How can we increase the white birthrate?
How can we increase the white birthrate?
Give gibs for having babies
let in syrian refugees
Make white people religious again
>He says while feverishly typing on a message board, most likely having Asian porn/Hentai open right now
>Instead of getting up and marrying someone and doing it himself
How does it feel knowing that YOU PERSONALLY are dooming the white race?
Fuck without condoms.
And fight feminism.
The socialist countries in Europe do have a higher fertility rate, but it is still below the replacement rate of 2.1.
And let's not forget that many of the births are probably done by shitskins who take advantage of the welfare.
islam will do it, yeah
this is like a fertilizer for white trash
young people from the middle class still won't have babies
make it illegal for women to have jobs
that only leads to dysgenic breeding
We shouldn't.
One user can't save an entire race. I could have 10 children, and that still would have a very minimal impact on the future of our race.
If Shitskins are kept at >5% of the population like they are in most countries, they will be bred out within 100 years. Check our aboriginal populations.
I'm looking into the prospects of eugenics. Instead of having 500 million people with an average IQ of 100, we could have 100 million with an IQ of around 120.
Eugenics is a good idea.
Or make white people stupid. The dumbest fucking dregs of this planet reproduce like mosquitos. Why? Because they have no concept of social or environmental responsibility. A lower IQ is directly correlated with a higher birthrate. Ironically it is the high IQ of whites that will eventually do them in.
strong maternity and paternity leave laws ensure that people who are employed won't be afraid of having kids
this may result in muh business types getting mad but you can't have your cake and eat it too
And a quitter's attitude like that is ALSO why your race is dying.
It's a damn shame, I always thought blue eyes were pretty.
White trash is still far better than foreign scum.
Don't need more white babies, just need fewer brown babies.
I've been thinking about that, but blacks and spics would just reproduce like rats at the expense of the white men.
We'd be cucking ourselves.
That would be a good idea in a country that's 95+ white.
Artificial wombs could become a large factor if they ever get out of science fiction.
1. Tax cuts for children/ not gibme
2. Socially and culturally make being a mother a good thing (so stop feminism)
3. For new marriages make them eligable for a free loan (free of charge/ untaxed/ and not under any %). Loan should be worth around 1 year of average pension, and when they get a kid, they can write 1/4 of the loan off
But really #2 is the most important one.
>Muh maternity leave.
Get a real job and have your wife stay at home and raise the goddamn kids idiot. If that kind of old fashioned gender normality rustles you then you're probably not going to breed anyway.
Make it easier for parents to be less involved somehow.
It's very hard to raise children in modern society, millennials will definitely have nothing to do with it.
They don't have jobs retard
That doesn't work in modern society, jackass. Wages have been going down for years.
Come back when it's 1960 and women aren't allowed to work. Shit like this is why millennials don't have kids.
>implying I'm going to reproduce because I'm white
I'm 5'8" and an internet addict my genes are dying with me.
>It's very hard to raise children in modern society
This is a myth perpetuated by women who don't want to be home makers and who insist on having their own careers. The truth is a man with higher than 90 IQ than provide for a family himself with a woman at home keeping costs down.
Jeez,didn't know they made midgets that short.
Find some obscure passage in the bible that says people of faith should have lots of kids and have Trump drill that message into everyone's heads during his interviews.
White Trash still have a much lower crime rate even if they're not motivated or smart.
Of course they have jobs. The unemployment rate is like 10% for non-whites.
With that in mind, businesses would just raise the cost of their product/service to make up for the revenue loss of the paid leave.
>It's too hard.
>Muh womyn need to work.
Yeah, you shouldn't breed. Consider suicide berncuck.
Your IQ is probably much higher than the average brownie though. The average IQ of a white person is 100, compared to the mid 80's for most non-white races.
Stalin was only 5'4 and look at what he accomplished.
Hitler was also around 5'9.
I mean proper, full time jobs that provide actual benefits.
And the unemployment statistic only measures people who are searching for jobs, not those who've given up.
We don't. Black power!
Lower taxes and dismantle wealth redistribution programs. If it was easier for couples to settle down and buy a home without getting into a mountain of debt, couples would be able to afford more kids.
Right now there are too many seniors wasting away in huge ass homes and Chinks buying/renting them out.
If we cut off the flow of money to old people, more will move in with their 40-50ish children and sell their houses, helping to raise the younger kids and teach them better morals.
>More houses on the market
>lower house prices
>more people buying houses
>more couples starting families
>more elderly living with families and helping parents
>children learn better morals from grandparents
Why the hell do we need to keep the birthrates rising every year? The way I see there is already enough people. Are you happy when the whole globe is a radiating pile of shit?
Just go back to basics and ban all contraception and abortions
If that doesnt work legalise rape
We can't. White vaginal Jews are lost.
W-why do pregnant woman creep me out?
End welfare.
>I mean proper, full time jobs that provide actual benefits.
So if you don't get your hand held for life you don't wanna play?
Jesus christ you pathetic NEET, just go ahead and hang yourself. Nobody is going to look after you like a sad little puppy.
arranged marriage.
romance is the main reason white birthrate has been dropping since the late 1800s
Only way. If woman don't have the state to rely on, they will have to get their shit together.
Excuse you? Did you have a stroke?
I'm saying that poor minorities and poor people in general don't hold real jobs, which is true.
>Stalin was only 5'4
he really was, and Napoleon was 5'7
this is fucking preciuos tidbit of history
Whites must be more apathetic. Look at asians. They are apathetic as fuck and they reproduce like rabbits.
Well, it also would presumably make blacks and mexicans think twice about having so many fucking kids.
That's a good way to cut the nigger birth-rate way down, but I don't see how it would get white women out of the career track that gives them a couple years to reproduce before they're biologically likely to crank out downs babies.
End White Genocide, so white women will call off their sex strike against White Genocide.
Ban birth control and abortion. Our birthrates were above replacement until the pill.
Oh no, did I offend the berncuck...?
Manlet + power = powerful combination when anyone fucks with him
Just end alimony/child support.
I know this sounds counterproductive, but white people want to live "according to plan" so much that if their plans don't go as planned (which is going to happen in EVERYONE'S life), that could end up with them missing out on having children. Whether that is not having the perfect job, or a large house, or a set amount of money saved up, getting caught up in attaining these things make them lose sight of reproducing at an appropriate time.
Your children don't need a million dollars and a massive house for a good upbringing.
I'm not going to have my parents move in with me faggot.
But Asians though? (not including recent reproductive phenomena in Japan)
If your parents weren't retarded, they would have amassed enough savings to support themselves without government gibs. But you know what they say, like father like son.
Allow white men to have the same 0 responsibility that men of other races get to enjoy when they impregnate multiple women.
Ban birth control and abortion. Remove women from the workforce and remove their right to vote.
I know, feels bad man. Oh well.
My IQ is probably not shit-tier, but that doesn't make me not 5'8"
I might be white, but I can't risk spreading my genes. I'm beyond fucked.
Get women out of the workplace. It's impossible to raise 3 kids with any type of quality life without two pretty decent salaries these days. Unless you want to live in poverty both parents have to work unless one makes 80k+. It's just not doable for most people. Unfortunately, this problem is not going to go away any time soon since religion is demonized constantly
Have them breed with blacks
Bro the Mexicans are like 5'6 on average. If we get demographically fucked then even shorter whites will be average. Have kids with a 5'8 chick and the kids will be at least 5'10. It's short moms that create short kids
free education and guaranteed employment for all whites.
we did this during apartheid and our numbers greatly increased
Bring in black African breeders, they tend to have a ton of kids
Make people believe in the future
Eugenics is the study of keeping people from breeding you dumb fuck
Thank you Planned Parenthood
>That doesn't work in modern society, jackass. Wages have been going down for years.
>All these goys believing in the "white trash" meme
Realise that $ does not give you status. Having kids that survive you does.