What does Sup Forums think of this movie?
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I'm not big into fantasies.
Breddy funny when you look for the stereotypes
>muh shekels
>muh noses
>muh slimy accent
>muh ignorance and herd mentality
Dunno. Only saw the porn parody.
It makes for a good fantasy movie
>watching the Hollywood Jew
Lies mixed with Jewish degeneracy.
Good fiction film.
The naked scenes were somewhat fappable
Amon Goeth is a hero and represents what we all go through in life trying to resist the Jews.
good example of why the Nazis were despicable
He is a traitor who wanted to bring back home his Jewish housekeeper and lover
Exactly it represents the temptations we face everyday by Jewish influences.
Sup Forums can never get its story straight about the holocaust
>hurr the holohoax never happened
>hurr watch out for us Europeans we're badass, the Germans will cleanse the muslims!
>hurr the lithuanians and SS shot all the Jews
>its impossible they could have dug all those graves
I mean figure out your fucking story Sup Forums
I now right!? Like why didn't they finish the job?
Good movie.
there's good reason why
newfag detected
>mfw he fell for the people actually don't believe the holocaust happened meme
>mfw I have no face
The camp commander is based on a historic person.
His behavior (sniping random jews, killing a whole bunch with his pistol) is based on reality as well.
Not even being sarcastic here; this is confirmed by historians.
(waiting for obligatory >JIDF shill accusation)
Love the part with Amon Goeth waking up and going full Ben Garrison.
I have to look at this movie and laugh at some of the hyperbolie. The cleansing of the ghetto seems too fantastical and the gas chamber scene is cringe worthy. But I still cry when I see Oskar break down and say he could have saved one more life.
Once I've taken the myth of the gas chambers away, I see the holocaust as something far more horrific. I see disenfranchisement, and the loss of property. I see a people who are denied a face, soul, culture, and it makes me realise that even without the exaggerations, the events of that time were horrific for the jews. I do prefer The Pianist though.
I've never seen the Pianist is it any good?
liek dis if you cry everytiem
Blew me away. Really solid performance. I think what's touching is you see the events from eye level, and without Schindler's saccharine. No John Williams theme hitting you over the head on when to feel emotional.
Actually I do, because it makes me realise we could all go that little bit further to make a difference. Though I think the Holocaust is embelished, 6 million, 4 million, 1 million, or whatever, it's still a horrific event in history where the vast vast VAST majority of Jewish people (and other cultures/races) were swept up in a time of great calamity and change. Realising you could save one more person really struck a chord with me. I donate £20 a month to a Ukranian Orphanage but do a lot of other charity work too
In every way.
For one thing, it's true.
lol what? Jews literally raped all of Germany, firebombed the shit out of them (looking at you fag), betrayed the fuck out of them in WWI, and totally decimated the nation and culture. You feel bad for them? What the FUCK is wrong with you.
For the love of God listen to Benjamin Freedman's speech at the Willard Hotel and uncuck yourself user. It on youtube if its not blocked in cuckland.
>talking about pity and good deeds
>on Sup Forums
Oh I agree with what you're saying. I just refuse to subscribe to the notion that the Jewish people are a hive-collective akin to the Borg or a Wasp nest. Unlike say Islam where the whole doctrine is inspiring a billion people to come for our scalps, my understanding is most Jewish people were middle class and trying to get by. The top of the pyramid were the devious fuckers, but lets be honest... wouldn't we all be if we were at the apex?
That scene where the SS throw the wheelie-cripple out the window made me laugh like a fucking hyena a few years ago in history class.
Yes, I got suspended.
>Schindler's Fist
>this is confirmed by historians
of course it is, because trying to refute it lands you in jail, dumbass
Great score
decent fiction movie. liked it
That's actually beleivable though
I always see you guys saying this movie is bullshit, so what actually happened with Schindler and how is the movie so different?
Well Amon was a great bastard desu. A sociopath who abused the military system and got in charge of an important camp just for his lulz and not because of real political reasons. He should have undergo a psychological test before.
Logic? No, thanks
Denying the holocaust in your country is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
As well as 21 other EU nations. Get rekt Hans.
You need more propoganda!
he might have been. but im extremely skeptical of any 'facts' confirmed by historians regarding the holocaust because, as i said, holocaust revisionism lands you in jail, so of course they arent gonna say shit about the pre-approved narrative
we'll never know what happened exactly, because everytime someone tries to revision the supposed facts, they get arrested and sent to jail. so noone dares to do it
This, if the liberal cucks wouldn't have done these retarded laws about muh holocaust, real historical works on this would have likely naturally deleted any doubts about some "official truths" and corrected also some historical abuses for the best of mankind.
I liked when Amon Göth shot some kikes as morning ritual, was pretty comfy.
You're supposed to feel bad for them. Thats the point goy.
"Amon, your such a damn fucking child!"
>loved those titties
I believe Spielberg did make the film as historically accurate as he could. But notice that there were no gas chambers in the film. The single scene where the audience was expecting it at one of the historic "death camps," turned out to be ordinary showers to clean off the prisoners... Spielberg knows the truth. There was abuse in the camps, sure, just like in any camp on either side of the conflict, but there was no systematic extermination.
Kubrick, Spielberg's good friend, knew it too after researching the Holocaust for his own film on it before Schindler's List was made. That's about around the time Kubrick became reclusive.
How many times are you going to post this?
Shills are everywhere holy shit.