The greatest nation in the world

>the greatest nation in the world

Other urls found in this thread:

americans don't buy books

>someone with some know-how writes a book appealing to teens
>makes money
meanwhile you farm sheep and drink toilet wine

Someone rewrote a famous literature and sold it for their own money with emoticons from the web someone made.

Fucking this. Nonamericans BTFO

This, I get that to us this is degeneracy of the highest order but I remember getting into Shakespeare through cartoon books that had modern English translations. Not AS retarded as this but still accessible for a 14/15 year old

And vandalizing famous art

Don't forget all the idiots like OP that did his advertising for free

>implying the print business isn't almost completely dead and only people who buy books nowadays are legbeards and nu-males.

Great 2016 book-burning when?

> Toilet wine
Nigger you don't know what you're talking about.
Some of the wines I brewed and fermented on my own were on par with the 500$ french wines you can get in restaurants.
We may not be able to into
> money
> economics
But our alcohol is one of the best in the world.

>Buy books
pick one

Shakespeare is unreadable as is anyway.

I buy books so I have a carbon copy of good reads in case technology fails.

I for one am thankful, Shakespeare is tedious to read, reportedly from him writing all of it while getting rammed in the ass by Moors so he added all these "ye"s and shit. I personally think Byron was on the end of that train literally ramming those black dicks into him but that's contested.

t. cultural expert

kek, its true

I just don't understand why schools made us read the fucking play instead of watching it, and then pulled that "hurr it was made for dumb people if u cant understand it ur really dumb :^)" shit


I don't think he was insulting the quality of your wine, just that you make it with a toilet because you are poor criminals.

What books do you read?

Nigga this is just novelty. Its not like the real Shakespeare shit doesn't exist anymore.

when are we going to get the koran done in emoticons?

These are emojis

Buy books

An American making money off of others ignorances. Nothing to see here folks

Why are yurropoors on this website?


1. This is Sup Forums dot org... not dot UK or dot EU

2. This is an American English website... yet

Youpoors love to arrive here on mother liberty's website and talk shit to its citizens in broken English...

You can tell a youpoor from an American when they try to insult you using "your" for "you're"

"your gay" "your an idiot" "your this" "your that".

It's obvious they don't even like their own native language.

I bet it takes yutrash about 10 minutes to type out a simple sentence!

Yet they make these America vs Eurotrash threads...


It's their only escape from their third world shit holes! And I laugh everytime! It's like they have something to prove!

But anyways... continue on Eutrash! Continue on your rants... I'll just sit back and laugh every time you do...

Good luck with google translate... next time make a thread in your native language... stop trying to be us... you're like monkeys in a cage trying to talk to your handlers with your broken sign language and few words! Last time I checked Russians don't speak English in Russia... and if they do... that means English has taken over and you accept the language as your superior overlord!

Good luck!

Well it's way easier to read than Old English.

jesus this is sad

its fake btw family

meaning your a dumbass?

Oh, the irony.



Shakespeare isn't Old English, it's modern English. The vernacular is just a little dated compared to your extremely limited vocabulary. It's not hard to read at all unless you have the mental capacity of a 12 year old.


>Defending the rampant degeneracy
>Not acknowledging the rampant degeneracy

No wonder why the world is becoming more and more degenerate.

>taking the bait

>all the Sup Forums Sup Forums crossposters

>not Old English

>the classics can be boring even with all the emoticons
great advertising

Idk if he's trolling or not. Some of the Canadians I've met are pretty slow

Have a read, buddy. God knows you don't do it enough.

>uh oh what's this

Sure thing man, you're the only person here with a brain. I mean, fuck us. Truth be told Americucks should gtfo of this board as much as any european country. (nowadays)

Shakespeare is Early Modern English you peasant.

>oh no. Can you read what it says under early modern English for me?

SeeIf you guys are gonna split hairs on a phrase, then you're the dumbasses


A bunch of retards said it enough that it became a colloquialism. This is your argument.

Not double trolling the troll with

>oh the ironing

Calling Shakespeare old english shows how ignorant you are. Stop trying to justify your stupidity.

Right but point is its a generally used descriptor for the style of English. Please don't use words you don't know.

This is what happened with you two:

>Wait all year this year to prove 8th grade English teacher wrong cause she's a womyn.
>Tell her "uh uh it's m-modern early english, fucking up even the simplest of phrases
>"Right user, but it is genealogy referred to as old english, even though we don't mean the old English language. It's the style of speech we are referring to"
>Waited all year
>Tears slide down face as class looks on in disgust
>Steal parents laptop so I can go online and shit post about it on Sup Forums so other people will think I have value

Tl;dr talking about the style, which is old english, not the language, which is English you fucking morons

I'm not retyping it for a moron who can't differentiate between describing a style of speech vs a language. Have you ever heard it called anything BUT old English outside the intellectual world of Sup Forums?


On phone

>he's this triggered over making a mistake

You could just admit you're wrong instead of making excuses, you know.


>private establishment sells retarded shit
Whoa, we should really tell daddy government to make them stop.

I'm not wrong? I've taught English for 8 years son. We say "old English" because our students can more easily compare the styles of writing. Who gives two flying fucks that the language is early modern english? Old English became a colloquialism for this very reason you idiot.


This is why I hate teaching autists I really really do. They take things so literally it's to a fault, and this is why they/you SUCK at social interactions because you can't see the fucking forest through one tree and realize, technically, both phrases are correct

It's okay to just admit that you're doing it wrong.

What be this scribble,
This perfidious writ,
That would draw the wit of man, unto the pits of hell.
This cuckholdery of true artists craft,
This poison, this pestilent boil upon the arse of literature.
Begone with it.

>Shakespeare is unreadable as is anyway.

They are plays, they are meant to be seen not read.

But culture is not for everyone. They make comics for the thick.

Literally no one who has any idea of what they're talking about would call Shakespeare's style old english. If a teacher called it that then they probably shouldn't be teacher.

Okay, in the future I'll tell them this:
>While the language used by Shakespeare and others of the time is today referred to as Early Modern English, to differentiate it from languages used in older eras, you will commonly hear the writing style referred to as "Old English". Since this is the term used in every fucking text and by all your college professors and every one else in the world save for two people on Sup Forums, we will be using this term when referring to styles of writing.


Except it's not. Pretty much anyone with an actual education in the history of English knows the distinction is important, Mr. """Teacher""".

You have got to be trolling with that, because I've been to 3 colleges and never heard one person call it anything but

Why is it even referred to on wiki then? Idiot.

Just Clif notes 2016. Lazy fucks have always taken the easy road.

I'm teaching them English. I guess we will have to send our textbooks back then, and when they get to their ACTS they're gonna be confused as fuck. Happy now?

Good job on your education system. In the meantime, some schools here are requesting kids to read Tolkien and Harper Lee.

Honestly who cares that a colloqualism isn't fucking correct? There's LOTS in English and History that aren't technically correct. I'm a bigger picture teacher and there's nothing in my original post that's incorrect. I'm going to use the commonly used phrase instead of coming off like an autistic asshole

Sure thing, "English Teacher".

at first I couldn't breathe and started to go into the standard pol shitfit.

then i remember when I was a high schooler there were parody shakespeare books, that cornball Romeo and Juliet movie with DiCaprio and even the "The complete works of shakespeare abridged" play that made goofy fun of the plays. So this is just a more recent version of the irrevent homage to the bard. So this too shall pass.

Ill send them to you and you can correct all 175 books and then give a speech to my class. After you leave I'll be giving them a talk about how it's impossible to reason with an arrogant autist and I think the point will stick once they see the neckbeard and Fedora and hear you whine about how they shouldn't believe in god cause its a fairy tale

(old english - The Merchant's Prologue from Canterbury Tales)
Wepyng and waylyng, care and oother sorwe
I knowe ynogh, on even and a-morwe,
Quod the marchant, and so doon other mo
That wedded been. I trowe that it be so,
For wel I woot it fareth so with me.
I have awyf, the worste that may be;
For thogh the feend to hire ycoupled were,
She sholde I yow reherce in special
What sholde I yow reherce in special
Hir hye malice? she is a shrewe at al.


(modern english - Hamlet Act III, Scene 1)
To be, or not to be- that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep-
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die- to sleep.

Clearly there is a big difference.

My English teacher played the whole thing and I hated it. I play parts of the old RJ, that painful atrocity, and one on Netflix I think came out in 2012ish. Then they compare the movies to what got it right, what's more relevant, what's more traditional in terms of the text. I call it "reel to real"

The commonly used phrase isn't always grammatically correct and often does not deliver the message as it was first intended by the author. And if using your language appropriately and teaching them those differences makes you sound autistic then there might be something really wrong with the culture. Oversimplifying a language is a good indicator that the average verbal IQ isn't quite catching up.

When teaching them an archaic form of literature teachers are supposed to teach them the actual language that's written in the book, in order to avoid erroneous interpretation.

Obviously its marketed towards kids that would never have an interest in reading actual Shakespeare

I could understand calling it that for younger kids who need to be familiarized with Shakespeare's language, but continuing that into college just seems ridiculous. The term Old English has a specific meaning, the language it refers to is so displaced from what we call English today that I think it's a mistake to use it as a colloquialism for EME.

It's not actually a big deal though, I don't know why I got upset. Carry on.

Is this the only smug anime girl you have?
I know that times are tough and bandwidth ain't cheap, but surely you can afford to download a few more. I've seen you post this at least 7 times now and it's getting pretty sad, Brazil-kun.

Yeah I literally don't disagree with the college thing at all, I'm sure one or two probably mentioned the difference but I was too hungover to care. Now that the radical left has infested my school I don't get to make my curriculum anyway so it doesn't matter in the least. Our biology textbooks are so archaic they call things theories that shouldn't really be theories.

That's Middle English you pleb, pic related is actual old english.

Which is why I made the point about bringing it up as a comparison, it'd be a good learning opportunity.


Yeah but I oversimplify something new every year so I don't have to spend another year with 80% of my kids so

>this triggers Sup Forums more than anything on the internet

Because any person who would even look at that book would TOTALLY read the original text and vice versa. You fucking morons pretend like this is turning into the cannon translation when It's just a tool teachers can use to shove even the tiniest bit of culture down their nigger student's throats. It's a fucking "just for fun" book, not a dissertation on classic literature you stupid cunts.

Even my students think that it is incredibly dumb as texting shorthand changes year to year. Writing a book with an ever changing technology isn't insanely intelligent

Exactly. The damn thing won't even be relevant in 2 years, so why is it such an affront to humanity in Sup Forums's eyes?


>hurr durr USA! USA!
>jamal splutters, his voice muffled by the giant, circumcised, six-gorrillion-inch gentile member in his mouth

>Some of the wines I brewed and fermented on my own were on par with the 500$ french wines

How would you know?
You've never been anywhere near a $40 French wine