Another recession imminent, possibly worst recession since the great depression. Prepare yourselves accordingly.
Another recession imminent, possibly worst recession since the great depression. Prepare yourselves accordingly
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did you double check mummy stocked up on tendies?
>Economy crashes in September and Trump wins every state
Can't wait.
lol god thing we rigged it so the dip doesn't come until we want it to.
No tendies?
I'll make these guys become tendies if it gets bad enough.
I've heard May 28th as the day of the happening
need to be ready and don"t have the cash for gold?
stock up on whisky tobacco bullets and tampons
these things will be worth gold real quick
Why didn't you vote for Bernie's potato rations!?!
Now Trump will let you all starve
And marijuana for the smoke weed everyday faggots
Thank Jesus, can't fucking wait.
Can't wait.
>and tampons
Why didn't I think of this? I could sell these things to women for fucking gold.
I'm gonna stock up on bread and milk.
Chocolate too. PMS is a Hell of a thing. Now that I think about it, toilet paper would also be very important.
What happens when a 1.4 quadrillion dollar market 20 times the global GDP hits its climax?
Last time it was the housing market. This time it's the banks. Pull out all your money boys. Keep it in multiple accounts and keep 60 to 70%
Forgat pic
I hope the race war follows when the welfare state collapses.
Just look it up buddy. This time it's pretty legit. When the 200 week moving average line crosses the sp 500 line thats the most reliable indicator of a recession. And you can trace this back to 1929
So, what do you think will happen this time?
Banking sector collapse. Massive deflation. That's my best guess. The scariest part is not knowing what will happen but i don't think it'll be the end of the world. Just warning others to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. So if you have stocks sell them now and stock up on essentials and prepare just in case you lose your job and won't be able to collect unemployment.
>unregulated derrivatives played a significant role in the 2008 crash
>lets not reform, better yet lets just keep everything the same
I should have gone into finance, its free money.
It's far from unregulated but a big part of it is unregulated hedgefunds (which really shouldn't exist) extremely low interest rates and bank bailouts.
I have a year's supply of crisp bread, hard tack spam, oatmeal, cocoa, some frozen food stuff and toilet paper. Won't be starving in the very least.
My biggest issue is having a mortgage, but it's not a very big one. If I needed to, I'd just blow my 401k on it and find another cuck wage job.
>I could sell these things to women for fucking gold.
Or, you could use them to plug bullet wounds, ya know, what they were invented for.
Get on my level.
I live at 9300' above sea level.
There's still 5'-7' of snow standing here.
I own guns. Not one, but many.
So do my neighbors.
I generate power with solar panels, wind, and water. 4200 watts of panels, 2100Ah of battery storage at 48V.
I have an icehouse. I cut and store ice during the winter to chill my food the rest of the year.
I have a 1000 gallon propane tank, and 6 40lb tanks. I have a 500 gallon gas tank, and a 110 gallon tank in the back of my truck (plus the 26 gallon tank that's built into the truck). I have wood burning stoves in my home and my workshop, with over 12 cords of wood put up.
If I wanted to get rid of all the food in my freezers, my family and I could do it in about 18-24 months, if we ate like pigs.
There are no niggers within 50 miles. None.
The nearest town has a Marshall and his deputy.
We practice shooting together at the official rifle range sometimes.
Every three or four months, I go to a city for vacation. I raise chickens, get 10-12 eggs every morning. My freezers are filled with elk, deer, moose, trout, beef, buffalo, and swine.
I have a root cellar filled with fruit and vegetables we canned last fall.
I own an ISP. Not much, but it's mine. I trade with my neighbors. One gives beef, another pork. One trades moonshine, another the pot he grows in the summer. I get fresh milk 6 months of the year. We hunt together, fish together, and drink together. We teach our kids together.
I have a well for water, in case the spring ever goes dry. I have a septic tank, plus an outhouse, just in case.
Life is good.
You're living my dream user
Bring it fuckers. I'm ready to see the world burn.
Girls und panzer release day
This sounds like an awesome life. I'm very jelly user.
t. Wagecuck
People have been predicting another big recession since the last one ended in 2009.
They've been wrong for seven solid years. What makes you think they'll suddenly NOT be wrong after such a long record of failure?
Was looking into vold recently and they're predicting a down turn in that market now.
Is this just a schill to keep the price low while the insiders stock up?
It has to happen again eventually. Just when and the severity is hard to predict.
>Recession looming
>Real Income is still worse than It was before the last recession
>Debt has sky-rocketed
>Underemployment has sky-rocketed because there are still less skilled jobs than there was before the last recession and they're never coming back at this rate
>You're living my dream user
>This sounds like an awesome life.
I had you both at "No niggers" didn't I?
Nah, I live pretty rurally. I don't have a dindu problem. The idea of being independent of society is very appealing as civilization continues to spiral out of control.
I thought September 2015 was supposed to be the big crash? Sup Forums was hyping that one up for months, and it amounted to absolutely nothing yet again.
Shemitah comes
Look up the business cycle, a recession is due, the timing of it doesn't change the inevitability of this.
>I don't have a dindu problem
We get one or two every summer. You can always tell.
Even without the smell, the reports of broken windows and stolen everything go up 3000% whenever it gets warm.
Lots of land out here. Even better since they decided forests are raciss, because trees. Apparently trees are raciss now.
Whatever. Niggers don't stick around too long.
It was going to happen, then China did some crazy shit to keep its markets in check.
>unregulated derrivatives played a significant role in the 2008 crash
The only reason they played a big role in the crash was because the underlying assets (mortgage backed securities) were faulty. People thought those incredibly diversified AA and A rated bonds would never fail, so everyone made bets (CDO's) on them. They were actually deemed so safe that people made bets on the CDO's that were themselves bets on those bonds. So a single MBS ended up having, on average, 20 times it's worth bet on it through CDO's. When one of these bonds defaulted, not only did it's owners (normal investors) lose everything they invested, but all of those CDO's failed as well.
Basically the problem back then was that people deemed these underlying assets SO safe, that it was ok to bet 20 times their worth on their success. While this is still done to some extent, the current underlying assets' risks are valued way more accurately and people don't bet on them nearly as much (not even close to 20 times the asset's worth). So don't worry buddy, you won't have to stock up on shotgun shells and tampons just yet :)
>possibly worst recession since the great depression.
Its going to be a lot worse, like infinitely more worse. Back the vast majority of the people still lived rurally so when things got bad they could still plant potatoes and eat those. Most people in the west today have never even used a shovel.
Prepare for riots. As Gerald Celente always says, when people have nothing left to loose they loose it.
Every 8 years or so there is a recession m8
It's coming. Whether it is this year or the next
I prefer chicken drummies. I like my chicken drummies because they have bones it so I can feel like a true primal cave man knawing on the flesh of creatures below me on the food chain. Perfect for an economic fallout.
Living the dream user.
>There are no niggers within 50 miles. None.
Which state is that? I guess it some where in the northwest. You will be the ones that survive when this shit hits the fan.
Speculation is the root cause of every major stockmarket crash including the Great Depression. It inherently inflates the expected value of assets versus actual value. It periodically drops everything on the floor once the first tiny little stone starts rolling down the hill.
New Hampshire?
The global economy is rotting as the central banks run out of options
Get ready for quantitative easing, bail ins, negative interest rates, hyperinflation and war
It's going to be a rough ride that will make the great depression look like a picnic
At least you didn't have to depend on someone halfway around the world to make your cotton shirt, at least people knew how to grow food
Stock up on dehydrated water right now while you can
>bail ins
>using a bank's own creditors to prop up a bank's inability to repay debt
This is one of those hilarious scenarios where governments force people to surrender private money to pay for a failing system, right?
>This is going to end well
The real Unemployment Rate in the United States for April 2016 is 22.9%
Yes, its a hilarious scenario, and the legislation has already been put in place in most western countries, it's fair game when they get in trouble again
And they'll probably get their way too, did anyone do anything about the 2007 bailOUTs? It's not like people have stood up for their rights in the past 60 years, what will you do about it?
The average person has no clue what planet they're living on, even if you took everything they had, they'd do nothing.
>S&P has anything to do with reality
>lower stocks is going to matter guys
Please I'm a economist, my numbers are real, p-please?
Even if this 28th of May date which seems to be shilled by gold merchants (LITERAL gold/precious metal/alternative investment) merchants doesn't come true the collective opinion seems to be that whether its Q3 or Q4 we are due for a financial collapse - Drama with China, possible Brexit, elites not happy with Trump's success and our interest rates can't go much lower, it seems like a significant crash is inevitable and we should keep that in mind ofc.
My question is what can the average Sup Forumsack do to survive and thrive? We're all fairly young so don't have a great deal of capital to take advantage of changed market conditions.
Inflation = Good to be in securities like housing or whatnot so that your life savings in the bank of $1,000 doesn't become the equivalent of $10 right?
Deflation = Good to have cash
Market crash = Can take advantage of cheaper prices
Interested in hearing opinions, a lot seem to suggest precious metals but it'd depend if it was an economic crash vs a full SHTF in which it'd be more useful to be stocked up on food/water etc. Thoughts?
>>This is going to end well
Why do you think the DHS brought billions of rounds of HP? Why do you think all the alphabet soup agencies got their own MRAPs?
Realistically, in such a situation, the people who starve first will eat everything on four legs before your tendies run out
Failure to plan is planning to fail
It is my opinion that plans should always cover worst case scenarios, it gives you maximum flexibility to handle anything less severe
It doesn't matter if you think an economic collapse is imminent, something will always happen somewhere, earthquakes, natural disasters, epidemics
It is ALWAYS good to have an alternate supply of food and water
Take a look at Venezuela to see how things could end up, you could say the schmitah got them first