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Even if I replied to this post, I didn't.

This is Goebbels level propaganda kikery, hahaha what the fuck xD

So now they are just straight up dismissing everything he says? At least they are being up front about it.

its like that webm of the zebra pulling out its own intestines

yeah but no but yeah but no but YOU'RE A RACIST



lol kikes btfo again thus will only make Trump look better.

> airplane with hundreds of people crash

What the fuck is wrong with journalists?

Pick only one my burger loving friend

>hundreds of people
There were 66 people on that plane, but even if you had been right you would have been wrong

but how can you be wrong when you are right?

Look at the passenger list. There were no human casualties.

66 is hundreds. It's two thirds of a hundred

Because you're a racist

>columnists = journalists

Not saying this guy isnt a complete idiot but there is a very clear distinction between the two.

You're right, but you're wrong.

>correct facts are wrong

Wooooow... so this is the power of liberals...

This is shit bait.

Trump and the Right follow a model of behavior to predict the actions of Muslims and the consequences of massive 3rd world immigration. History validates this model repeatedly. It has a huge sample size with logical points based on their measurable characterisitcs and beliefs. This model has intensely accurate predictive power. By all measures it is scientificaly sound to expect more crime with higher black, spanish, and muslim population percentages. We apply our model to current events and call things with perfect accuracy.

We are wrong because it's not nice and hurts some people's emotions because they want to believe the world is a fairy tale.

The left needs their ass kicked hard.

but you're right but you're wrong.

"if we kill our enemies, they win" tier

Sounds like Politifact

Oh. Shit. I. Am. Now. A motherfucking. #cruzmissile.

>that title

I don't believe you and I won't google it to see if it's true.

can a fucking white male be wrong if he's right though?

Nice try, poo. Now go into the loo.

>The left needs their ass kicked hard.

so why aren't we letting it happen? why aren't we letting the muslims and the immigrants do it for us?

Why expend effort and energy on preventing a disaster they want to happen?


>white males ever being right
Well meme'd cishet shitlord.

>if you're right, they win
God damn Trudeu is a philosopher king

>Ishaan Tharoor



if this arouses you you're gay, but you're also not

So pretty much.
>Hurr durr they haven't confirmed it was a terrorist attack yet.

sounds about right to me...and therefore must be wrong.



here was the previous title

>omg, look at this asshole jump on muslims, AGAIN, when we don't even-

>okay, so fuckING WHAT if he guessed what seems to be correctly and really early, he had no fucking clue what the fuck even anyways

anyone got this?

my morbid sensibilities need to see it

You think you want it but you don't.




>even if he was right, he was wrong

Is this some Trudeau shit they are trying to pull here? If you don't gargle your enemy's dick, then they win?

he doesnt even say muslims, and the guy doesnt even accuse him of blaming muslims


What do "fight hate with love, open borders, no human is illegal" idealist faggots think when they witness such a gruesome and cruel display of the reality of nature. How does this get processed by them.

drumpf on suicide watch

>Ishaan tharoor

>why aren't we letting the muslims and the immigrants do it for us?
Because that targets everyone you retard, rich liberals in gated white suburbs the least. The aim is to live in a first world country that isn't overrun with chimping-out chimps, not to kill leftists.
Also, since when have "we" stopped a disaster from happening? Every major incident involving Muslims in the west will have ironically harmed a refugee-welcoming leftist. Pic related.

oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck

So basically if I took a shit in a toilet, I didn't take a shit in the toilet???

>This article title makes no sense

It's much more important to be PC than to be correct. Sadly, this is what much of the country believes and desires.


You can see how empty it's body is when it turns around, like there's a vacuum where the intestines use to be.

Did it died?

>even if it's 100% true facts, it doesn't make it not racist"

These people are no longer a fringe minority, people. This insanity is only becoming more and more mainstream.

>Did it died?
Stacey, a 20 year old university student who was visiting on one of her annual vacations to Africa to bravely help the stray dogs, nursed it back to health and now it's best friends with the village dog. 1 share = one life is beautiful and nothing is sad

>Washington Post
>unbiased and non-leftist
Pick one.

More like "we control the narrative, so we say you took a shit in the toilet, and even if you did, we say you didn't. So you didn't. Also we don't like you so you're a racist rapist. (A rapist who is also racist, not a rapist of racists.)"


I just drank a glass of water, but I didn't.


this really hurts my brain. How do these people reason?

That's the problem, they don't. Think about it every time you bring up facts in a debate it's all ways, muh patriarchy! muh racism! They just stick there heads up there own asses or in the sand and ignore reality.

almost seems like you copy pasted from jewbook, welldone

>In the wake of the Brussels terrorist assault, a media wing of the Islamic State put out a video hailing the success of the attack.
>One measure of their supposed triumph: a sound bite from Trump, bemoaning the fall of a great European capital.
Yes, because they know he's right, you idiot.
Leftists let it be taken over and now the "not true Muslim" Muslims celebrate because of it.

if a muslim allah akbars in the woods, is donald trump still racist?

"if you let your enemies kill you, you win"

with feels and a conscious, active, voluntary denial of reality


>grasping at straws this hard

They really have nothing left.

I cut off my dick, but I let my sister watch. Did I win or lose?

>Did it died?

>animal has its leg removed and it's guts ripped out of its body
>did it fucking died

Even if first post is the best post, it isn't.


>we just don't know

welcome to the new dark ages
"God made Sun perfect, so the spots are due to your error"

did she? is it too late?

The Japanese cannot keep getting away with this

lol, stupid lefty academics. It's not your job to evaluate the impacts of your research, it's to uncover the truth through experimentation. Sweeping a glaring hole in marxist theory under the rug because it doesn't fit with the happy ideals of society is as bad as eugenics in the first place.

its just an extension of
>if you kill your enemies, they win

I remember the first time that happened. Really embarrassing.

That's cause it is racist to point those facts out.

Racist is a term made up by some commie. It fits the exact definition of 'racist' to be right about those numbers.
Stop caring about that term. Don't identify as racist either, cause it was made up to be a negative term. There's no winning that game.

>implying calls about being tough smart and vigilant in regards to terrorists is wrong

To borrow a phrase; i cant even

No, just put a bandaid over it and it should be fine in a couple of hours.

Their argument is straight out of 'Brave New World'.




into the trash it goes

how about a link or screencap, faggot OP newfag cocksucker spic

It gets worse.

pic EXTREMELY related

Seriously why do you post shit like this and not even give the fucking information about what he was wrong about?

Please be kind and kill yourself.

>mfw the crocodile gets his meals pre-gutted courtesy of his prey

Racist doesn't mean false. Of course facts are racist. People need to learn that racism doesn't mean hating or wanting to harm other people. Racists especially, I think.

>draw a girl
>call it a boy


It is almost certain that Trump was right

>but even if you had been right you would have been wrong.


The Zebra had it coming because its white.
The black stripes are cultural apropriation