How can Trump compete?
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I'm glad Bernie ran for president. He created a division among the Democrats so now nearly half of the Democrats hate Hillary Clinton.
Meanwhile, Trump has eliminated the Republican competition is gearing up for attacks on Hillary.
Dude seems like a good family man desu, and I'm sure he has all the right intentions. Issue is that he grew up around Muslims and lives in LA, so that's why he's very left.
He's not super PC, but only gets real triggered when it comes to Muslims. Would still grab a beer with him.
Can't wait for their views on YouTube to tank come June 7th. They've burnt all their bridges by being biased to a losing nominee and once bernie is irrelevant, tyt will be finished.
I think they know this, but they're to far stuck in the mud to do a 180 and talk positively about anyone else. They know and have seen first hand the backlash of berniebros and in my opinion, they're to afraid to speak ill of bernie for fear of severe backlash.
Their tears are delicious as well.
They are starting to waver because they still deny Muslim terrorism in Europe, have many radical feminists on the show, and worst of all, have been shilling for Hill recently since they hate Trump more than her.
They're going to defend Hillary so hard in the upcoming months, Bernie will be an irrelevant name or a surrogate by then.
Put Shapiro down Cenk
>that sword
>that cloak
Reminder that he literally named his son 'Prometheus'.
Cenk is getting more redpill every year tho, I woudlnt be suprised if he becomes redpilled within the next few years. I support his superpac ideas but other than he is wrong on most issues, well except muslims.
Really? Why?
>sink yogurt
He gave humanity fire
is he anti-muslim?
Why do people give a shit about this guy
The crowd is so diverse
This crypto-kike has the most punchable face on the planet
Bernfags love him because TYT have obvious strong bias for Bernie.
a violent Trump supporter, how typical.
Any faggot who spreads lies should be killed. Period
He hates jews more than us.
>bernie doesn't shake his hand
what did you just say to me you little shit?
It's just sickening how many first world morons want socialism. They have no idea how bad and how quickly things can become when that unnatural and failed philosophy takes control. Study Venezuela, for fuck's sake.
He has a lot of following in the U.S
I remember the first video he did after the snowden stuff
He was totally devastated, such a poor naive useful idiot lol
I don't think he'll ever recognise the dangers of islam, because it's too close to him personally
He a muslim, an arab and he hates western civilization. All he does is make propaganda so gullible people eat it up and love it.
These Bernie rallies give me shivers. I mean if you rationally think about it, they are cheering a guy on to take money from other people at gunpoint and give it to them.
I can't wait to watch that stream, the tears will be incredible
i think he's an atheist who prefers western civilization
>Berniefags stealing #Crooked Hillary
Fuck these guys steal everything from us do they?
He believes they are bad people because of economic circumstance and not because muslim.
lol, based
How? He's a Turk, working for The Young Turks, an organization involved in the Armenian Genocide he denies. Turks are over 92% crazy death cult sunni muslims.
Have you ever seen any of his videos? They are blatant propaganda filled with lies and misinformation.
Quid pro quo, instead of 'conservative' this should say 'faggot jew.'