Posh Tesco edition
serious second-hand embarrassment
though i doubt tim felt a thing
why are there so many qt boys in eurovision this year
nth for cuteboys
xth for Anzu
should I buy a Nespresso? Don't really like coffee but want to feel sophisticated
post the one with nigel in it
anime anime
just a heads up lads, evidence shows that it is very probable that there's an anime nonce posting in this thread
>your best mate will never do this
Dunno 'bout that one lad
anime anime anime
>try to post something anti macron
>"connection error"
not a fan of the ol' 'cron desu
macron is gay
Really genuinely angered by the amount of people in my society that are allowed to continue living with my disapproval.
there he is! there's the anime nonce!
lets beat him up
macaroni > le penne
favourite pornstars right now:
Bella Rose
Gia Paige
Luna C Kitsuen
Jillian Janson
Skye West
Dolly Little
love fanny, hate women, 'nuff said
what kind of music does /brit/ boys like?
Anzu is a waifu for laifu
hate pints, love whiskey and cigars
simple as
bizarre that the modern left has decided mass migration is the hill they want to die on. Macron is for all intents and purposes a thatcherite
rate this morning's brekkie chaps
1,285 calories
My mum is watching paki crap on freeview channel 77 again
I keep telling her she's uncivilized and not acting British but she doesn't get it
Hard to believe she was born here
love women with cute feminine cocks, not gay just how it is
dont care
is that toasted Ezekiel bread?
cannot get the concept of a "roast egg" out of my head and it makes me feel physically ill
anything to stop them being nicked?
I agree she won't win BUT there's a higher chance of a big swing as there's no establishment candidate
Nobody has any loyalty to En Marche
Allsorts m8
NEED a chubby goth welsh gf
your conflating everyone in the world who disagrees with you into people that all think one thing. its easy for you to make sense of the world sure, but its not true.
why does poolaboo think it's acceptable to speak to his parents like that
>likes men
>not gay
the vast majority of leftists are supporting macron in this election.
Persona games are really bad
what are you on about
Imagine actually being a paki
The first Lady of France
what have you been listening to lately?
No thanks I've got pizza on the way.
like you put an egg, in it's shell, in the oven until it's cooked through. I had a dream where i had to eat one and it was disgusting, now i can't stop thinking about it
umm i said WOMEN with feminine cocks sweety x
don't have to haha
lost all respect for tim when he was so rude to those passersby
love pints
love whiskey
love guns
love cars
love the road
hate the EPA
hate college wankers
Recruit 10,000 new police officers
Expand prisons to house an extra 15,000
Give all religious leaders comprehensive training in France's secular values
Le Pen:
Recruit 15,000 new police officers
Create 40,000 extra prison places
Automatically deport all foreign criminals and foreigners with Islamist links
Various Artists.
That's not a thing. It'd explode surely
t-minus 1 hr 15 minutes until extreme buttblast whoever wins
*makes coffee*
me on the right looking concerned at the utter state of my country
>male visitors are first required to strip naked and perform a cleansing ritual, and must never disclose the details of their trip
cannot fathom
used to feel bad for my indian mate knowing his dating pool was significantly limited just cause of his skin colour
you are worthless
Might play pokemon go
Because I thought my mother was better than this because she was born here
Turns out she's the same as all the other useless paki women who don't work, watch paki dramas and act 30 years older than they actually are
Doesn't even matter that she speaks English and went to school
Could you try any harder at being funny yet fail miserably
*buys ticket to Japan*
alri 2016
was crying and wanted to kill myself earlier but i've done a few hours of exercise now and i feel fine again. Those spartans had it right imo
is Guam a good tourist destination
wasn't intended to be funny, just honest.
why are anglos so shit at competitive counter strike compared to northern and eastern europeans?
health and safety m8, you need to let me past
probably not
yes im sure someone here has the answer to that question. fuck off dickhead.
wanna play with me
'You're going to have to move sir I'm coming through'
lower unemployment rate
because they have better things to do
Steam name?
>Lefties shit all over Melania Trump yet will YAAAAAAS over THAT???
shocker of a post
good post
fucking hate the Swedish bender
The Falkland islands are argentinians
strawberrysoup i think
i don't actually play very much
want to bet?
Shit post
got a willy like a lucozade bottle
soz lad just being lazy. I'll check out yours in a bit.
I mostly do podcasts and was drunk the last week or so (birthday) so I don't remember, but when I get that wasted I usually listen to military marching songs, patriotic stuff. I'd been listening to J-pop, Ye-ye, synthwave and psybient before then.
Carbon Based Lifeforms, for example. I'll post links and stuff when out of bed and at my desktop. Might be a while.