If, according to you, a handful of Jews can control all the millions of white cattle (and have done this many times before) how are they not the master race?
Please explain without mental gymnastics
If, according to you, a handful of Jews can control all the millions of white cattle (and have done this many times before) how are they not the master race?
Please explain without mental gymnastics
They aren't Human or from earth so that would make them the master species which would be jumping the gun since we don't really know what might still be out there.
They got to the top by scheming and being favourable to other jews. It wouldn't really be a problem, but they are slowly destroying Europe.
Time to ramp up production of Zyklon B
comparing little finger with ned stark, our honour and humanity is our downfall
It's not every Jew. The top percent of whites could do this but don't because we have morals
The Jews have been thrown out of every White country multiple times, but want to know why they were let back in? Christianity. Either through conversion or respect of them as a people because of their reference in the old testament.
Hitler beat them in the 30's but they managed to use their White pawns around the world to bring him down.
Jews are physically very sickly people. That alone excludes them from the master race
>If, according to you, a handful of Jews can control all the millions of white cattle (and have done this many times before) how are they not the master race?
Because "Master Race" is a concept out of a form of Nordic mysticism formulated by the Thule Society in Germany during the 1920s, based on the works of Guido von List and ultimately the occultist and mystic Madame Blavatsky.
It posited that the Nordic "Aryan" people are the descendants of quite literal ancient aliens and this meant that they had latent psychic powers. If the blood could be purified within the German people they could re-harness their latent powers. This is what it meant to be "Master Race."
So tell me how the Jews are descended from ancient aliens.
What could those psychic powers do? Bend reality or something?
It's just a joke, bro
jews just control the media and holywood. they dont actually control the financial sector.
some think they run the financial sector but they forget that most of the banks that mater have a board and jews dont run those and those are above the CEO
its just the illusion of power they have. trump is the nominee . they couldnt strike him down. like wise the commie jew bernie is fighting with the globalist jew that runs the DNC and if you subtract super delegates it was close between him and hillary
how much control do they have if they have to resort to a rigged system aka the super delegates to win
They are, but does that mean we should cuck ourselves for them? What a Liberal way to think...
Not Jews, Globalists.
It just so happens that a lot of Globalists are Jews.
Prove they aren't human
Descendants of Abraham, who were descended from Adam and Eve.
What if only Jews are descended from Adam and Eve?
ten commandments came from?...
>he thinks Sup Forums isn't satire
You ever read animorphs? The Yeerks can control the most powerful and ultimate creatures, but they themselves are still just piles of grey sludge.
Grey sludge will never be the master race/
Jews are smarter than your average European white (higher IQ) and generally land higher positions in society.
The problem is that they are and have misused that power to destroy western civilization with their often radical leftist views for a long time, they were often at the top leading the things that made Europe the shithole it is today.
They need to get out and cross the mediterrean sea for the safety of our own civilization.
They dont have any connection to any real European countries besides Israel because it isnt theirs so they do not care what happens to those countries if it isnt their beloved Israel.
I met plenty of anarchistic jews who believe borders should disappear but at the same time want israel to remain Jewish and would be fine with blowing up Palestine.
They often use the treatmen of the Jews in ww2 to hide behind.
Asians have done a lot better throughout history for example, but our race is know for its beauty and its strength and the stubborness that has kept us alive for so long.
Thus the white race must remain pure and protected so it can keep doing what it does best, not just for our sake but for the sake of other races
We can trade with other races like we have for centuries but they should remain where they are.
There is no logical reason to force immigration from other races if the reasons are raising the native living standards, importing skilld we dont have and an ageing problem.
These problems are easily solved by immigrating white Africans in my country's case for example or the Dutch American part.
We have neglected our roots in other countries and have chosen to import incompatible races at an alarming speed, we dont even know the long term effects yet.
Lastly I personally don't believe in the superiority of the white race and don't hear a lot of Sup Forumsacks saying they do either, it's something Hitler preached but none of us are blindly following Hitler.
It's like Libertarians that love Ayn Rand but now have to admit that she was wrong about animalistic behavior or Marxists being wrong about the Labour Theory of Value.
We have to look past Hitler now, especially these days with a growing popularity of Right Winged politics as a reaction to out of control leftist policies.
I have to remain silent about my scepticism of immigration in the economic field because almost all economists preach immigration to cure economic problems but none of them can tell me about its long term effects or any logical reason to import the non-whites if we want the best results.
The best results would be other whites as close to the native group as possible, studies have shown that putting different races together and then asking them to do a hard task, the group will often be a lot less succesful than a group of one race.
The reason economics is dominantly left leaning is because right winged economists quit the field earlier to create companies or join them, left winged economists tend to stay in their field for a very long time, this is also why a lot of other colleges and academics are dominantly left winged.
This has created a dominantly leftist mindset to a lot of macro economic issues and a right winged mindset for micro economics.
Lastly the normative issues are not taken into account whatsoever, economists dont care about them either.
The ones that do care are people again from leftist fields worried about the treatment of immigrants by natives, not the other way around.
Its almost impossible to study these things or release them and not lose your job.
whites feel sympathy. it's a flaw
That would literally make them the master race though
they definitely are the master race. but they're a race of inciles. despite being undeniably superior they have been unable to get a population high enough to actually oppose white people. so they use the tactics of a ringworm
This pattern has repeated itself for longer than you can fathom.
Jews jew and then they get BTFO, repeat.
(cont) i have no doubt in my mind if jews had a population the same size as white people. it wouldn't even be a competition. they would iron us out of existence. but they dont
they're only just competing with us mostly because their population is low and they are physically unable to expand. alot of them are born with deformed penises and perverted sexual fetishes. thats why circumcision exists, and that's why the porn industry looks the way it is.
jews are a race of inciles. cloning, eugenics and science is really their only hope of having the population necessary to compete with us
The Jew is a poor copy of a Human. You can tell this by the lack of perfect proportion in their design. They will never be Aryan, no matter how much swindling and evil they do. And time is nearly up for them. No amount of money will satisfy those that are coming back to reclaim Earth.
The only reason that Jews dominate is because they're super racist towards outsiders of their group and favour their own. If whites did this we'd be in a far superior position
Wrong, most christians were anti jew until after ww2
Whites could have done it easily and wiped them all off a long time ago
But somehow we gave them chances everytime, and eventually they managed to fuck us over with capital and spiritual degeneration
But name me a couple great inventions/architecture or just anything great theyve done
Whites are the master race, Jews never built anything great by themselves
Excelling at one single thing and sucking at the rest is not master race.
There's no master race, there's only victorious race. They've been victorious and defeated through history several times.
For that to happen there should be someone, somewhere, ready to bring back something far worse than water boarding.
The only Christians to think of Jews as anything are dumb fucking Yanks. You're so cucked by Jews it's not even funny
That's were christians stop being christians, like Pope Francis.
Jews run the banks. They want to own the world. Therefore they can buy the whole world. Duh. Fuck you leaf.
They're parasites. They have the smarts and are obviously very intelligent, but they need a host to survive. Would a nation of Jews survive completely on it's own?
- Davidic dynasty - more than 400 years, sovereign kingdom
- Ahabic dynasty - 300 years, sovereign kingdom
- Hasmonean dynasty - 150 years, sovereign kingdom (at a time when everyone except Parthia were under Greek empires)
Their wealth is built by cutting out parts of functioning white societies and monetizing it.
Nothing could be more insulting to us than the very proposition that as ancient an powerful race as the Jews, somehow needs unwashed, tree-swinging, Gallic Euroniggers who were the last of humans to leave the hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and were yet living in worse-than-Apefrican mud huts utterly devoid of any resemblance of culture, language and complex societal structure - while we had our kingdom's walls and cities erect, our economy spanning the known world, and our Kings and Prophets writing the Bible itself.
>For from the top of the rocks I see him,
>And from the hills I behold him:
>Lo, it is a people that dwelleth alone,
>And shall not be reckoned among the nations.
>- Numbers 23, 10
You may stand on your knees before us, but we sure as hell don't need you or your bows.
Not particularly long, then.
And yet your people wandered like beggars from kingdom to kingdom within the Europe, starting anew whenever you got banished (which was quite often) for all the trouble you caused. Nothing but parasites.
Sayeth the mongoloid who has been independent for 200 years overall and had been cucked under Swedish occupation for 800 years.
And when we finally became independent, we fought wars against a much superior power on our own. Can't say that much for Israel that has relied quite heavily on US support since it's birth.
>a parasite is superior to the host