Your Cult leader is literally Beta-cuck provider, you can't make this shit up

Your Cult leader is literally Beta-cuck provider, you can't make this shit up.
Its on his wife site

>Christina had dated around a lot. She talks about one such partner who couldn’t even pronounce the word “psychology”. Stefan was a welcome change. Christina made it clear to Stef that she wasn’t looking for a player. She was looking to settle down and possibly have kids. Stefan respected this honesty, and they haven’t spent a day apart since.

HAHAHA Molymeme followers BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:

That explains why is he mad at Alpha males HAHAHAHA

Behold. It is I, Caliph Stefan ibn Molymeme, first Caliph of the AnCap paradise of Memeistan. The First of the rightly guided Caliphs. I, Stefan ibn Molymeme (no aggression be upon him), am the final messenger of Western philosophy.
There will be no philosopher after me.

I implore the faithful to follow the Five Pillars of Kekism. For these are mandatory to be offered entrance into Anarcho-Capitalist Jannah.

1. Shahada - your declaration of faith and trust in National Capitalism as an intemediary to AnCap Jannah. Public profession that I am the true and final Western philsopher.
2. Zakat - Daily viewing and reading of the Prophet available for free at or
3. Sala - mandatory charity of at least one dollar, payable at
4. Nahi Anil Munkar - Forbidding that what is evil (spanking children, virtue signaling, white-knighting, and especially making non arguments)
5. Tabarra - Expressing your disassociation and hatred towards Evil (Statism)

To you Libertarians and Objectivists, I grant 'People of the Book' status. You can still enter AnCap Jannah. However, to live in our Ummah you must pay jizya of two dollars.

As to you infidels: The Statists, the Liberals, the people that refute my message... The declaration of Jihad is yet to come.

His wife doesn't take him seriously and perceives him as little boy

T. Beta male

Protip: laughing at cucks won't make you alpha

Hahahha do I hear sound of BUTTHURT One-dollar fan?

Good luck finding a woman that hasn't had more than one partner if you broke up with your gf/wife at your 30s or didn't find any up until then.

Same happens with men. Women won't find a man in his 30s that hasn't had previous relationships unless she looks for a manchild in a Magic:TG local tournament.

Ok this thread is worrying me ... where is Bill Whittle guy?



What does Sup Forums think of Based Bill Shittle?
Is he red pilled?

There isn't a single argument in this thread

Talk about BEADY

No, a beta-cuck provider is one who pays for and raises another's kids knowingly. Stefan is just a beta.

I wrote the original of this meme I like the little changes here at there. But 3. is supposed to say Salat not Sala

Why have Stef threads ruffled this Croatian so fucking badly? It's always this guy posting cuck porn in Stef threads, and now he's shilling fucking, aka

Not true you can have your own kids but wife can be leech and fuck others on side while you raise children and provide for her lifestyle.

I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.

Someone who raises another kids unknowingly is just a cuck.


>Italian intellectuals

Why you mad Molymeme-member, why are you shilling hard for this guy? He doesn't even give fuck about your one dollar and you still support him.

this is very low quality bait

>Cult leader
>Not an argument

>dating someone that had a boyfriend before makes you a cuck

How far does this thing go?

I do it for free. It makes me laugh.

faggots, you know I'm right.
The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding.


- two years later -


Fucking meme spouters.

They were petty satisfied 2000 years till you started giving Shekelberg money for interracial porn.

Oh misquotes
>I dated A LOT
> Christina made it clear to Stef that she wasn’t looking for a player

So she basically told him I don't want player I want Beta-Cuck provider my badboy phase is over.

This guy is no one's leader. He's just some Jew faggot that constantly spams his garbage on this board.

>cuckoldry is due to jews
Lol, how can you be so bluepilled?
Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.

>So she basically told him I don't want player

Yeah that's pretty much all women since forever, your point? Are you saying someone that has sex with a non-virgin is a cuck or something? Pretty naive view of the world.

Also men do the same thing, fuck as much as they can until they decide to settle. It's human nature. Unless the girl fucked niggers or is actually cucking you, there's no problem.

All Molyhate literally cannot ever be an argument. If you want to repent to the king of Sup Forums go and d'nate more than $1, otherwise GTFO

He has really a lot of brainwashed edgy teenager followers who are hopping on Defoo-ing band wagon because mommy didn't buy them new Iphone and they feel molested.

They come here to spam shit out of this board in hopes making it popular abandoning your parents.
He is literally anti family guy, anti west.
He is supposedly against Feminism and Degeneracy but he wants to split families apart from all problem White people already have we don't need Single parent families.

>linking an extreme feminist video unironically
you might find reddit more suited to your tastes

Too late

easy boiz

pol has a lot of autists

your a pugnacious petulant praying mantis

Not an argument. He wants to stop the support for abusive families, and stop the replacement of fathers with the state.

He wants families to brake for trivial bullshit, like if your father ever spanked your yelled.

This is quite extreme and once you are edgy teen you might listen to this crap advice and stir up more shit then is already there

>Ever spanked you or yelled at you*

He calls himself a beta and talks about how it changed his physiology to become one.

Daily reminder that UPB is philosophically flawed and you will be banned from FDR if you bring this up.

Note: This is a statement of fact.

>Note: This is a statement of fact.

well it's certainly not an argument

>tfw you're also autistic

Why can't insecure people like you just kill yourselves? Why do you have to try to force your insecurities on others?

> implying you wouldn't marry a prostitute

> implying that's not what Trump's been doing all his life

at least Molymeme's is intelligent

Absolute savages in his website comment section. They post daily and constantly attack the cuckster and his kid.

He also said that it's important to take on more beta characteristics when you start to raise a child, which is something that happens naturally anyway (lower testosterone as you get older) - it's specifically bad for the kid if you have two competitive alpha parents who prioritise working over caring for their offspring. He went through his alpha phase as a young man. There is literally nothing wrong with being a 35+ year old male beta, especially if you have a wife and child(ren).

>Talk about BEADY

"Do you support getting my wife's son shot?"


I thought that was Louis CK in the image.

lol'd, but his wife's son is also his son, so ya know...


as expected, not a single argument to be found in this thread

All cu-cks have same traits, as for example that beard is called cuck-beard.

>Betas making fun of other betas
Wew lads

ITT: OP thinks if a woman doesn't stay with and marry the first man she talks to, she's a used goods, cheating skank.

Do you support me getting cucked?

The few vids I watched from him seemed very reasonable to me, but his mannerisms set off my narcissist/sociopath alarm bells like crazy, same way hilary does.

>The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are dumbasses


The majority of white women I've known pretty well (we're talking 90+%) have never even dated a black guy. The general consensus as to why they wouldn't date them, is because they are rude, and smell bad.

>Professional therapist

Aye cunt who wants to fucking have a guess his wife is this hoe

