I'm gonna end myself on dec 12

I'm gonna end myself on dec 12
Ask me anything

why wait?

Do it one day earlier...it´s my birthday

Why Dec 12?

Just because. I'm gonna do it in my car since it seems like the easiest way

Why don't you do it while doing something reckless? Or is that easier said than done due to a mental illness, physical ability, or financial etc

Mental illness. Dont judge me

>dec 12
Why wait so long? do it today, right now, for example.

I can't judge you. I'm too scared to see a professional myself. Probably just making my life worse and worse as the days go by. Now the question is what do you have and has it been officially diagnosed or whatever it's called? Taking pills or supposed to be etc

My english sucks.
I stopped taking the pills 2 months ago. My parents dont know.
Y'all fags dont know how it is to be literally crazy

Why on dec 12?

Fuck it. Let's google translate our conversation if we have to. If you want of course. What's your native language? How old are you? I don't know what kind of craziness you have because you didn't tell me what you have



stop being a pussy op, just get on with life or get on with suicide. life is shit, we all know it but most of us just fuckin deal with it

hey not bad

Spanish. Im grade 3 bipolar

Life 8s beautiful, user. Enjoy it.
Don do that to yourself. You ate beautiful human bean

I think it all the time user, I'm overdosing as much as I can now so I can slowly drift away

Yeaaah. I'm OP.

>just bipolar
>wants to die


I know a decent amount of Spanish. I tried teaching myself at around the age of 10. Some words lose me and they have to be dumb downed .but I can hold a conversation. Parent's didn't want to teach me so it is what it is. Practiced when my grandma visited.What a coincidence. I feel as if I might be bipolar ,but what do I know. I'm no professional. Currently feeling like shit and the alcohol starting to get to me. Why don't you take the meds? Forget or just don't want to?

We can still hold a conversation in english. But where?

if you should see hitler or god or jesus on the other side, tell him nice greetings from me

Where what? 'm a little confused

It sucks. My bestfriend (girl) still loves me.

I also have anger issues. 20 days an counting

why you kill yourself instead of killing someone else?

She'll leave you eventually... they all do...

How bad is it? I get a little irritable and lash out sometimes ,but I try to control it even though I don't do a very good job at it. Sometimes being angry is a part of life. I love you user

I love u too, my nigger. Same
I can control it but i want to explode

Why not now?

December twelve is my birtfay