Diaper thread

Diaper thread
Looks like taytay has a slip up

nice photoshop degenerate









Anyone with any experience with aww so cute diapers?
I just ordered a pack and I'm not sure if I should have

Not a bad diaper. But more expensive then they are worth.


Yea, I kinda bought them on a whim
Do you know if they have discreet packaging?

No they ship with the clear plastic packaging.

Anybody wearing now?

what is the absolute best, thickest, most humiliating diaper?

I bought another box of Abena M4s today but I'm looking at Rearz Princess or Bambino Magnifico after pay day...

I like Magnificos but boosters add alot more thickness.
Magnifocos are soft and have a cute droop to them.



U wot

Im joking. They will ship in a brown box.



shill me on the Magnifico. I have a case in my cart

A brown box, you say?

It has real diaper tabs too. So you can readjust them.
The brownest.