Are you ready Sup Forums, for the the country sexuality?
The Cuckolding
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What's the fourth sexuality?
Cuckoldry? That's just a fetish.
From the picture I would guess asexuality, i.e. not fucking at all.
>Oy vey!
the article is not about cuckoldry at all, just about asexuality
but of course they had to choose such a cuck pic
Poo in loo pajeet
Why is this cuck shit being pushed so hard all of a sudden? I refuse to put it down to confirmation bias from being on this board too often. It's well and truly reached the mainstream now.
Low sex drive is now a sexuality?
Fucking unreal. The chutzpah of these Jews. It's getting so apparent at this point.
Lol who cares? The women who fuck niggers are low IQ anyways. Even the attractive ones are not worth crying over for. Smart women do not fuck niggers in fact it is rare for them to fuck around and even when they do they fuck men who respect them not some agressive apes.
Women do look like that if you seek them out.
And an interracial cuck pic, at that.
Anyone who thinks the maxis shouldn't have won is a fucking faggot or in this case a cuck.
>not labeling everything
I mean it's 2016
Don't be bigoted faggot
Wake me up
here's the article btw
>asexuals unironically have their own flag
Indian women do not fuck niggers right? I met a few of them on my travels and they say that white skin is favorable in India. They would perfer to have lighter skin children
No, people are losing their fucking heads. When someone with anorexia tries to pass their shit off as a diet, you don't agree with them you take them to a doctor. I have not done research but I'm sure these "asexual" people have deeper mental health issues.
Fuck yall whitey. Two much truth for you bitchass motherfuckers.
Only whitey got these limpdick issues with fuckin. You ever hear bout a nigga who dont wanna get his. Shit up???
Fuck you. Halfa you fuckin faggots cant get hard at 30 without popping pills. Whitey zap his lil dick to so much fuckin porn he goddamn crazy an impotent. White bitches flocking to black and brown like fuckin geese. The fuck can blame em!
>Pajit OP
Not even fucking hiding it anymore.
What are the other three? Straight and gay are given I would think, so is it bi or trans? You can't leave trans out can you? So do you leave out straight? What about those who are attracted to fake animals? Do we now leave out both gay and straight? So are the 4 sexuality Bi, Trans, Furry and Asexual now?
Hetero, Homo, Bi and A
Eh, the naked male is white
It's real.
> It's "only" a retweet
Media try to make you believe that letting some else fuck your wife/gf and you watching and masturbating dressed as batman is "a healthy form of sexuality". Not having sex is now sexuality.
But, that's racist or something. You can't just leave trans off that list.
Got this kid I work with who uses the term pansexual to describe himself. Most annoying faggot in the world. I regularly destroy him in arguments defending God Emperor Trump. Too bad it looks like I'll get fired soon since he complained to HR that I was being sexist and homophobic towards him (which I wasn't). Boss is a coalburner who hates how I talk down to women too, so lord knows she wont defend me. Ah, fuck em all.
What is it with the left pushing white chicks toward niggers who will literally impregnate you and youll never see him again. Why do these people think thats ok?
dude its so simple. its to have them use their best years on shitting out a nigger kid. its to not repopulate with white kids, only mixed and soon black ones.
Donald Trump will make anime real, just wait!
"Trans" isn't a sexuality
If you ask me it's a mental illness, but for Leftists it's just an alternative "gender identity"
But not a sexuality, meaning trans people are still hetero/homo/bi/a
>What is it with the left pushing white chicks toward niggers
How is the Left doing this exactly?
I have actually, now that you mention I have met a bunch of niggers with impotence problems.
All the alcohol, drugs, getting shot and paralyzed and confidence issues over having small dicks does the trick.
I grew up around niggers and live on the same deck as a bunch of supply pogs in my barracks.
Also you niggers can't fight for shit
You're a nigger and thats all you will ever be. No one will ever respect you. Wheres your dad? You dont know. Youre mothers a whore. Your life is meaningless. Nigger
There was a third sexuality?
>That we need to start talking about.
Jesus online media is retarded. they actually believe in the cuckening
Welp, guess i'm a #cuckmissle now
What the hell is the third sexuality?
We have a saying, I can translate it as "mad on their fat". You first worlders probably have nothing better to do than come up eith this bullshit
No fucking way, the link is about asexuality.
And what picture do they use? Well of course it's a timid meek white man in the corner while a white chick is with Jamal.
At a complete loss for words. Just what the fuck?
no its just sjw faggotry to distract you from real problems like the muslim invasion and the war on terror and the economy
trans are still their gender of birth because their chromosomes didnt change or you think they are their new gender. either way they fit into the existing gay straight alignment
they tried this ulta ghey shit called "non binary" which basically means confused but its still either ghey or straight sex
there is nothing new. bi already existed and just means you dont have a preference but at any 1 point in time its ghey or straight sex. there are only 2 options
a orgy is very ghey for you if even 1 of your gender is present besides you
Not the fucking Estonia toothbrush girl shit again...
>4 sexuality
What is the 3rd?
Bisexual or Asexual
The best way to reduce the world population is to convince people that they don't need to reproduce.
made me feel ill
i can't imagine what the world will look like in 50 years
So... I wasn't sure what chutzpah means, so I checked it in the urban dictionary. Example of usage?
>Marlene had the chutzpah to ask me to wear a strap-on next time we have sex! Apparently, my cock doesn't cut the mustard!
Indians are more racist than Europeans
Sex is a reproductive function. Sex = reproduction.
If your not having sex to reproduce.
Then your masturbating, simple as that..
What you choose to masturbate to or with is your problem. How you choose to refer to that masturbation is your problem.
Everything is dicks with the Jews. They subconsciously mourn the loss of their foreskin. Tis tragic, it be
They are poo niggers dipshit
>pajeet telling another pajeet to poo in loo
We gave come full circle.
Anyone else besides me find it extremely hilarious that the designers of this image keeps to a very specific formula? Muscular or fit, tall black dude, shorter long haired blonde white woman and the one highlight has "negative" traits such as wearing glasses that implies poor eyesight, not very athletic, no fashion sense because of the plain, boring clothing and, well, he's a fucking white male. It's like I'm looking at a live action John Persons image.
That thing is owned by an ex-KGB guy. IDK why anyone would take any info coming from it seriously.
The naked guy is clearly white.
How did idiots get so much power?
And the "White guy" looks like a Mulatto/Half-breed of some kind
Tbf, that could very well also be a white man hugging that white woman
The shadow doesn't really reveal the exact skin color
But yeah, at first glance it looks like a black
It is a white man, clearly. Body type, reflection, non-curly hair.
And the "White guy" is clearly a mutt of some kind.
Maybe Profit
I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.
The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure white wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her.
Why do we NEED to start talking about it?
I don't give a fuck whether someone likes men, women, or both or neither. Why do I have to talk about other people's sexuality? It's their own life and I have enough shit going on in mine.
Deal with your own problems, retards, the world doesn't owe you to think about you constantly.
Always knew italians were secretly niggers, fuck you too mario
At one point, I almost became a white nationalist, until I saw there were cucks like you and rad fems somehow snuck in there. I thought you guys would never be degerates like the leftistz only to come here and find out I was so naive.
But to be fair I was going to be one just so I could avoid SJW dogma and to spite them
>But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this
Pick related should be you
> display to the world that you are a faggot
> ask for special treatment because it was taboo 50 years ago
People are so vocal about it because they try to get discounts, advantages, free pass,... It's the same process for muh Holocaust, coton picking, native Indian, colony, if you get enough people bitching and moaning for long enough you will get your special treatment work 100% of the time*
*expect for straight white people
I like this street shitter
What the fuck did we do? Did this site ironically shill for cuckolding so hard the last few years that it became mainstream?
What the fuck are we gonna do when people start identifying themselves as "Pro-Cuck"?
bluepilled idiots.
Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.
I forgot jews were in italy too
Read first and then speak slovenia.
Where can I get a nigger to fuck my wife?
I refuse to believe this isn't bait. If you're going to shill for your meme tier fetish, you should have at least made an argument for multiple women/polyamory as well.
Do us all a favour and kill yourself. You are everything wrong with this world. You are filth incarnate.
This thread is pure cancer. Holy shit it has everything: an anti-white shitposting nig, that Irish pasta about cuckolding, some moron who links monogamy to the Jews.
I really should stop visiting Sup Forums...
>Spook with a snow white Blonde
Purely coincidental, no agenda at all
He is clearly white
Every Friday my wife gets to have her fill of big black cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon
The guy in the dark seems to white, no?
Let me guess, asexuality and open relationship will be the fluff to get us ready for pedo civil rights.
2/10 You didn't even put any effort in this.
>Thinks racemixing is degenerate
>is a cuckhold
Pick one
>open relationship
the only thing I have a problem with besides pedo civil rights
it's just gross honestly, I feel like a hypocrite because I'm a fag
At least you are faithful to your buttbuddy. Thats more than what most people have even straights.
fags are alright. The 10% of you that march at parades with your cocks out in front of children make the 90% of you look bad.
Most gays I know are pretty based when it comes to relationships.
Yup this is right. A lot of them cheat on their husbands with white boys to get whiter kids. Advances them socially.
Just enjoy that flag while you still have it.
It has been an amazing week here at Sup Forums, hasn't it? And it just keeps getting better. Since 2013, we never had such a rich supply of cringe. And I just watch this all from afar, and I have this feeling, where I'm glad to not be a white boy in America.
>Enjoy that flag while you still have it