Are you excited for his debut album? What do you expect from it?

Are you excited for his debut album? What do you expect from it?

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I think it'll come up short.

I'm very excited, my rym curve needs some lower scores.

I don't expect shit but I'll still be disappointed

haha i get it, because he's shorter than average



Fuck off reddit

Literally diet-Death Grips

>And if my middle school ever misses a naptime
>I will kick all of you meanies
>Fear will be plentiful, indian burns will be bountiful
>I will spare none of you jerk faces

What did he mean by this?

His new album is going to be some acoustic R&B shit. Not his usual stuff.

He'll fizzle out of relevancy like the other fauxsuburban tightjean emo pop rappers.


I'm expecting it to be edgy shit that ends up being a 2/10

r/hiphopheads hates XXXTENTACION though (see the 65% upvoted)

>99% Edgy manletcore rage
>1% decent rapping

I expect a lot of faggy whining and edginess and then when his fanbse of cringy white kids graduate from high school we can move on from this fags marketing team spamming him on moo
I think we're seriously looking at AOTY right here

why is he making emo music now


In The End is great ngl

I hope it'll feature more tracks like Garette's Revenge

If you're over 18 you should be embarrassed about enjoying his music


I know this is supposed to make his fanbase look cringey but seeing him take pics with smiling kids makes me feel bad for hating him and his music

There is no problem with this desu

i dont feel bad, those kids are the reason i sometimes think 9/11 wasnt that bad

>*loud bass*