>Company has an ad on tv featuring an interracial couple
>Company has an ad on tv featuring an interracial couple
What a beautiful specimen
Why are titties so wonderful?
There is such a thing as too much crossfit.
my fuck is she a sex mobile. that's selma hayak i think. check her out in "from dusk til dawn" to see her at her PEAK.
weak fucking cuck faggot non-lifter
>he still watches TV
Not that I'm surprised, a low IQ racist piece of shit is much more likely to be extremely unintelligent and 'traditional', so, watching something as awful as television suits him crafty good.
Lmao low-test numale detected
Why do you care who we date? If we want to be with black men then it's none of your business. Go fuck some barely legal asian girls you cartoon watching pedo -.-
You guys understand that I'm talking about HER right?
You are a guy and you're waiting for responses.
Yes. And I'm saying if you think those thighs are anything other than god tier you a a faggot.
>telenovela actress
>oscar winner
Must be her nice breasts .
Yes, if you prefer ripped like a Ninja Turtle.
Yes. Not even meming, but if you don't want to bury your dick inside of her you are low test, and possibly homosexual. Crossfit sucks and is for fags and women, and if you knew anything about muscle you would have said "there is such a thing as too much GOMAD", but there isn't.
you ever had your shit pushed in?
Ripped? She has no muscle definition.
> a low iq is likely to be extremely unintelligent
Just because I mentioned crossfit means I endorse it? Ok man, well, have fun being a faggot.
And I got it ;) tartar shit
someone say Ninja Turtle?
>trying to argue that high iq is correlated to getting cucked
Crafty good job, Miguel. I hope you bring this same level of enthusiasm to your section of the wall.
Well that's not quite true, she has some slight quads definition, which is a good thing.
has been brainwashed by the jewish media into thinking that attractive women must be skinnyfat flabby weaklings. Sure super ripped women look like mutants but I like my women thin, firm and with just a little muscle definition.
Just the fact that you mention that first instead of mentioning any other form of weight training, and the fact that you think that helps you develop thighs, and the fact that you think those thighs are too big. Yes, these are all reasons why I know you're a non-lifting low test weak cuck. Do you deny it?
there is some very slight definition, but she isn't ripped like cuckoo said. id rub my cock up and down those things until i came on her forehead
Both have their place.
IQ is a raw measure of pattern recognition.
'Unintelligent' can refer to people who are anti-intellectual or uncultured.
Those fumes in your maple shack really are taking its roll on you.
What does 'getting cucked' even mean in this context?
If you are referring to watching interracial ads while being eased into cuckolding, it's the low IQ mouthbreathers watching TV who are getting 'cucked'.
not paying attention to what you say. can you post moar savior paul?
say smth about brown ppl near me and its breakdown time
*tips sombrero*
He was clearly referring to the fruitcake saying that Salma Hayak isn't perfect. Do you have reading comprehension you worthless manlet spic?
Honestly I don't have a huge issue with interracial couples nor with people who want to stay in their race especially as populations grow and dwindle, but I honestly think the forced interracial promotion does more harm than what ever good it thinks it's doing. It raises racial tension, isolates and pushes people away when they know they're being fed an agenda and creates a false image that turns certain match ups into a status symbol. The ideology has become so entrenched that being apathetic to it as opposed to either denunciation or promotion, now means the same to those people as being hitler. If people don't want to do something you're not convincing them by promoting it. Propaganda doesn't work like that. Like Yuri said, "You cannot subvert someone who does not want to be subverted."
Jews or not jews I don't care, this idea that one knows the very best for the world and all must fall in line with that only causes problems.
I know very little apart from the fact that they took circuit training and gave it another name. I used it assuming it'd be something she would do. As far as I know they distinguish themselves by adding low weight-high reps? Fucked if I know, I don't do it.
It's all just training to me. If you lift, good for you, I have nothing against lifting if its your thing.
Top fucking kek that's one of the most repulsive females I have ever seen
>droopy eyes
>fucked up crooked teeth
>absolute skinnyfat
>looks dirty, greasy and unkempt
>most annoying obnoxious voice
I was wondering how you could not find Salma Hayek good tier, but now I understand.
Top fucking kek you are an embarrassement.
god tier*
More like a supple 18 year old ripe for impregnation.
it's an injury prone fad way of exercising. i hope this is the right injury showing how stupid it is. and anyone doing crossfit that looks good, got that way before starting crossfit.
Yes, I'm in the loop enough to know that it's a disaster.
Nothing against endurance training though. These guys could probably get in better shape faster taking some form of kickboxing or MMA.
have u seen this vid of her, it's pretty rare. she actually says some funny shit like he asks what would she do if someone she was dating turned out to be a jew
>well actually i'm very good at identifying jews
bretty gud vid
Jesus Christ, Crossfit does the most unsafe exercises ever. I'm sure it was created by orthopedic surgeons to keep them in business.
post more silly crossfit vids plz
>she is 50 year old
i wish i would look this great at 50
Desperado for boobs out
Looks cultish too. Why would you entrust your well being to guys telling you to do this shit.
They have these things called burpees, and you can do them just about anywhere.
the fuck she think would happen?
there you are, have you seen this?
are ukranians like pic/movie related?
can't find anymore vids
ah one more
>you will never have sex with a woman this beautiful
I legit get annoyed thinking about that
>plebs not even KNOWING about Frida, much less watching it
>well actually i'm very good at identifying jews
Hmm i wonder why.
i'm with a friend he ask for more
what's bad about stretch marks on large breasts? all it means is that her breasts were once small, and quickly grew to be gigantic. are you a homosexual?
one of my first erections back when I saw her ass crack in a movie
if you watched the film and didn't just google it, you 'd know it was a boner inducing 2 hours...
...but of course, you are american and your only contact to culture is google.
they're fake, user.
wait...she is power lifting 360 lbs? i don't believe that shit for a single moment.
he was talking about stretchmarks, not fucking dimples, you permavirgin.
watching some shitty movie doesn't make you cultured you butthurt retarded faggot. don't get so offended over a joke, and pay your fucking debts.
if you travelled to America and didn't just google it, you 'd know it was the best country on earth...
.... but of course, you are a poor greek cuck and your only contact with a vagina is when you clean off a muslims cock
>greek ""culture""
those are those rubber bouncy weights, not 45 lb plates. i don't use them so couldn't say how much it actually is, think they are 15 or 20
bless u sonny
You make no sense. All I've said that her tits have stretchmarks bc they're fake and the skin stretched out.
oh I have travelled to the u.s., among other countries
have you been outside of it?
but which way are the refugees going?
I know what you 've said, it's written right there.
What I implied is that you can't differentiate between fake tits and simple stretchmarks
but they are in fact, fake.
why are you arguing
Sorry ameribro, but France is actually the most beautiful country on earth
i didn't say beautiful. but america does have a lot of scenic regions. it is much bigger than most realize, and has every time of habitat you could imagine.
on whose dime? and yes, i have
raping their way to social welfare (germany/france) but i'm sure some wind up staying
no i mean in the picture
which way are they sending the refugees?
back to the ocean?
I suppose she could suck my dick in standing and those heels
150cm not more
kek, if only
oh yeah, also the 2nd amendment make you rank up
Sadly, no. That artist is redpilled though and making fun of the leftists letting them in, laying out the proverbial red carpet. Europe is getting so cucked, you might confuse that for an actual welcome mat.
kek you sound like one of those indians that comment on porno films
This reminds me of the /fit/ new years day comic
they are not
>on whose dime?
my dad's wage.
but indians have not the adequate "device" for this job
Are those plates rubber? How heavy are those rubber plates? Why bother with lots of rubber plates when you can put one solid iron plate per side? Is this some ego thing?
I also notice that crossfit fags use poor form, which could lead to injuries.
>but which way are the refugees going?
...to drown.
They get a red carpet to Tartarus.
hmm, never seen those. never been to a bitchgym i guess
yes that's the rubber weights. i think 15 or 20 lbs.
just so u can drop them and it doesn't fuck shit up. and ego i imagine. they should all be bright pink so cucks can't feel strong using them
They don't give a fuck about form. They just want to be able to brag to their friends that they do crossfit. It's almost like some sort of faggish cult.
I would totally destroy her old pussy with my bbc.
what the fuck is that crap
Crossfags are literal lolcows
>post more silly crossfit vids plz
lol'd really hard at the last guy. crossfit is the most unsafe shit i've ever seen.
if you think about it, it's actually really safe
crossfit has to be one of the dumbest things i've seen