Other urls found in this thread:

looks like yein

>generic ugly nugu trash
>ugly katoey (male) trash
Truly pest vs. cholera sometimes with you attention-whoring shitters.

Cocos is cool



Bring back the old kpop

Two good editions like that, we truly are blessed

they were
what does bom's situation have to do with anything?


Not strictly pop, but Bebop's Ayeon did some drum covers and they're rather popular:

Whatever helps you sleep at night, pathetic shitter.

Jeno tho



reminder SNSD cut their promos short because there's no way in hell they could beat GFRIEND and they know it
>muh old groups are the best slayyyyyy


how though?

i only recognize about half of nct dream

>old kpop
>debuted in 2015

and gf is not even top 3 right now

irene is a bitch


>reminder SNSD cut their promos short
reminder this didn't happen, their promos were scheduled for august 10-13 since the start
they could've probably beaten gfriend because of album sales but not wanna one who came out at the same time

absolutely not true


somin noooo

t. lierene

So basically they know they would get 0 awards

jeone aldeon nigger anya
Brand New Sound
saerowojin nawa hamkke
One More Round
Dance Dance Dance till we run this town
oppa oppa I’ll be I’ll be Down Down Down Down

Seohyun :
oppa najom bo nareul jom barabwa

Tiffany :
cheoeum iya ireon maltu Ha!

Yuri :
meorido hago hwajangdo haetneunde

Jessica :
wae neoman nareul moreuni

Taeyeon :
dugeun dugeun gaseumi tteollyeowayo
jakku jakku sangsangman haneun georyo

Sooyoung :
eotteohge hana kotdae nopdeon nigger

Yoonah :
malhago sipeo

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oppareul saranghae
ah ah ah ah mani manihae

second right looks like haechan

>hyoyeon goes to instagram writing hurr durr muh hoobaes don't respect us only exo
>gfriend send their cd (take'em entitled grannies)
>gfriend wins show
>snsd cut promos because can't defeat gfriend


do you think a group thats been going for 10 years and has over 100 awards cares about them

Trading Somin for Chaekyung paid off desu.

Momoland hype

what set off that guys autism

i thought they got cut short because of nctdream

Sometimes I still wonder what Bomposters are doing right now. Wasn't she the most popular 2ne1 here back in the day?

sad but true



we need to feed jiae and jisoo

I think so because otherwise they wouldn't cut promotions short

it'd be hard for anyone at all to beat wanna one, at least girlgroups

or just replace em when they find better jobs

Is this the new girlfriend?
A group full of ugly sacks of shit for the insanely ugly Hikis to obsess over?

they werent cut short, it was a planned short promotion from the beginning probably so SM could squeeze another gaypop in before the end of the year

>>snsd cut promos because can't defeat gfriend
repeating this won't make it true baka
why are snsd antis so desperate



dude just let it go
years ago I was as much into snsd as any other fool sure but enough is enough



we just sit in silence and feel bad

I like April, but they are a poor replacement for kara and rainbow

no, there was just one rampant bomposter

they've never been popular here

Jei's coinslot is precious.

How could anyone not love this cutie?

I feel bad for fiestar, they had it even harder than dal shabet and nine muses even though LOEN is supposed to be a huge company. That's also why I have 0 faith in LOEN's upcoming girl group

Dara obviously

that doesn't really make sense considering they have won like 30 times on shows without being there

forgot you gaypop

jiae is in her prime

Low test: Wendy, Seulgi
Mid test: Irene
High Test: Joy, Yeri

Then we'll see :)

burger too

>tfw twice peaked early



>dude just let it go
i'm not the one constantly bringing them up and obsessively trying to spread falsehoods about them tho
THE GIRLS can probably take a vacation in the real estate they own in your head

nobody doesn't love her so how would i know

girlfriend is basically as terrible as fagshit.
No need to try deflecting uggoshitter.

yoongie wore it better

are there any normal people here?


Sure, SNSD was always more popular there but Bom was posted the most from 2ne1. She and maybe Dara

don't reply to me


y-you too

heck off

each 2ne1 had some posters
minzy was pretty popular too

stop replying to him

I have been posting here for 20 years

>muh legacy

who cares? No seriously, who gives two craps about what a pop group did in the past? Are you guys even listening to the same music genre as me? Nobody sane is going to give respect to a pop group's legacy.
We are talking about kpop here and the only thing that matters is how new the song is. I'm 100% sure that nobody, besides their few left fans, cares about tvxq and they were the biggest boygroup. Do you think is different with snsd? The korean public already moved on. Now they listen to Twice and bts so why are you still stuck in the past?

>i only listen to songs newer than 2 years old
what a joke that kid is

lol CLASSIC jiae


Hyori's Bed and Breakfast is top comfy

stop posting gigantic meaningless text walls

desu these lost souls still into snsd in 2017 makes me a little sad

bts still hasn't had a huge hit song yet though, they don't have much public recognition yet


comfy is just a code word for boring dbh

Jaejoong sold like 100k albums with one relase recently

>I'm 100% sure that nobody, besides their few left fans, cares about tvxq and they were the biggest boygroup
except mirotic is still one of the most iconic songs and gets performed by new gaypops regularly
of course the public will listen to a new song more (for a couple of months) but why does it matter

>The korean public already moved on
then why did snsds episode of knowing bros get the second highest in shows history, while twice was on the low end?

i thought they loved spring day though

speaking of snsd on knowing bros, has anyone made webms from that?

and stfu

really gets that noggin jogging

>s-shut up stop proving my claims wrong!