This election comes down to one thing, THE WOMEN VOTE, and they will not be told what to do with their bodies. American women love the cock and they are not going to let white males tell them they cannot have the cock.
This girl is a former fuck buddy of mine and she knows NOTHING about politics yet is livid because "old white males" told her she can't have her 4th abortion. Face it Trump fags, its OVER. #ImWithHer
Alexander Wilson
Do liberals care more if someone starts beating up a pregnant woman? Or do they just treat it like a usual woman beating?
Lucas White
feed her twitter to the right-wing meme squads.
Hunter Roberts
What is this Nazi Germany?
Blake Jones
Well I for one am all for stupid people not giving birth. Maybe seal one fallopian tube for each abortion she gets
Landon Reyes
>implying hillary doesn't have man problems that are equal to or worse than trump's women "problems."
Isaac Garcia
they do, if you say kill a woman who has been pregnant for all of a day its a double homicide
Aiden Campbell
>white males Every time
Jackson Anderson
I bet that lipstick would look good smeared all over my dick
Daniel Foster
>that in 2016
Jeremiah Hall
Feminists always abusing science. Imagine a world when men stop marrying with whores and murderers and add to it an empty sperm bank. Life ain´t easy and you have to be responsable. We are going to face more diseases and they are going to abuse science over and over (that´s good for docs because they earn a looooooot)
Jason Barnes
if only :(
Matthew Ortiz
who care......
Mason Rivera
b-but abortions are legal?
Jason Lewis
>implying most white men arent cucks who would vote for trump anyways
Chase Hughes
Maybe women need to learn to use a fucking condom if they want to be whores.
Joshua Hernandez
Hillary's identitypolitik reaches yet another strong, independent woman who don't need no man.
Meanwhile, leaves rustle softly in the wind.
Eli Morales
When allowed to choose what they do with their bodies, women are hideously irresponsible monsters who kill their own children for vanity and self-gratification. So yes, a bunch of old men of your race *do* get to choose what you do with your body.
Juan Moore
I can't believe people are actually convinced anti-abortion laws are about keeping women down and not about the baby's life.
Kevin Adams
post her twitter
Isaiah Rodriguez
women dont have the brain to think about others than themself
Landon Hernandez
is she white or mexican i cant tell
Aiden Sanchez
>muh social politics Yea, no. Get fucked, OP. This election comes down to one thing and one thing only. Nationalism vs Globalism. Globalism had it's chance to demonstrate how it's helpful for humanity and it has proven to decay it, instead. >#I'mWithHer You hashtagging faggot shills are so obvious.
Landon Gonzalez
its sexist to think someone can't represent your interest without having the same gender.Be happy you don't live in a country where you have to opt out organ donation
Carter Sanchez
its counted as heavier crime like killing based on race,taking a hostage,using a method that can be a mass danger. you would have to have the foreknowledge that she was pregnant .
Leo Diaz
shes white but she wears this makeup that makes her look awful
Brayden Moore
if only
Oliver Walker
Michael Harris
A large percentage of women hate other women, especially those who are more successful. Hillary will get most of the Baby Boomer feminist vote but will lose much of the mainstream female vote as those women don't want to live under the rule of another woman.
Cooper Foster
What's the mental age of that girl 10, I am sure you must have laws against fucking mental defectives. Didn't women also vote for the representatives in Oklahoma, so therefore women also support their position. Women are not stupid, they will vote according to who will represent their views. Not just because someone's a women. Just as men don't only vote for men.
Julian Green
>Implying women can be bothered to vote.
Joseph Foster
>Implying women know what to do with their bodies
Owen Clark
Jackson Barnes
What women say and what women do rarely line up. A lot of them are afraid to wear support for Trump on their sleeves because they don't want to be outcast from their social groups. The silent majority which comprises Trump's support are often found in the herds of sheep people typically assume will vote Hillary. Get a woman away from her friends, make her feel like it's okay to say what's on her mind and you might be surprised by the results. A lot of them see their sons, fathers and husbands struggle and instinctively know a Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders isn't going to make things better for them. As self absorbed as women are, they are the first to criticize and throw another woman under the bus if it will benefit them somehow.
Colton Morgan
Trump used to call himself pro-choice and was about only GOP candidate to not only refuse to give in to Planned Parenthood "baby parts" hysteria, but to actually come out in support of the organization. Tell your friend to get her facts straight.
Matthew Garcia
women feel this way
Christian Hall
Your former fuck buddy is utter trash then. Abortion should be reserved for true emergencies and rape cases, it's not a form of contraception as most of these irresponsible cunts want to use it.
They cry about bodily integrity, but completely ignore, that abortion is the ultimate violation of the developing human's bodily integrity. Easiest way to avoid this problem is to use proper contraception, it's dirt cheap and very effective.