Why do people keep people with these conditions alive?

Why do people keep people with these conditions alive?

They won't ever be productive and it seems like their lives are pretty painful. Why are we depriving them from a quick and painless escape from a life full of pain?

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because who are we to steal someone's joy? what little they might have is there's to have. It's not like they are keeping them alive to satisfy their own sense of value. The parents life would be much easier without children of any power level. If euthanasia was a thing then your stupid ass wouldn't be around. Just think about that before you start talking about killing off people because they aren't 'normal'.

Basically for this meme.

he's right you know

Whats the point in sacrificing your own lives and happiness to raise something that may or may not get any joy out of their life?
When I think of having a kid of my own someday I think of my own legacy. Whats the fuckin point of having a child and having them turn out like this?

>won't ever be productive
They provide some hard hitting lulz though

idont know either, theres a real possibility that these vegetables suffer their entire life but cant express it

When you allow people like this to live, they live for nothing.
They'll live, never reproduce, never accomplish anything, and they'll die. They will literally live for nothing. And what do the parents have to show for it? Nothing. They're lives will be wasted tending to a genetic failure because society and its fucked up morals say so.

So they can make money and afford cool ass spas.

their* I fucked up

So many hours and resources are wasted on these potatoes
Not every 'life' is worth it. Let nature take it's course and let actually thinking individuals have the resources neglected from them.

People would say its inhumane to put them down.
I think it's inhumane to keep them alive.



I remember reading the blog a few years back, they knew well ahead of time that the first child was going to be born with that condition but they literally didn't give a fuck.
Anyone remember the name? I'm trying to find it right now

This is the worst thing I have ever seen. Where's the punchline? And the reactions? Just a bunch of people begging to be screen capped. This is so fucking cringe. And the fact that you saved this. Kys faggot.

It's inhumane to keep them alive. You'd be doing them as well as everyone else a favor by putting them down.


yeah i hate this country, oh we need to pay for extra funding towards special needs, veggies, etc. And of all things they are higher priority. Yeah fuck that, there is a reason we are a laughing stock of a country. We need them to be put down, eugenics please.

because their life, their business


Exactly what I was thinking


Seems like they did it to themselves. Not the first time but why not stop after one knowing there's a high risk and the amount of work the first one already is?

Unless you have had a child you will never understand. You can love someone for example your mom your dad or your wife but your kids are quite literally a part of you.

They are cute, they are funny, and their Dad is obviously looking forward to the day when he can fuck them. Because they aren't going to tell.

Tumors are also a part of me

Oh and by the way I just had my son last year and they do give us citizens the option to abort the baby if there is a genetic issue as such as what these girls have. I believe this is ZIKA.

My kids saved my life On the other hand a tumor may or may not be the demise of you. I guess you could say the same about kids user someday''s I was to homer Simpson choke there asses.

i get it, but even the most loving father, parent, etc, would get tired of having to deal with their literally incapable of living on their own bags of bones. BUT OF COURSE WE WILL FUND ALL THE RETARD HOUSING AND INSTITUTIONS, THEY MUST BE KEPT ALIVE!

I get it guy, but I don't think I could ever bring myself to love a child of this deficiency. Maybe an autismo, but not this.

I also see where your coming from, Thats why I said in the states we have the option to abort before birth with genetic testing.

Congratulations on 'loving' a potato you will literally despise 9.5/10 when the thing is shitting itself at age 30 and autisticly screeching for more Dora.

Yea that would suck ass.

they literally suffer from the lack of the part of their brain responsible for anything but involuntary actions like heartbeat and breathing. There is no mechanism by which they can "suffer" any more than a fish can "suffer."

>Why do people keep people with these conditions alive?

Because you can't kill them?

Because iep.utm.edu/hum-dign/

They could have terminated the pregnancy when they knew their kids would be veggies when they were in the womb

How do you convince a mother to do that?

Why is there a man swimming with monkeys. I dont think its that hygienic


I have a kid on the way and I disagree.

Living in such profound dysfunction is not life, and I don't think a man or woman would want to go on this way.

if human DNA is the only requirement to qualify for protection under human dignity, then someone better bust out the class action lawsuit for the couple cities worth of HeLa cells scientists have grown and used finding treatments for cancer and other diseases over the past few decades.

Lol hes boiling vegetables

Umm idk fucking tell her that her child will be a fucking potato

Attention probably, but to many people(not me, I think if someone has a terminal illness and they want to die keeping them alive is almost tantamount to torture) they see euthanasia as a slippery slope to Nazism and think it should never be done

>Implying mothers have the guts to kill their children

with your fists


making vegetable soup I see

Joy? That thing is a vegetable. It feels nothing and senses nothing and has no perception of anything beyond a few neurons to keep the heart and lungs going. Who cares if it's alive? It's like asking whether or to tattoo a carrot. Just makes no difference at all

Because they are selfish so they keep these things alive so they can feel good.

>Why are we depriving them from a quick and painless escape from a life full of pain?
Shits and giggles user.

These kids aren't just abnormal, they literally have no brain or a miniscule one. They have the brain-stem so they have autonomic functions but there's no "person" there.they have no brain structure to support higher functioning (PS "normal " is a stupid classification for people. A normal person is someone you don't know well enough)

Not all women are omega fucks, some can be alpha enough and kill the parasite. Not a mother till it's out

I have a child but like most people I want my child to surpass me, I want them to be better educated, have a better career and be happier than I have, but if they came out like this non of that can happen, and even though I may love them the moment I'm gone they become a burden for someone who didn't agree to carry (siblings, family, etc).

We should be like the Spartan's, off the cliff you go!

You're clearly not familiar with the hartley twins. Microcephaly with Simplified Gyral Patterns in their case means that there's little to no brain in their heads they basically only have a brain stem and most of the cerebellum. They have no minds they're barely considered conscious by medical standards. They don't feel pain like we do they merely respond to outside stimulus. Their eyes move towards light, their mouths inch towards nipples, they can breath and their hands can grasp. They have no thoughts and are basically homunculi that straining to stay alive.

The only real reason those poor girls are alive is because of their parents religious beliefs and lack of intelligence if you see their early interviews the denial is palpable. The saddest part is I could forgive desperate parents desire to love what looks like their child, but no. What it turned into was a sideshow where they milked those kids through media whoring while feigning as humans but no what little humanity was of left in them vanished when they decided to profit off of misery. Special place in hell

You could say the same thing about people with downs syndrome, black people or paralysed people

What would you do? exterminate them?

>paralyzed people

What about Stephen Hawking?

Yes. Hitler did nothing wrong

He atleast thinks and contributes to science, he would want to be killed if he knew he'd be a burden and brain dead



>You could say the same thing about people with downs syndrome, black people or paralysed people
this is completely false. They are 100% incomparable cases. The dumbest niggers and downies are still conscious, still have a basic grasp of language, have free will, and upper brain function. I won't even get into people who are merely paralyzed but still have normal brain function. These kids literally are missing a large section of a normal mammalian brain; mice are more conscious. The only reason they are even alive is because the only section of the brain that developed at all was the absolute bare minimum to persist, albeit with relentless care and feeding.


One of those potatoes got 16 apparently...

Holy fuck

one of them is 16?

holy fuck

Does not look like the 'teen' is happy or even aware, the parents are attention sluts