Sup Forums can never get its story straight about the holocaust

>hurr the holohoax never happened
>hurr watch out for us Europeans we're badass, the Germans will cleanse the muslims!
>hurr the lithuanians and SS shot all the Jews
>its impossible they could have dug all those graves

Without memeing and bullshitting, I'm genuinely curious, which one is it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah it didn't happen

The Holohoax didn't happen but it should.

It happened, numbers are exaggerated

it didn't happen but it should definitely happen again

Pol is not one person.

>Sup Forums is one person

What do you expect, Sup Forums can't agree on anything.

The holocaust happened btw

This. Too much evidence it did.

This is the general consensus.

And as others have said, for fuck's sake, Sup Forums is not one person.

Damn, really makes you think.

I'm a #hilldawg now

>Too much evidence it did.

Such as?

There were fewer Jews

Thank you Australia

The holocaust didn't fucking happen

>inb4 paid JIDF/ADL shill operating from his boyfriend's place in Tel Aviv


>I have no historical understanding and can't into meme magic
The holocaust didn't happen but it should have and it will.

Everything involving the Holocaust stands on extremely weak evidence for something so severe.




First hand accounts from soldiers who had no reason to lie.


>Sup Forums is one person


Welp that proves it

it probably happened

that said a whole lot of people died in that war and other events/dictators have killed more yet "the"holocaust is held up above every other bad event in our history for no apparent reason

i get why Israel is still so concerned with the events of ww2 but it's about time that american politics moved on from being able to yet anti-semite and have peoples life ruined for saying even probably this that im typing now

there. that should do it for the dump. If you want more non-testimony evidence, reinhard report, korherr report, höfle telegram and goebbels' diary should suffice for reading over the weekend.


I would say that even if we can't all agree on this. This is the best argument to put forth to normies, there is ample evidence of exaggerated numbers and historical documentation of the joos claiming Muh 6 million long before ww2

all those staged, holy shit

also watch this

But a lot of that evidence is based on stuff that is incorrect.


>Literal American propaganda and starving people in a starving country.


Hey OP et. al. here's that "Holocaust red pill" you're looking for.

>Axis powers rounded up millions of jews and put them in internment camps, also called "concentration camps"
>The plan was to kick them all out and send them to another land i.e. reverse race mixing
>Hitler never had a "final solution" and never gave a mass murder order, nor did anyone on his team
>The "final solution" was giving the jews their own territory somewhere else so they wouldn't stink up Germany etc.
>Gas chambers were basically screened in porches used to kill pests in massive clothing piles, zyklon b is a fantastic pesticide but not great for killing people
>The most gruesome and fantastic acts are complete fabrications, such as skin lamp shades, jew fat soap, etc.
>Toward the end of the war as the Nazi's were losing, they could barely feed their own troops, much less millions of jews
>Famine, cholera, and bugs/disease killed a lot of jews in the camps despite their best efforts
>Japanese in American internment camps were spared this fate because we won
>Allied powers used powers of propaganda to spread the lies that Nazism was the worst thing to ever grace earth
>In reality the worst war crimes by far were committed by soviets, who pinned most of the blame on germans instead
>UK, Russia, and US actually see that giving the jews a containment territory is a good idea, make up israel and send them there
>High ranking people like General McArthur quietly sow the seeds of doubt about who should have won and why (germans good jews bad etc)
>He mysteriously dies in a "car accident" soon after writing a few letters

And the rest is history. Oh and,
>by all authentic and factual accounts total death toll is perhaps 900,000-1,000,000. "6 million" is a special number for jews that excuses giving them israel.

>Sup Forums can never get its story straight
It's almost like there are multiple people on the sire with different opinions...

>Without Meming
That's honestly impossible with all the election/summerfag's.

German citizens do not look actually THAT bad

I know, it must have been that selective strain of typhus

Wartime and immediate post-war estimates were pre-war projections....idiot. Read the top of the Almanac page you're copying from without checking! Latest official and unofficial estimates! These weren't updated in the Almanac until 1950 when the Jewish total did in fact plummet. As usual, deniers cite Almanac figures as entirely credible....until the Almanac corrections appear! But if you know who was conducting accurate census surveys in Europe during wartime - feel free to tell us who they were.

>Gas Chamber

wew lad it's like you're admitting they had delousing chambers in labour camps

Do your fucking research if you're gonna start spouting shit. At least FUCKING READ the document you're quoting.

>sideways leaf
>quality posting
pick one

How can one nation be so cucked? I swear, the few times I do see an Austrian they're posting
something retarded

Jews were subversives and Communists. Germans tried to make it not worth living in Germany for them anymore. Jews in the West agitated for war against Germany. Germans put Jews in camps to use as slave labor and to make sure they didn't cause any more trouble before they could drive them out of Germany.Lots of Communist partisans were killed on the Eastern Front. Germany started losing the war and many Jews in the camps died of disease. Towards the end of the war with Germany in ruins Germany started mass executing them for what Jews had brought upon Germany. Jews lied about everything after their shabbos goyim had won the war and dindu nuffin. The End.

>Oy vey goy remember the people gassed behind wooden doors.

You can't make this shit up.

Solid argument you got there my baby boy.

What is they were deceived by the Jews?

you mean this?

or this?

>ad hom
>transcripts from a court case in the 90s..
>notes and transcripts of Hitler speech
>some himmler speech
>guy on trial in Israel in the 60s, because that's definitely going to be unbiased
Worse than the stormfag narrative images.

or perhaps this?

I have a new idea for a fashy meme: It's a smug looking third-worlder with text saying "lol you didn't respond to every claim made by a 4 page infographic using biased sources? nice argument xD

Didn't happen, if you aren't at this level then you haven't been here long enough.

You didn't responds to even a single sentence of the infographic.

You just straight up ignored it and called the guy a cuck.

You'll learn how to talk without memes one day my little guy.

>You didn't responds to even a single sentence of the infographic.
>You just straight up ignored it and called the guy a cuck.
great observation. I didn't respond and i'm not going to

kek sum1's gotten salty

More kike shills, great. Balfour, Madagascar, teeth, and david Stein.

>MUH eyewitness testimonies
Because those are always reliable, right?
We've been over this already, those are images from a train crash in Ohio. Next you will tell me that photomanipulation was impossible before digital editing software.

>anybody said ANSCHLUSS?

>minor neck injury

It's sad Patton died before he could expose the truth.

I wish it would be real
Sadly it isnt

Whahaha, I wrote mcarthur for some dumbfuck reason
late, tired I guess

Patron =\= MacArthur

The infographic is laughable. As one example, it attempts to debunk the Red Cross casualty figures (which by the way are consistent with those mentioned in decrypted Nazi communications during the war) by citing a statement years after the war that Jewish extermination was Nazi policy. No source is given for this "statement" and in any case it was probably just parroting what was "proven" in the illegitimate Nuremberg trials.

Funny how on revisionist websites only the photo labeled Auschwitz B is used for the Ohio train crash. They never managed to fit in the Auschwitz A pic into their train crash montage...

what about the swimming pools, soccer teams and plays in the camps

i do not take a position on the holocaust btw

what about them? theatre plays were for ss men to watch jews make fools out of themselves. "swimming pool" was a water hole.
btw. you forgot to mention the bunny rabbit farm...that existed as well, only it they were bred for their fut which was used for winter uniforms

look at all this meticulous work!!!!

wew, literally the worst embodiment of everything you seem angry at Sup Forums about

it's a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B oh wait I forgot this is the internet where everything is literal and binary whoops my bad

>Which one is it?

All of them and none of them. It's fiction, you can make up your own story.

It possibly/probably happened. I will continue to say it did NOT happen to trigger sjw's and kikes.

ITT: strawman orgy

hey friendo you don't have to bee snarky with me ok??
i haven't done much research into this at all, i've just poked around a little.
it's just sort of strange that those sorts of things existed at all. watching jews make fools of themselves sort of sounds like an answer that a cartoon caricature would give, but who knows maybe it could be true.
did soccer teams of guards ever play jewish teams?

>akschully, i've cum 2 /po/ to debeat le ebul nazees :D:D:D:D:D

Who's the current year!

It wasn't the systematic, purposeful destruction of Jews.

Shit happens when people bomb your supply lines and typhoid fever runs rampant through the camps.

did you just post a confirmed hoax picture

you'll come across many "what THEY dont want YOU to know about the biggest LIE of the 20th century" videos on youtube.

It sounds like a crazy awesome red pill to you at first glance, but most of it is regurgitated stuff from the 1980s (zundel trial) or what was presented as "defence" by the lawyer of the irving vs lipstadt trial in the 90s.

A good place to start would be nizkor that answers most of the accusations and "interesting questions" holocaust deniers put forth on the filth they spread on youtube.

Or try this:

>inb4 oy vey its a j00 site.

Seriously, it clears many doubts.

confirmed by who? stormfront? codoh? rense?


Pretty sure it happened. It would be the most significant fabrication in modern history if it was a hoax. Not to say it's impossible to pull off but it's very hard to believe it could have been done successfully.

lol i dont visit those sites

Yes, definitely, try that.
Then try this:

Let me ask, when you come to shill, do you think...
>gee, there must be all these newfags
>they'll just listen to me steamroll a topic with a bunch of bullshit then become my army of supporters
>nothing that counters my position has ever emerged, or will ever emerge
I ask this as someone who spends the majority of my time throwing up my hands in despair at how fuckheads like you roll in and act like the worst stereotypes of Sup Forums they claim to be wanting to "battle against". You do more to solidify the memes and myths around here about JIDF and other bullshits than you do to dispell it. You're a bigger cancer than any stormfag. Totally intellectually dishonest and disingenous, none of the shit in those macros is sourced, linked, contextualized, or detailed. Just another massive faggot who acts arrogant and childish on the Internet.


seriously, fuck yourself, you're the cancer killing Sup Forums

>Sup Forums is one person

Damn you are controlled and brainwashed by crony zionists nigga lol haha!
Hitler was like the greatest man alive and the holocaust like never happened but lmao it totally should've haahaagaga.
Stop being controlled, think free;
Here, I'll link you a trustworthy documentary on the Holocaust by a guy who thinks are like controlled by Jewish reptiles, which is like totally what's happening by the way lol.

>Sup Forums in a nutshell

Yeah we should all be listening to modern Germany the Mecca for freedom of speech.

already answered here faggot

>seriously, fuck yourself, you're the cancer killing Sup Forums

being this mad that I'm bursting your bubble

but ok:

>David Cole

In case you didn't know, David Cole is now no longer a holocaust denier.

Read exactly what Cole wrote on the subject:
"Were the Jews at the Reinhardt camps gassed? Were the bodies buried and then dug up to be burned, or burned immediately? We may never be able to say with 100% accuracy. But, we can say that the “transit camp” theory is bunk. It holds no water. The Korherr Report kills it.

Simultaneously, the Korherr Report, coupled with the Höfle telegram, coupled with the March 1942 Goebbels diary entries about liquidating Polish Jews, coupled with the December 1942 entry about having to “answer to some things” regarding what’s happening to Polish Jews
“if we do not want to run the risk of becoming gradually discovered,” coupled with Himmler’s admission at Sonthofen about murdering Jewish children and rubbing the Jewish ghettos in the General Government out of existence, creates a good case for mass-killing at the Reinhardt camps. We don’t have a still-existing Treblinka gas chamber. What we have is documentary evidence that not only points to the Reinhardt camps as being terminal stops, but also voids the “transit camp” theory as a viable possibility.

Mark Weber, David Irving, and I, have all separately come to the conclusion that there is good evidence to regard the Reinhardt camps as killing centers. If Fred Leuchter and Robert Faurisson wish to claim that I am “not a revisionist,” I would humbly suggest that a more accurate solution would be for them to refer to themselves as “deniers,” and reserve the term revisionist for people who follow rather than finesse the evidence."

No, don't listen to the Caliphate of Germany nigga, that's literally the most anti-Semitic place in Europe right now (if not in the world)
The mudslimes are the ones that are for this shit.

it makes sense if you are going to gas unknowing people to warn them that they are going to gassed

lebensgefahr= life danger

you just debunkt your self tard no skekkels for
you today

>polish jews
>being able to understand german

as for german jews, when youre naked and shoved into a room with 100 others expecting a shower, the last thing youre gonna do is read something that's written on the door, and even if you do read it, what exactly is your scrawny ass gonna do about it in the 15 seconds you have at your disposal to react, anyway?

do these look german to you ?

for the record I spend summer 2014 watching isis videos of detainees in orange prison jumpsuits calmly kneeling to receive a bullet to the back of their skull.

Herd mentality means people refuse to right.

>for the record

but that is not what the eye witnesses say they did not know it was happening until the gas came out of the shower heads

Most of Pol have such an inferiority complex towards Jews. They would make fun of something as fucked up as the holocaust because they are pathetic lowlives who will never accomplish anything in life and it bugs that jews are better than them. They find empowerment in denying the holocaust or teasing Jews about what happened.

That seems rather thought out. How did you come up with that?

>Anonymous board
>Two different statements
>Must be the same people on both

Bolsheviks and the red terror (which is a jew invention) killed more people than nazis killed jews.

Now, winners write history and the holocaust didn't happen as they brainwashed your childish brain to believe. Some jews were round up and shot, some died of tifus and some died of famine. It wasn't 6mill nor even 1mill.

>has no problem believing bolsheviks killed tens of millions
>thinks holocaust is impossible


>>polish jews
>>being able to understand german

what is this for nonsense i am dutch i dont speak a word german , anne frank is dutch she would have gotten it.

polish jews could speak german since its next to germany

>a room with 100

they went in with thousands

Where are any of the sources for this?
I have read Irving's books, and listened to many of his lectures. Can you reference what I am seeing here to printed sources or websites? I would like to be able to mention the sources if I cite these.
this requires less abusive language and simply more sources, there are none. Everyone already knows Leuchter didn't have degrees, but I am under the impression his work was superceded by Germar Rudolf's. His summary is here, confirming much of what Leuchter said. To attack the degree credentials of Leuchter, without giving any credit to his professional skill, or to any other accredited person who checked his work and came to similar conclusions, is misleading.
the amount of remains found at Treblinka is scant, and nowhere near the amounts claimed to have diappeared there. So many claims made not just for that one camps, but for numerous camps where evidence was lacking, so sites like Treblinka served as a sort of "God of the gaps"; when evidence did not exist anywhere else, these "black hole" camps could be used to rationalize the claims, ie, "well it must've gone to Treblinka". That one link doesn't provide new evidence, or change pre-existing debates. Its literally making a mountain out of a molehill (of ashes).
world population, you have a much bigger problem than that image pretends. a much, much bigger problem.
the 6 million figure is a gross exaggeration, both from the angle of how much fuel would be required to cremate bodies, how much zyklon b would be required to gas them, how many bodies each oven can burn per day, how many Jews there were after the war, the "magic" 6 million figure repeated in multiple publications since 1895

also pic related

>Can't even read
>Still manages to type