Clinton bashes Poland and Hungary, randomly at a rally in New Jersey.
Why does he give care what Poland or Hungary are doing? Why randomly voice these criticisms at a rally for his wife in New Jersey?
Clinton bashes Poland and Hungary, randomly at a rally in New Jersey.
Why does he give care what Poland or Hungary are doing? Why randomly voice these criticisms at a rally for his wife in New Jersey?
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Here's the video:
nigga I ain't watch all that
what did he say
He wants to see them flooded with mudslimes.
I don't care. F you Bill. Your friends lost the elections. No more money for you. Deal with it.
he looks like he got the AIDS
What difference does it make to the United States whether or not Poland and Hungary take in people who may very well be a security threat for them? Why would this be voiced at rally where the people who are attending probably don't know or care about the political situation in Poland or Hungary?
Billy is showing signs of dementia. Going to be hilarious when Bill's dementia and Hillary's stroke are proven in the general.
>two countries against mass muslim immigration
At some point he will die of old age. Also, he and his supporters will get banned in Poland thanks to our new law that comes to life this summer.
>"Poland and Hungary, two countries that would not be free but for the United States and the long Cold War, have now decided that this democracy is too much trouble,"
>"They want Putin-like leadership; just give me an authoritarian dictatorship and keep the foreigners out. Sounds familiar?"
>People voting for an anti-immigration party is dictatorship
>Having the government ignore what the people want is democracy
>Bill: Poland is authoritarian
>Poland: You and anybody who agrees with you are banned
wew lad
Lmao, what a cuck
It's like an online video game server lmao
keeeek holy shit this is gold
>Poland and Hungary wants Putin-like leadership -- just give me an authoritarian dictator
five seconds pass
You literal retard, you just perfectly described the allure of Putin-like authoritarianism... Fucking hell
We don't like lies and bullshit in Poland, bro. Also, Bill won't be banned, Groups funded by Soros will.
The clintons are part of the bilderberg group
they have a meeting coming up
If you look closely, you can see the strings George Soros uses to control him.
This fatty-fucking and rosacea-afflicted wigger, needs to keep his mouth shut about current affairs.
I know where he got it from (pic related)
>Trump: Muslims are committing a lot of terrorist attacks
>UK/Canada/France: We are so freedom loving that you are bann-
>*gets bombed*
>UK/Canada/France: Hol' up
>*plane gets hijacked*
>UK/Canada/France: We be sayin
>*Theater gets shot up*
>UK/Canada/France: We love-
>*Soldier decapitated in street*
>UK/Canada/France: We wuz free n shiet
>What difference does it make to the United States whether or not Poland and Hungary take in people who may very well be a security threat for them?
Because if people in America see functioning western countries that are anti-immigration he can't peddle the
lie as easily.
Guy looks like Charles Barkley
True, I doubt his evil will end there.
because him and hillary took money from middle eastern world leaders. among them the shits who dreamed up this muslim invasion and 911
We get this shit from other countries too, but fuck, their guys were elected democratically. I don't see the problem, besides the fact that he's now AIDS-Bill, and he's basically busted as a pedophile.
Why are Poland and Hungary alone in their rejection of the Muslims, and why is it such a big deal that they're not embracing them like the rest of Europe?
I guess I'm a #TrumpTrain now
Die in AIDS, faggot
Because they are a little more 'old-world' so they have retained a degree of tradition and values.
They have nothing they can be guilted on and are quite proud of having fought to keep Muslims from conquering Europe.
How random, how unexpected. It's not like they're on the globalist shit-list or anything.
pretty much this
>demractically elected governments, doing what they were electer for is dictatorship
soros is sticking out
We're not alone, basically every eastern european country rejected immigrants. It's just that our leaders are capable of changing the whole politics of central europe. I'm not saying they will, but they could. And that's why the good goyim has to know just how racist, intolerant and Putin-like they are.
looks like he has Alzheimers
Because he a globalist shill rapist?
a) we are white
b) we are christian
c) we saved Europe from Muslims invasion once
d) we know how this shit will end if not stopped at the beginning
It happened in the past and people learned nothing from history. Read a history book from time to time, nigger.
It's shit like this that will make everyone vote for Hillary
Let me put it to you another way, once Hillary goes into office.. so will Bill
Where ever she goes, he goes
Whatever she hears, he hears
Whatever her issue, it's going to be his issue too
It'll be Bill Clinton's third term.
Every day I am further convinced that democracy is very literally one of the worst forms of government in existence.
At least monarchies and dictatorships can't so easily be undermined from within by jewish corruption. At least monarchies and dictatorships are relatively immune to mass media brainwashing as their leaders are intelligent enough to make decisions good in the long run, and not for the de jure topic in the media.
I suspect European dictatorships and monarchies were taken down expressly for the purpose of destroying Europe. That the present day genocide of European people is a plan of action hundreds of years in the making.
>would not be free but for the United States and the long Cold War
Hungary would be free if the faggots of the West don't ally themselves with the Soviets in WW2.
Hungary would be free if the "Leader of the Free World", the "Home of the Brave" would have helped us when we rebelled against the Soviets in 1956.
Strange how they could train and arm so many people in several countries with the CIA, but they couldn't help us. Could it be because they'd rather let us rot in communism?
So this nigger led country has no right at all to raise their voice against us.
(Plus come on, we all know this is just virtue signaling from ol' Blinky Bill because Soros asked him to bring up muh dictatorship of Hungary & Poland)
>c) we saved Europe from Muslims invasion once
And we saved it from bolshevik marxist revolution
Now its cultural marxists using muslims like cultural weapons and they are shocked we are against it.
A-well-a, everybody's heard about the bird
Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, don't you know about the bird
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, everybody's heard about the bird
Bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, don't you know about the bird
Well, everybody's talking about the bird
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, bird
Surfin' bird
Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, aaah
Pole, how difficult is your language to learn?
I heard you have something like 15 different tenses.
This is not very Presidential of him. Not very first-lady like, either
signalling he's on board the neocon poz train
The faggot probably wants to do to them the same thing he did to Serbia.
>tfw you will never be Polish
It would have taken you more time to type that comment than to watch the entire video
Mark my words. Bill will die of natural causes sometime around late sept. early oct. Hillary will use the widow angle to win the election.
Don't drive more of our allies away now Bill... Eastern Europe needs us and we need them.
Not authoritarian to decide who comes into your country
Strange, his father looks like Magic Johnson
Moj Polski Ojczysnosc jest o wiele warzniesze dla mnie nisz Globilazacya.
bretty hard
It's somewhat complicated, we have 5 tenses but also 4 modulators for every tense.
At least it's easier then finnish
We're talking about poland here..
fucking poland.. you do know who they are right? I take it you have no clue
Anons, he looks like he will not shill for long.
Oh I get it. His name was Byrd
I was taught Polish by both my parents as a baby and child when I was born in Australia, before I was taught English. I am eternally grateful for this because Polish is a difficult language to learn and I naturally learned english from my sibling pre-schoolers and TV when i was very young.
screen cap this.
Did a polish whore give him Aids or something?
If that's the sentiment, why take issue with their politics?
>Why does he give care what Poland or Hungary are doing? Why randomly voice these criticisms at a rally for his wife in New Jersey?
He's fishing for the minority, SJW and feminist votes to secure them.
Close, not sure whan you mean by the "Ojczysnosc". Such word does not exist. There is only "Ojczyzna" which translates to Fatherland.
My fatherland Poland is way more important to me than Globalization?
In that case it would be
"Moja ojczyzna, Polska jest dla mnie dużo ważniejsza niż globalizacja."
Yes, what about Poland? I know a lot about Polska.
>He's fishing for the minority
I'm sure Millions of Poles living in USA will vote for them after he shits on Poland.
9,500,000 polish-americans
Good points. I'll also add that it was this authoritarian, stalin-loving piece of shit that sold us to Soviets.
Sadly most of us have forgotten about Poland and only 'partially' identify with our ancestry.
>At the time ethnic Poles in America were viewed as a non-white racial group, similarly too how the Irish were not considered white.[citation needed]
Fuck you Sup Forums
These libs don't realize Putin is looking more and more attractive to Americans over time no matter how much our govt and media make him into an evil, boogeyman, KGB killer. I never got why Russia was still supposed to be the final boss of all nations to the US.
I hope Hillary invades Poland and forces them to take Arabs.
Fuck you, pole
No thank you, we don't want to become a muslim filled shithole like Russia
That is your future with glorious NATO Comrade.
Rosja please I go on Sup Forums to avoid boners
Polish Americans dont care about Poland.
Oh hi
The thing is, Putin is looking attractive to Eastern-Europeans as well, at least that's the case in Hungary, and afaik the situation is similar in Czechia and Slovakia. I doubt Poland would be full of Putinboos for now, because of historical reasons, but if this cunt gets elected and starts to fuck with them, it might push them towards a more sympathetic stance for today's Russia,
Delet dis
poor bill, he looks old
They do care, the problem is that they are almost exclusively retarded neocons who still drink the cold war propaganda
This is rather good that they're with NATO. Think carefully whether do you want such an ally like this putrid nation. Even the British kill them.
Nope. Fuck both west and east. We will build a fortress right in here and protect it.
True. I just like them getting fucked over by the America they love so much. Also the US has started deploying black soldiers to Poland and they have already raped Polish girls and women. It is very funny.
>criticises authoritarianism
>"You need someone right from the beginning who can keep big bad things from happening"
Is he contradicting himself or is he mocking them? I don't get it.
Hurr durr muh soros, if america loved us they would have died for us, hurr durr
Quoting ghostler?
Nah, there were no news about blacks getting murdered in here for the right reasons lately. You have no source. Get out.
old news, and bill ain't nothing but a dessicated mouthpiece for his she-devil wife at this point in time
he is a shill everyone knows it,anyway is dumb and thaks to usa austria is electing a nazi more wellcome refugees only right wing policy big lol
If they would actually vote with the interests of a foreign country in mind, they're worthless anyway
I think Bubba's AIDS drugs are interfering with his mental coherency.
They will vote for Trump. Clinton is bad news for Poland. Poles in the US are statistically smarter than other groups in the US. They know what is going on. When I see those hordes of retarded protesters shilling for democrats it makes me sad inside. How braindead can you get?
welcome refugees ...turned into hard right... a big Lol to austria and germany
Bill is a sad old man who has been reduced to trying to prop up his witch of a wife while she steals the election.
You can see that he wasn't gonna get involved at all except that his wife is so awful, she is actually giving Bernie an outside shot at the nomination.
Every time he speaks, I am more convinced that Trump will win in a landslide this November, and that is the best thing that could happen to the US.
I sincerely hope the Visegrad Group evolves into something great in the future
Intermarium, perhaps
How did he manage to win all those Southern states back then? Did he use to be conservative or something?