Let's assume God is real, what makes you think that the God that you were born into is automatically the one true God and that religion is the one true way to follow said God? What if the Aztec Gods are the true Gods and they require human sacrifice?
Why do you assume your God is the right God
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nah man its not bait i really want to know why you guys believe this
There is only one God
unless you believe in Hinduism, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism, tribal religions in the Americas and Africa, modern neopaganism, the Greek pantheon, the Roman pantheon, the old norse gods, etc. monotheism is actually quite rare if you take a look at religions outside of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
>falling for brain-wash jew
Well, yes and no.
There are 8,000,000 gods in Japan.
>not believing in animal spirits
True. One physical god, it doesnt matter what you call him because he actually exist, the force of it it recognized by all, they just call it different names.
Convert to Christianity here, I have looked at the evidence for the Resurrection (and therefore, Christianity) and found I to be most compelling.
And first 30 minutes of this:
>Let's assume God is real
He is real, his name is Jesus Christ and he offered us eternal salvation in the Bible.
what makes you think that the God that you were born into is automatically the one true God
The Bible says so, and God wrote the Bible.
and that religion is the one true way to follow said God?
There are many branches of Protestantism, so there are many ways to follow the one true God.
What if the Aztec Gods are the true Gods and they require human sacrifice?
Where are the Aztecs gods now?
Because of the uniqueness of the Jewish people and how they survived all these thousands of years with their religion essentially in-tact when it is so totally opposite the normal way of the world.
Do you have any rational basis to believe the Aztec gods are legit (G-d forbid to think such a thing)?
we are counting our years since the birth of Christ
all the west has been rised by Christian faith
what other god do you know? like Jesus said, you will know them by their fruit.
One reason I K onw christianity and Islam are a big nothing is because the Bible says the commandments are forever and Israel is chosen forever, and God appears to millions of prophets, and then one day Paul meets Yayshu/Mukhammad is visited by Gabriel and now Jews are second class citizens. Makes no sense, if you really think about it.
it's pretty well explained tho
this user is a disinfo agent from Reddit
Jews are equal with Christians if they accept Jesus.
Because there is no other but my Church God.
Were you aware of the chapter where Yayshu says he wants people to start up with your parents?
What would he think of you if you honored your disbelieving parents? Honestly?
But then they wouldn't be Jews would they?
Jews are a race user. A race that has the blood of Jesus on each of their hands.
Whole religion and language was revived by slavs.
That fish is the bait lol.
All the other supposed gods out there have deficiencies or are heretical interpretations of the one (Christian) God
An essential characteristic of God is that there is nothing superior or greater than him. You can't think of something more all-encompassing than God. That rules out polytheism.
>Why do you assume your God is the right God
Because he said so silly!
>Shit, mine said I can genocide several tribes of neighbors, every man woman and child, then take their land!
Not how that works.
Strawmanning is for retards.
Upboated XDDDD
Oh cmon stop this "Jews are a race thing". Neither are muslims or christians.
Jew is a race. Judaism is a religion.
There are such things as messianic Jews, which are Christian Jews.