Transgender Bathroom Laws Backfiring Beautifully

A man in Seattle has entered a changing room for women at a public pool and stated "the laws have changed I have a right to be here".
The man made no effort to appear outwardly as a woman, but was not arrested.
There were young girls in the changing room.

This is fucking hilarious, now all a guy has to be able to get his dick out in front of little girls is say "I am a woman".

And women can't even complain and police can't arrest them as the SJW have made it so that anyone can identify as a woman no matter how fat, hairy or manly they are.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sweet so I can put female down in job applications to satisfy affirmative action

Transnigger will be a thing soon

Don't forget car insurance. They pay lower premiums. And fuck the draft, right?

If we have kids I guess we can claim maternity leave now too?.

>Put 'black female' on resume
>any job you want
>300k starting

Well, if race doesn't exist but blacks get preferential treatment I'll write black on a piece of paper if it'll jump me ahead in the line they want to play word games and treat blacks like royalty heck what is their to lose.

More power to that guy.



>"Either identify yourself as transgender or you're taking advantage of a loophole"

that song is awesome, thanks you made my day

>no matter how fat, hairy or manly they are.

Many actual women are fat, hairy and manly. Many actual men are slim, hairless and feminine.

I love The Chase.
That host is the most based cunt on gameshow TV.

>17 Febuary


>the shit conservatives will do to win an argument


A-well-a, everybody's heard about the bird
Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, don't you know about the bird
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, everybody's heard about the bird
Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, don't you know about the bird
Well, everybody's talking about the bird
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird
Surfin' bird
Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, aaah


The LGBT community and the feminists are clashing lol


Taking advantage of a loophole? Wow, who could have seen that coming?

Well during this whole bathroom discussion, I'm thinking if the bathroom is ok than the showers are next obviously.
But they're keeping that out of the discussion because the thought of a wiener swinging around the girls lockerroom would rally the opposition even more but once they're in the bathroom president Hillary will just say "What difference does it make"

ayy lmao all Sup Forumslacks need to do this

its true, you can go in, you dont need to look like a woman, because gender is not sex and that would also be transphobic to assume that you have to look like that sex, also needing some confirmation that you are in fact transgender is also ignorant because people dont know your internal struggles, the only important thing is that you identify as a women, having a psychiatrist or someone else deciding if you are are not would be offensive

This is the whole problem with all this shit. You only have to say you feel a certain way.

Are we really this far ahead of people???

Maybe people just..don't understand this when they have these ideas...?


I already stopped IDing my race on applications. You break through the barriers these systems set up and are more likely to get an interview. They'll know I'm white when I walk in, but by that point I can easily win them over with a clean background, proven work history, and being well spoken. I am going to beat them at their game.

Been out of tbe US for 3 years. Please tell me the US actually hasn't become like this and it's all memes. Mfw I realize I left before BLM was even a thing

Man I can't wait for this shit to be here so I can abuse the shit out of it.

wait wait hol up wait hol up senpai you sayin hol up hol up you sayin i can hire all white males in my company but put down half of dem as strong black independent women to avoid discrimination lawsuits?

An intriguing option, if you can literally deny one part of your genetic phenotype now based on feelings, why not be able to deny it all.

>tfw not in a country or situation where I can take advantage of this
Why is Europe so shit even when it would be better?

This bitch actually believes people decide to be TGender and wake up looking like a fucking woman.

Wouldn't you have to be their mother for that to work?

You are such a cis gendered bigot. Trans-woman have the right to maternity leave, too.

Israeli posters are rare, but when they do post, they post something smart and intelligent
Im sure im not the only one who noticed it

Daily reminder that real transsexuals fuck women too, so do classic gays. When will they ever learn that fetish that gone full mental isn't a sexual orientation, neither is it a new gender. What we are dealing with here is perversion and lack of recognition as what it is and of course no treatment for such perverse behavior. In land of freedom everything is normal, since killing civilians in Palestine seems to be normal too, as long as somebody makes money from it. Companies who will gain right to build all those transgender bathrooms will be so rich, that Trump will be poor compare to them.

A Turkish post I actually enjoyed, wow today might not be too shitty


Lesbian transgender

>implying most kikeposters aren't just proxies with low shitposting value


liberals are leaning towards uni-sex bathrooms so that picture doesn't really argue against anything at all

>The man made no effort to appear outwardly as a woman, but was not arrested.

>to appear outwardly as a woman

umm sexist much? can't women dess how they want?


I will just leave this here


redpill me on Wilders lad

hearing an AWFUL lot of nazi comparisons

trevor noah did a piece on him recently and heavily edited wilders's comments on turks.


Hanging out in women's locker rooms while wearing bad wigs seems like a fun idea. Best part: they can't even do the same to men because men tend not to give a fuck.

and if they try to profile the white men identifying as a woman AS a white man based on outlook is racist and they should check their racial profiling privilege

>mfw all the affirmative action bullshit the US is going through get nullified due to this transgender shit.

Kek, all these faggots using non-logic are getting btfo'd by their own non-logic bullshit.


Fucking awesome. The tranny's main argument when against the hypothetical possibility of this happening was "well, there are no documented instances of something like that happening".

Now this brilliant fucker is proving that these laws are fundamentally unsound. Good luck proving that someone doesn't "identify" as a woman.

Sean King and that wigger who pretended she was also black rode that shit to free money.

>the shit liberals will do to win an argument

>Tevor Noah

That faggot fuck isn't funny, aside from that Wilders is the only nationalist that will save our nation and Europe for that matter, with Nigel and le pen of course.

He's as blunt as they come, and his rhetoric is offensive to get as much attention as possible. He's the only one speaking the truth about the migrant crisis, Moroccan diaspora and influence and Turhshit diaspora and influence. He also seems to have Dutch interests at heart instead of the multinationals and bureaucratic self-enriching demagogues in our Europarlement.

If you ever heard any of Hitler's speeches, you'd know they held an anti-nazi smear campaign like they're doing with Trump today. It's all bullshit.

Watch Fitna, it's pretty hilarious how mad niggers got about that one.

The Netherlands is TINY. It has less inhabitants than MANHATTAN. Yet we're expected to pay for the rest of the EU and let in millions and millions of hostile muslim illiterates. Geert wants this to stop. He wants to punish Moroccon criminals operating in the Netherlands. Either you live here and you're Dutch, or you can get the fuck out. I agree. Having two passports and calling yourself Turkish/Moroccan/Some african shitholian is NOT integration.

They come here, into our tiny, tiny country and demand money and special rights. Fuck them all to death. I have foreign friends in the Netherlands, but I wouldn't hang with them if they didn't work and try to be as Dutch as possible.

inb4 "poor pedosexuals have to pretend to be trans just so they get to look at little grills"
you know it's coming

Aren't you lads getting fairly uncucked? Last news I heard out of the Netherlands was based Geert shooting up in the polls and angry Dutchmen storming into a town hall where some mudshit was crying about taking more rapefugees

did you see the white house painted like a rainbow?
how about considering the (democrats) confederate flag racist

so where all the new bathroom voyeur videos? i been they dont hoard them.

this is where hedonism leads to

every person who never suffered is a fucking idiot, fact

If you've ever been in a changing room you would know many men bring their daughters in with them and they aren't affected by seeing a few penises.

>bringing your daughter around horny naked men

ruh-roh raggy


wait what




he seems pretty based. i lived with 3 dutchies last year (in NY) and was in an extended group of about 10 dutch altogether and they were all very left wing.

one of the girls in the group said gypsies were discriminated against in the netherlands and weren't given a chance to get work. i just stared blankly at her.

Fathers bring their daughters into male changing rooms.

I'll be going to the US in a few months, does this mean I can poo all over the designated women zones and no one will stop me?

The Dutch motto is pretty much "Live and let live, don't try to stand out". By that I mean don't be a dick, like building a bright blue building in the middle of a historical street.

We've been very tolerant, giving the "new dutch" time to adapt and integrate. They've been coming here since 1972. Did they adapt? No. The majority of them are muslims, barely literate thanks to our schooling programs, live off welfare and are generally a plague.

Nobody is even sure how they went from "guest workers" to "citizens" overnight but I have no doubt it wasn't done legally.


>I already stopped IDing my race on applications
that's code for white you retard

M8, the women already do that here. Just ask any janitor. The real reason we don't want them in our restrooms is because they're filthy animals.

It does, have a whale of a time bro!

>Nobody is even sure how they went from "guest workers" to "citizens" overnight but I have no doubt it wasn't done legally.

Funny how that works
>illegal aliens
>illegal immigrants
>undocumented migrants
>unverified workers


Hang in there, this nightmare shows signs of ending.

Please load up on extra spicy curry before you come

We don't even have gypsies here in large numbers. Yes, we have a few stragglers, but they don't speak dutch or english or any language humans can understand and they are here ILLEGALLY. It's not even possible to hire them and if we could, what for?

>left wing

We should have never allowed vagina niggers to vote or be involved in decision making, what a bunch of retards. A lot Dutch are "extreme" right wing. We have to be. There's only some 12 million left of us and the number is dwindling due to being taxed to death to pay for the invader's babies.

Is this how the degenerate camp are going to make pedophilia mainstream? Sure you can think it's funny now but think of those poor children.

DUUUUUUDE, at least put on 1/64th blackfoot

Can confirm. Men might get more piss on the floor but that's nothing compared to the horrors of women's bathrooms.

So let me get this right. I am a white male, but I can identify as a white female, who is also a lesbian. Thus, explaining why I dress like a man, I can say I am a butch lesbian. So even though I'm a white male, I can tell people otherwise and they can't say anything because it'll be transphobic to my views......interesting

To save arguments about xxy and that shit it needs to be something like ...Y... ...XX...

Fairly uncucked, not entirely though. There is a large demographic that supports these mudshits and think freedom of religion is somehow applicable to Islam.

We've got elections coming up next year and a Brexit referendum to look forward to! We can salvage the situation and push the current lefty faggots out of power, it's going to take some time and commitment though.
sounds like your typical lefty university bitch, she probably studied law and rights or some shit like that right? UN visits and shit pretending to be important?

If anything the gypsies/travelers here have got it pretty good. Hate to say it, but the nazis were right in suppressing these people, most of them are criminals through and through whilst residing in a culture that heavily reinforces belief in criminal activity.

Where it gets interesting is: What makes someone identifiable as Trans? In the video they suggest clothing/make-up/"an effort to look trans" but what it boils down to is OTHER PEOPLE define someone as trans.

You either participate in the delusion or you don't. What this also implies is that you can identify others as Trans against their will and when they say no, they're being transphobes.

Yeah, shit's about to get weird.

what a joke of a law
one kind of mentally ill people can enter women's changing room, but the other (pedophiles, voyeurists) - can't. nice fucking logic there.

cleaning women's bathrooms makes you question humanity

The law has changed and it will NEVER be the same.

I think they were meaning for this law to apply only to women (REAL WOMEN) so that they could do whatever the fuck they want. Those with dicks were supposed to stay in their corner.

You're a transsexual mate.

Don't disagree with me, because that'll make you transphobic.

A lot of this will make good material to fuck with SJWs and feminists.

I mean, if they hate us white men for being the devil, shouldn't we just start acting like the devil.

Isn't that what usually happens when stereotyping


You need to lurk more. Many Sup Forumssters have always known this was a step toward cultural normalization of pedophilia.

Next step is to say the 'rights of the child' allow for inter-generational relationships with or without parental consent.

The plan is working perfectly.

No shit. Identity belongs to the collective. Ego belongs to the individual.

Trans-anything-ism is simply the ego attempting to dominate the collective.

JEJ. Who would've thunk it? Imagine there being mentally ill creeps rolling around? Remember the weirdo from your grade in school that used to shit his pants in class and shove pencil erasers into his ear canal? yeah well hes all grown up now...

Short story for you fags...
>Have small retail shop
>Serial creep keeps coming in while the girls are working acting suspiciously in the change room
>finally gets busted in change room masturbating into womens clothing. Thats his routine, go into change room in womens store and wank into the clothing
>Gets caught, leaves in a hurry all red faced.
Looking at the guy you never would have known.

WHERE ARE THE FEMINISTS??? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE??? Jesus, theyve been talking for years about "rape culture" but now that its at their doorstep they wont say shit. ridiculous.

They were the ones pushing for this

Unfamiliar with blowback, they are

Just keep it simple for the 99.999% to which your argument doesn't apply.

What a time to be alive.

>implying Xe and Xer can't be mothers

but every "gender" outside of pure XX is considered male...
look it up I'm not kidding, even xxx are considered male