The amount the USA spends on its military could fund free universal healthcare for every single American.
If you are sick of playing world police, why not scale back the military?
The amount the USA spends on its military could fund free universal healthcare for every single American.
If you are sick of playing world police, why not scale back the military?
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military is not for their people.
it's for their rich overlords to protect their interest.
Because fuck you.
The US military spends $16 million every year circumcising military personnel.
No it couldn't, however the amount America spends on niggerbux could fund the reinstatement of Australia as a prison island for degenerates.
Because we are on the brink of ww3 you idiot
We should reduce our military spending to zero like you're suggesting for the americans. It might be fun for a while until Indonesia decides to teach us how to really run a country.
You think prison island is an insult? or that we get embarrassed if you bring it up?
Amazing to think that a significant number of Australians still think we need an insurance policy against invasion by Indonesia. Poor old Indonesia. They can barely govern themselves these days, let alone invade us. The Alliance is the last manifestation of the White Australia mentality. Sacrificing Australian pride and independence— and our national interests, properly defined— for the safety blanket of great and powerful friends. It’s just another form of neocolonialism: a timid, insular nation at the bottom of the world, too frightened to embrace an independent foreign policy. And its politicians, more comfortable swanning around Washington with their Anglo masters than doing business in Asia.
No, I'm just saying it would be a good idea to do that and that we can afford it. Since you live there we save money having to transport you there.
That's great give everyone free healthcare that doesn't mean shit when another country invades and makes everyone a slave. Now if they scaled back the defense budget but gave upstanding civilians things like anti tank missiles, then I'd be interested
US as a whole spends more on circumcising newborns every year than we do on our entire military budget
Think about that.
t. Abu Bakar Bashir
I'm not a Muslim, m80.
We are living in safest period in human history. Armed conflict is down massively, just a couple brushfires in the periphery.
The only reason it's as safe and as stable as it is right now is because of Pax Americana. We're the ones keeping everyone from ripping each other apart. Our carrier battle groups are the binding agent that brings everyone to the table.
It is down to the Jews using the USA (like the dumb pigs they are) to keep everything stable so they can build their business interests
We are a trade empire, trade empires require strong militaries to maintain their position. See Britain in the 1800s and the Portugese, Spanish and even to a degree the Dutch before that. A strong military (esp Navy) is vital to maintaining a countries interests.
>he thinks China isn't already buying up his whole continent legally
>the thinks the Han don't need Lebensraum
I agree. It's why I can't vote Killary.
> among other reasons.
>be uncircumcised
>join military
>get sent off to war
>on the frontlines
>havent taken a shower in months
>dick cheese every where
>my dick falls off due to infection
because if the US scaled back their military they'd get invaded by China overnight and then no one would have health care
>Tfw been really sick for the better part of 2 weeks.
>Tfw sickness has been getting worse but can't go to the doctors because my normie insurance won't cover jack shit.
>Tfw plagued with insomia, anxiety and a fast heart rate on top of everything else.
>Tfw contemplating going to the ER but can't really afford that either.
Am I going to die guys?
Just go to the er you dumb nigger
Navy never circumcised me during penis inspection day though
Could potentially happen on a state level but not on a federal level. Reminder USA has the third highest population. Countries trying to tout and wave around their universal healthcare programs fail to take into account their countries populations are a mere fraction of the amount of the USA. In your case Australia has 7% of the US population.
The army already is some kind of welfare, since it's one of the major employers in the US.
Hans, I know Weimar kinda fucked up your whole perception on how an economy works but come on
usa spends 4.5 (2011) to 3.5(2014)% of GDP to defense burget while it constantly dropping from year to year
considering any other country in the world, this is very reasonable spending to defense
so what are you actually asking here? to drop it to 1% or less?
Contrary to popular belief, military spending isn't just a black hole you throw money into.
Plenty of profiteering, yes, but it's still an important contributor to the economy.
A lot of people see it that way. Ever wondered why there are so many army jobs in nigger states? To keep them busy of course.
I'm familiar with a hidden welfare state; I've studied Hitler. The military isn't hidden welfare because they're doing a clear and necessary job. Someone building a road that's completely unnecessary is hidden welfare. A police officer or soldier is not.
Also, Didn't expect a swede to stick up for us
I want to talk about how we have to play world police man because you guys and the euros can't be assed to stick up for yourselves and thus need us to keep the clay-hungry ruskies/Chinese at bay, but God damn that image gets me hard
I sleep better knowing that my tax money goes toward killing Muslims instead of free handouts for millions of people I don't know and don't give a shit about.
Hitlers "welfare" wasn't hidden. They were forced to build roads because Hitler needed infrastructure for the war. If someone refused, he got nothing... or worse.
go to the ER but give them a fake social security number
Yes, but to the Germans it was hidden. He was giving them jobs building, to them, meaningless shit. Of course HItler felt differently because he was going to use what was being built for the upcoming war, but this wasn't a known fact to the public. In their minds, they were just building shit that wasn't necessary because they were previously broke
>he thinks we're sick of playing world police
Somebody's gotta do it. And damn does it feel good to be the one holding the gun.
Underrated post. The American military does a great job protecting me, and you, OP, and you don't even realize.
>this is what cutfags think can actually happen
sorry part of your dick got cut off and you had your first homo experience soon after birth
Exactly, someone's gotta be world police, and if America is not filling that job, Putin, China, Turkey or Saudi Arabia might do, and we don't want that to happen.
It was a mercy because your not well endowed and need all the length you can get
No it couldn't, the US dollar would be fucking worthless if it wasn't backed up by the petrodollar system and that system wouldn't exist if it weren't for the US military.
People always yell at us for being the biggest kid on block but all we want is no more world wars
Oh I thought they told everyone that
That is exactly what we plan on doing in the near future.
The next president will be under severe political pressure to reduce our military obligations
He's right though
America is the Archer of the world.
military is one of 3 functions of the government
however I do think military benefits are ridiculous for those who don't actually fight.
With the amount of energy we spend on our immune system we would all run twice as fast.
Why not scale it back?
Who is it exactly Indonesia is going to ""invade"" us?
Their """navy""" amounts to 7 rustbuckets. They couldn't touch us even if we had Poo Peeland-tier Defence force.
>sick of playing world police
We're not sick of playing world police. We're sick of playing world police ALONE.
But user, you realize most of the domestic heavy industry is reliant on government, and at that, military, contracts? Without Our huge military what's left of our heavy industry would go to shit. Fuck you. The only thing keeping America above ground is our military spending and it's effects on the industries and infrastructure.
Just sick the emus on them. No way indonips can take them on
This. If America pulled back from it's global commitment to deter aggression, much of the world outside traditional Chinese and Russian borders would be subjugated by them.
You jokers are lucky we like spending money on guns.
Because everyone else is too much of a bitch to step up.