Most overrated shitty bands thread

Most overrated shitty bands thread

I'll start

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Honorable Mention

These guys are horrid.

Go back to listening to Creed you fucking faggot

There was a long Nirvana hate thread this morning. Listen to what you like. Why bother hating on a band most people feel is among the best ever?

WOw Im so coollll I hate main stream media!!!



Any and all metal bands

Marilyn Manson
Linkin Park
Rage Against the Machine

All pathetically trying to be edgy

A 3rd mention, god these guys are pure cringe.

Don't people get tired of these guys getting shoved down their throats all the time? They aren't even the so-called 'progenitors of metal' as people falsely label them as.

led zeppelin


pink floyd too



Nice bait deaf faggots

the fucking ramones

>not samefag

this fag too :

you fuckin edgelords sure are cool up in here
know what isn't overrated? getting laid you faggots

The fuck you retards listen to? Justin Bieber?

spotted the newfag

Napalm Beach.

Let's start posting the good bands that inspired the overrated ones.

I hate Justin Bieber. But these bands in this thread are put up on a pedestal way too much to an extent it gets stale seeing these people. It's like who gives a fuck at this point?



agreed Led Zeppelin blows

Why didn't our parents stop these cross-dressing faggots?

Le Sabaton xddd

This band is mediocre in its genre and is only listened to by aut-right Deus Gevaulting LARP fags.

These cunts

So you don't like it because they are put on a pedestal? If you would listen to their shit and not just the singles you'd understand why


I did listen to a lot of these bands, and frankly I don't find them as good as they are made out to be. They are somewhat good in their own right, but not to an extent where they should be in people's faces all the time.

Red hot chili peppers. Those guys are cunts. Mr. Bungle is 100 times better than those guys. At least bungle is musically interesting.



have fun listening to generic metal


You're being ridiculous the guy's a genius

These boring sloppy faggots.

The Grateful Dead attract billions of followers but can't keep in tune. My son, who has some sort of "perfect pitch" ability, can't even listen to them because of this. My older sister (actual hippie generation) thinks the Dead are a "shitty bar band."

The countless times this man has butchered a legitimate blues classic...

Fucking retire already you look like a bunch of old lesbians and sound like a run of the mill bar band at best.

Oops forgot the pic.

people don't give the scorpions enough credit for their part in the creation of heavy metal

Weird Al is awesome stfu

Edgy before edginess was even a thing


This is pure garbage

Nigga you high as fuck. You ever actually listen to them? Geezer butler is fucking phenomenal.

Overrated Jamaican hippy. Plenty of way better reggae artists but this asshole gets all the credit.

all he really did was imitate guthrie and leadbelly

hurr durr im so sophisticated

they were the heaviest thing on the planet in 1974 though



Bill Withers. Retarded stuttering cunt.

I would say Bob Marley was the worst thing that ever happened to Jamaican music, but these guys existed



Cautionary take. If you're going to have a band don't fuck each other. It will make for some of the most cringe and MOR bile ever known to man.

Who are those douche bags?

White trash trying to be black

name a heavier band from the mid 60s then


also this

Ah right. I thought of that after I posted. Figures. Maybe even worse than No Doubt or just as bad anyway.

MM was actually edgy for the time.

Link Wray & the Wraymen were heavier than them even.

Early SJW faggots.


Human excrement of the music world.

The Eagles. Puke. Just. Puke.


Lmao you're probably trolling but man if you think this then you are beyond saving

green day takes the cake for shittyest and most overated band. if you like green day, i sincearly hope you get fucking help.

An overblown average bar band.

Anything 2004 + especially indie and dubstep

Link Wray is legit. I was expecting some lame-ass answer, like Led Zepplin or something.

Id rather listen to the vocalist of disturbed stutter than hear this man stuttering

How the fuck has anyone not posted this?

Your son and sister are fucking retarded
Perfect pitch my fucking dick has he studied what the songs are supposed to sound like, ur son is blowing smoke up your ass man.

In the words of Snowy Shaw, KISS is a band best enjoyed with your eyes, not with your ears.

Jesus christ most of these bands are sick you fucking edgelords


People only call Brian Wilson a genius to sound hip or something. Semi retarded dork trying to be some sort of idiot savant. An all round bad joke.

Not sure if I'll be able to enjoy them with my eyes either.



A7x, Metallica

OK, I get it, but Jimi was still an amazing musician.

This really is a "I hate my dad" thread. Poor newfags that have zero music to call their own within their generations time. Drink bleach... music speaking.

Shame they didn't die before they got old with the exception of Keith moon.

Also, she looks like the skinny nerd guy with clown makeup and a bathroom mat for a wig


Couldnt agree more

>A7x, Metallica

all the talent in Metallica either left when Mustaine left or died with Cliff.

Also, Ax7 is the Creed of metal

This thread is bad and you should feel bad

these one hit wonders

All rock music as overrated. A low brow novelty pile of shit all round really. Even if some of it may be entertaining at times it's by no means any sort of serious art.

Can't believe I forgot that pretentious faggot.