Sup Forums what else should I add?

Sup Forums what else should I add?

A Paki taking him up the rear.

And include US & Canada spooning it.

make top left a wojack sucking pepe

not sure where you're seeing that on the map

was thinking of making england into a huge dick pissing on cappy

Eastern Europe watching in disgust and our greatest ally.

This, put Obongo on the west.

Make UK and Ireland the splooge

this is MOST inappropriate OP

west, as in top of picture, or left?


I'll give it a try

>British """"""memes""""""
This pleb tier r9k shit is fucking shit, and it doesn't even make sense.

Make Ireland a potato

lel, hadn't thought of that

Under pepe, the whole land area looks like a jew rubbing his hands

Australia and new zealand are baltic countries

can not be unseen

currently trying to make north africa into obongo, the eyes and nose are giving trouble

What I meant, drawn badly
It'll look good as a black silhouette

Well spotted that could be good.
Try and make turkey a roach.

don't worry it's on the todo list

They're fucking everywhere

This Jewish things run deeper than we thought



wow nice


We wuz merchant 'n sheeeit!

Needs a Turkish roach, though.

now with 100% more turkish roach


Kent looks like a foot.

that's awesome xD

I'm gonna end it here for now