence of her husband cheating on her, then after she found out she was sad and vulnerable so I took her out to dinner and fucked her that night. Cashed the check the next morning. I can't believe I almost fell for the college meme.
This and more, fuck florida pacific nw all the way
You chose right senpai, I can tell you this place sucks more dicks that op on coke.....which is probably right now
Painkillers, big here in fl
Miami here. For the driving situation alone, fuck this place. Fucking faggots never use their signals and semi-trucks will drive slow as fuck in the left lanes. Half the people probably can't even read the fucking road signs. Only good thing about it is the cops are too busy tending to the dumb fucks that crash every god damn day that they don't have time to sit in speed traps like dirty fucking Jews.
Florida is awesome. Entire state is a big amusement park. Going to Panama City later to just dick around and go camping. I carry a big ass knife and do as I please.
I live in North Palm Beach and jesus fuck is this area boring. There's basically nothing to do unless I drive for an hour somewhere.