If God created the universe then who created God? If God doesn't exist then why does the universe exist?
If God created the universe then who created God? If God doesn't exist then why does the universe exist?
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>Thing is eternal without a beginning or end
>"Well, who created it?"
How do you know it's eternal? How do you know anything for sure?
The only good answer to this question for thousands of years: I don't know.
God didn't create the universe, God IS the universe.
Also, science can answer your question on how it can exist without being created. Just prepare for the answer to be complex and sophisticated.
>God didn't create the universe, God IS the universe.
You can't prove either of those "facts".
>Just prepare for the answer to be complex and sophisticated.
Science can tell us how, not why things happen. For that we need philosophy.
>God didn't create the universe, God IS the universe.
It's amazing how many people don't get this. That should be baby's first redpill.
>You can't prove either of those "facts"
>For that we need philosophy.
You just answered your own question. Go take Philosophy 101 if you want a philosophical proof of the existence of God. Don't shitpost about it on an anime imageboard.
God is eternal. We know this through the prophetic texts and Jesus Christ.
u cant kno nuffin
I like to think of God as an omnipotent force that embodies everything and everyone in the entire universe.
He always existed user. He exists in you and me.
>why does the universe exist?
careful with that question, m8
God is not the universe. God upholds the universe and defines it. The universe is nothing compared to God.
top kek
The universe is space and time - it has a beginning, such a beginning could only start from eternity - by simple philosophy you can understand that God exists in eternity - there was not a time when God was not absolute - there is no evolution or supreme force over God, otherwise there is no possibility for time to start.
Tip harder faggot
>Go take Philosophy 101 if you want a philosophical proof of the existence of God.
No u
So your god is an impersonal force - a personification of nature that you invoke just for looking cool?
Why would a creator deity have anything to do with a morality dictating entity though?
>christfags being morons
Chances are OP we are just one universe in a long line of them, potentially with other universes existing outside our own.
I read an interesting theory that suggested balck holes might be the equivalent of an egg for a new universe. And universes which propagate more black holes propagate more children universes which share similar characteristics to the parent.
Still doesn't answer the question of how the initial universe being created. Maybe we really are a simulation.
God it not the upholder and definer of the universe. God is the wright of cosmic plane wherein the architect of fates dwells to construct the relative mites that are the upholders and definers of the universe. The upholders and definers of the universe lack manifestation in so many dimensions that it would be a complete redundancy to compare them to god as all assessable factors are on spectrums completely different; including the calibre of the spectrums themselves.
Not at all. If you want to know what God is, read some Christian texts.
>the universe exists, so it must by all logical means have a creator
>>>(who is obviously the Christian interpretation of a god)
>God needs no creator
>he had always existed
The physical universe is a consequence of God's abstraction, not a medium for it. The fundamental "God truth" implies what we percieve as physical reality, so they're pretty much the same thing.
Am I the only one who believes that science and religion go hand and hand?
>Write some horse shit in a book literally thousands of years ago
>People believe it
>who created God?
no one. God ALWAYS existed. that's the whole point. does it make sense? yes and no. but that's probably how it is.
godly attributes:
>doesn't die
>lives forever
>doesn't get ill
>is the highest ideal we can imagine
>a creator that creates
>primordial reason and foundation for EVERYTHING
Christ disagrees with you, and he is God.
He created the universe, He has been here forever.
What does this have to do with Sup Forums?
God is created by a bunch of sandjews hungry power. Following such fairytales is the ultimate cucketry.
This is an atheist board. Retarded theist are only here for our amusement. Its a fucking meme.
The physical universe was created so God could express truth, by creating man he could teach monkies the beautiful nature of everything.
Everything is Sup Forums related in some way or another.
Prove there's no God. Faggot.
> not a single word on hermeticism
> meme magick is real
> implies that the All is Mind
God (I.e. consciousness) is coeval with matter (I.e. substance). Neither one can precede the being. Existence is God thinking himself into existence.
When he fully comes to exist, Ragnarok ends.
Jesus Christ was wrong
we know this thanks to the sarcastic "top kek" comment of some Spanish user
Yep, studying History from that region and that time, literally every fucking town and village had their own god. I personally like Assyrias god Ashur, why couldn't we have that god. Or the Babylonians god Marduk. Why the fuck did we get stuck with Yahweh???
We don't know OP.
Everything could be an illusion.
People always say science supports their side so that makes it a fact. WRONG!
Science is simply a compilation of theories based on the perceptions of man.
The only thing you know to be certain is mathematics (1+1 will always equal 2; it can't be manipulated) and your own existence (I think, therefore I am...).
Don't use the holy fathers name with your made up Bullshit.
God is exactly what he says he is.
We are a result of probability. If the universe played out ever possibility that could exist then we were bound to happen in one of those possibilities.
then what's the point of the word god you retard
worship and myth are for people who can't handle the idea of the unkown
just get over it, and if you can't get over it, become a scientist and try to figure shit out
Based on Perceptions that can be repeated in most places in the universe and the law still holds true. I'd say that's a bit better than compilation of theories.
Then all begins anew. Kali Yuga ends, Satya Yuga begins, at the same moment God creates himself.
Thinking about the scale, size, and age of the universe terrifies me. Is there an edge to the universe? Is there something past the furthest star?
It could be. But, you have the choice to believe there is meaning in things.
Christians believe in Christ, and believe everything hinges on him.
I believe science IS religion
there are laws of physical world
and there are laws of spiritual world
Fuck off Liebniz.
You have stringed an entire argument upon a fallacy; although it is a pity that this is the case, it would be a judicious consideration on your part, my faithful brother, to conceive of the greater axiom that failure is both the chisel and stone of greatness. Christ, both as a concept and as a manifestation in human form, is god's final rendition of the human spirit - but only experimentally so; for god had preconceived of the axiom I described in my previous sentence. The oversight on God's part was that he misjudged and failed to accept what was the human condition; evolution, success, civilisation, all to be wrought upon the foundation of counterbalances and incentives from opposition. It is thus a fatuous pursuit to model an 'ideal human' - for a collective based on an unitary personality would collide directly with the preeminent aspects of the human condition itself. Thus, ontologically speaking, God is but transcended beyond the conception of man as implied by his craftwork; and the mites that uphold and define the universe may rectify consummate man from the initial basis of Jesus Christ.
The two arent necessarily separate either. We don't know what the spiritual world is yet.
Well, people just believe what they want to be true.
no you aren't. religion did a lot for science. probably vice versa too.
I have spoken no fallacy.
You believe yourself wise by heaping up empty phrases.
God cannot make misjudgments. He is perfect in everything, along with his son, Jesus Christ.
All here.
Note I wrote each article without edition. Divine wisdom need not be sullied by the mind of a mortal.
Does anyone possess the mental discipline to know? Knowledge is divine.
The so called laws of the universe are fixated on mathematics, everything else is just an assumption because of the perceptions of man.
Jesus didn't even exist to begin with, you faggot.
Yes. In a philosophical sense, it's very arguable, but in a practical sense; yes. Both the pre-reformation and post-reformation churches were greatly beneficial in that they were the biggest enabler of federal and effective innovation promoting institutions. Without them there would be no means for genius to channel its' full efficiency into society. It is perfectly reasonable to accredit Europe's success purely to the Catholic church's promotion of these institutions
Cos it survived so long bro! That's about all it is, Humans were just so much wiser and more enlightened in the deserts of East Asia 2500 years ago, there views and opinions are of a much higher level than we can comprehend with our science.
It's a shame the catholic church got so fucking good at Brainwashing in the 1000 years after the fall of Rome
You're right. And tell me. When have I ever spoken to you, man of pride?
And god is not just an assumption based on the perception of man? What about this Jesus Christ fellow, everything we have is based on "perceptions of man"
At least Science has some foundation too it.
Use merchant maymays all you want, but truth is, there's no proof of Jesus ever existing.
Nothing can be proven, that's the point.
You can't prove that Christianity is the true religion. Same with Islam, Buddhism etc. It's just the way of life you choose. Maybe there is no god at all and people can't handle the idea of vanishing after death and living without a point. When we try to understand the universe it's like ants try to understand mathematics.
>impying universe exists outside our minds
>maybe black holes are eggs for a new universe
>maybe we are in a simulation
>there most certainly is no creator of anything fuckin christfags lmao
Atheists everyone
Or, some people believe the men who spent their entire lives preaching the message of Christ, and then got nailed to a tree for it.
Brutal torture and execution for a man they saw with their own eyes to be the Son of God. That's why we believe.
This is the only interpretation of religion I can get behind.
both are "muh feelings" and you can check those by an experiment
I had an experiment with Christianity and my life went to shit in materialistic terms yet I gained some kind of internal docility
it could be also a kind of depression
of course we will never be SURE if there is some kind of supernatural being or not
if it is supreme than it can fuck with our knowledge or hid well
you can believe and make a spiritual experiment with your life
for example, my reason tells me I should side with satanists as, by observing them, they are happy and successful people
of course I am not speaking of edgy faggots
but would world consisting purely of smug satanists work flawlessly?
>people died for it, therefore it's true
Oh well...
Islam, here I come!
Let me guess, the Gospels and the letters of the apostles and the early church fathers and the Romans and the Jews arent enough evidence for you.
Oh, and you think Jews made jesus up to control the goyim?
>still thinking about objects when dealing with spiritual matters
and what would you make SURE He existed?
He is literally mentioned in Talmud, by Tacitus, that Jewish hippie was real, deal with it
Why would people spend their whole lives cultivating a lie, and die brutal deaths for what they all agreed happened?
This wasn't one person. It was several men all claiming to have seen the same things.
You can't prove that God and the material world are separate. Nor can you prove that they are one and the same.
Space and Time were shat out of an initial singularity of infinite density. There was no "before" (disregarding speculative models of Creation that do away with the singularity), and singularities aren't even considered to be physically meaningful objects. They're just holes in space and time, regions of true nothingness where the laws of physics break down completely. A particle can flow into a singularity and be removed from existence entirely, while random particles can stream out from the singularity as if they came from nowhere. Singularities defy all forms of logic and common sense, so it is silly to try and apply human intuition to events like the creation of the universe. It is our intuition that dictates the necessity of a"before", and something that exists truly without time is beyond understanding. Just because it doesn't make sense doesn't mean it's wrong, because reality is fucking crazy and does not give a shit about your feelings.
And honestly, if you attribute the creation of the universe to "God", then perhaps you should reassess what God actually is. Eternal, infinite, timeless, and creator of everything. Every single phrase can be used to describe the initial singularity. You want a God? There's your God. The Singularity is God.
>they are happy and successful people
Can you really know what they feel inside user-kun? Stop being edgy faggot and you will realize that you can feel that God is always around you.
"Wszystko będzie dobrze". Zawsze, nie ważne co.
>implying any of you exist outside of my mind
>hates jews
>worships a jew
Nope, easily covered up. And didn't it turn out the letters to the apostles were from the same fucking guy? And fuck the Romans, constantine switched the state religion to Christianity because he had a dream where a spirit told him to paint the cross on his Soldiers shields and he would win the battle.
Secondly Clovis of the Franks also switched to Christianity which is important because the Franks were warlike and the Catholic church had no army. But yet again it was done not because of belief in Jesus, but because of them winning fucking battles.
>gospels and letters
A generation after his death. Hearsay is now evidence, cool.
>church fathers
Another great fantasy novel.
>romans and jews
Forgeries and hearsay.
Yeah, no.
If it lets you sleep at night, believe it. But you might as well scream "allahu akhbar" at the top of your lungs instead.
>Inb4 He was Hebrew not a Jew.
>implying we're not just same person
B-b-but i bought bones of Jesus from Tv-Shop so he must be true right... and couple stones from his tomb... noooo
did hebrews ever brew brews
Fake and gay.
>other stuff
Generations after the supposed death of Christ.
I dunno, find something.
Yeah, just like islam.
Also, people are retarded.
> science is not true but it fucking works
bb..but why did Romans choose a small Jewish sect?
why they did not accept Judaism? or some other religion? there were plenty around I guess
is the Bible, the NT and Christianity an elaborate joke by Jews and Romans, and perhaps Egyptians?
if so it is the Biggest Joke Ever
so is Moses historical?
pfff.. :) and Adam and Eve?
>Nope, that doesn't count
>Fuck history! Who needs facts?
>It was only one apostle, duh
Lol I swear, it's the funniest shit ever to see you atheists up on your high horse thinking you're bastions of wisdom and intelligence but at the end of the day you stick your heads in the sand like fucking children.
You have no argument, and you're a retard.
Constantine and Clovis facts were real friend. They didn't believe in Jesus, it was just what worked for them at the time.
Mohammad killed anyone who disagreed with him
Jesus died and was raised, and had the apostles speak on his behalf, who were also executed like he was.
The two arent remotely similar.
>science is not true but it fucking works
that's actually one of the ultimate redpills Anonku
What does that have to do with Christ?
That's a non sequitur
Rome did not switch the Religion to Catholicism because of Christ you claimed that's why we all believe the tales, because cunts died for him etc.
If Constantine lost that battle Catholicism would be dead like other ten thousand religions spawned from that cesspit of east Asia.
>It's all a conspiracy to fool the masses
>None of this is trustworthy because i said so
Or, you're a fucking retard. Your ancestors would be ashamed of you.