>Delegates Trump: 1,175

CA, SD- 5/23


>NJ Mayor gives powerful Speech at NJ Fundraiser 5/19/16
>Rally Lawrenceville, NJ 5/19/16

>Trump on Hannity 5/18/16
>Ivanka on CBS 5/18/16
>Roger Stone on Malzberg 5/17/16
>Trump & Megyn Kelly Exclusive Interview 5/17/16

>Idiot 10 year old Bernouts rip up Trump signs at NJ Fundraiser
>Trump Supporters discuss how the media brainwashed his haters
>Infowars SLAMS Hillary on Gun Control
>NYC Trump Supporter Afraid to be vilified by liberal friends
>Jesse Waters gives Trump a gift in Trump Tower
>Trump Fires Crooked Hillary
>MJ: Clinton’s Relationship w/ Epstein could Blow up Campaign

Official /Trump/ Playlist




Other urls found in this thread:



Bless him with salt
Bless him with stone
Bless him with steel


I can't sleep some I'm gonna post old memes now because I feel nostalgic.





I forgot, what's her name again?

I wonder how many people fap to BestDaughterTiffany...

And how vastly divergent is their mental image to reality.

But thanks for being best OP, BestDaughterTiffany!

Stephen "shut their dirty mouths" Miller is amazing.
Trump's team basically feels like a superhero collab

1175 already
he's nearly got em all

He might end up with like 1400 delegates or even yet 1500 if it's winner takes all in June

Steve Miller on CNN

Last thread from me tonight, btw.

Someone take over and keep this train rolling.

Goodnight everyone

They literally have nothing on him. This is the best they can do.

How does it feel to lose?

Will Hillary's poll numbers go up after she gets the nomination, or will they go down from Bernouts jumping ship from the Democrat Party en masse?

Trump will lose.

>he thinks it's an old meme
I still like you though Wash

Do you think he and Katrina compete who can make the media look the stupidest?

Well excuse me, best ally!

jane filename

>"Who is this Sup Forums?" woman trying to talk about politics

I want to fuck her tbqh

Don't post my Trumpfu without my permission ok thx

>Reddit shit

I've lost faith.

Someone isolate the kitten part

>John Miller tapes
>CNN spends thousands and countless hours analyzing the tape
>turns out Trump was the one who released the tapes and sent the media on a wild goose chase

>Egypt Air flight "disappears" in the middle of the night
>no information yet, nobody knows if it crashed or not, where it is, nothing
>Trump calls it a terrorist attack
>hours later
>turns out it was a terrorist attack

>just two of MANY events that have happened in this election

I almost pity the Bernouts, each week we're taken on a wild ride and they're being anally ravaged by the DNC.

They're all sulking and angrily posting away on Reddit and here we are, having the time of our lives

Bless this country with lead.

Nigger, where do you think it started?

Trump needs to be sitting down with Miller, Krispy, and sessions every day preparing for the debates. If he can articulate like this at those debates then it's fucking ogre for Hillary; 40 states sweep. If he blows it things are gonna be rough

Gonna post pro trump posters all over my university. Pls give your best pro trump memes.

Have we started the fire?

imagine if they're holding back a bit on air and go even harder at the print reporters

She's gonna tank. The Bernouts will either stay home or vote Trump. Also
>He hasn't even started on her yet.

> so randum comic xdee

The cat part is quite good tho.

Greatest ally. Britain is our best ally.

Depends on the convention. I live in central NJ and I'm thinking about going to it and trying to rile up bernouts outside. Maybe burn an American flag while wearing a Bernie hat or something. Tryna to instigate something that'd look bad

And that's if they HAVEN'T donated their life savings.


I'm embarrassed now.

If you thought it was Sup Forums, you'd be wrong.

Oh, where art thou, drawfag?

Is this a pro-Trump comic? This is great, truly terrific.

just stop at least post Sup Forums memes


As for the second thing you mentioned.


>Law 28: Enter Action with Boldness
>If you are unsure of a course of action, do not attempt it. Your doubts and hesitations will infect your execution. Timidity is dangerous: Better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity. Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid.

>Audacity Separates You from the Herd

>1. Boldness gives you presence and makes you seem larger than life.
>2. The timid fade into the wallpaper, the bold draw attention, and what draws attention draws power.
>3. We cannot keep our eyes off the audacious—we cannot wait to see their next bold move.

Both of those actually started on reddit though. You can tell because reddit meme's were never original drawings, they were always a stencil trace of an image. You got pretty shit taste in meme's desu.

I've never really followed this election so far. Is it even possible for Trump to win the electoral college? All Clinton needs is to win Virginia and she wins. Is there any truth to Trump flipping Democratic states? Or is that just a lie?


If 1488 delegates happens, I'll stop being an euphoric atheist and actually start worshiping Kek.

can't shill the red-piller

Trump has made many comments on the structural disadvantage the Republicans have, but he's winning (or close) in critical Ohio, Michigan, and Florida, and states no one would have expected, like New Jersey, are in play by a margin of 7-9 points.

I'll give you that, those ones were Reddit memes.
That's too far, man.

Thanks, burger



>. We cannot keep our eyes off the audacious—we cannot wait to see their next bold move.
Very true.

There have been days where last week's headlines have finally been buried and there's nothing new and I wonder "What is Trump going to do to control the airwaves today"

I recall wondering that on the day Christie announced his endorsement

Yea like that's gonna happen.

That's like saying this post will end in dubs!

Valiant effort.

>there is no Straya Shitposters
>yfw it's Trump

No he can absolutely put states like Virginia in play. Recent polls show him neck and neck in PA and FL and slightly ahead in OH. Hell he said during the Hannity interview two nights ago he can put WA in play.

He's not your typical cuckservative candidate so everything is different this election.

Why does the sgopet show 25 delegates less than the OP?


Trump bringing the heat.

Why have you forsaken me drawfag

Who is this guy again?


who would win the smug-off?

>goddamn jeb bush
spot on

Steve "Shut their dirty Jewish mouths" Miller.



Did he actually say that? I see that meme a lot but did it actually happen?

Some delegates are unbound and can vote for whoever they want.

It's just a difference in how they count them.


I was trying to use meme magic, but forgot that I hadn't prayed to kek yet today.

Praise his name.

It's not like that, it's like this:

So do we still watch Morning Joe? Or Faux n friends or wat

Good to see you again, bud.

PRAISE HIM(also off by one)
Are there any new interviews or anything

Ah I see where I've been going wrong



Idk both are still talking about the fucking plane

How have you been?
Did you see Miller on CNN? Linked above.
It's not our night, man.

Goebbels did, Miller just has the same mannerism and even kind of looks like him.

Trump really needs 1287 to win because they'll strike his South Carolina delegates.

Yeah it was awesome
Well I guess I'll listen to CF to have a fun and optimistic morning

What drugs are Bill using?

get the hell out of here Bill

All of them

These autists show a different number.

It's all estimates due to the vagaries of soft v hard pledges and unbound/bonus delegates.

Based on what?

he should end up around 1400 pledged

>It's not our night, man.
I can save it.

He should get plenty from California apone

Nothing to worry about, he's going to get 1488 delegates.

My liberal friend send me this jew york times article

>What Would It Take for Donald Trump to Deport 11 Million and Build a Wall?

>“I can’t even begin to picture how we would deport 11 million people in a few years where we don’t have a police state, where the police can’t break down your door at will and take you away without a warrant,” said Michael Chertoff, who led a significant increase in immigration enforcement as the secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush

>Finding those immigrants would be difficult, experts said. Police officers across the country would need to ask people for proof of residency or citizenship during traffic stops and street encounters. The Border Patrol would need highway checkpoints across the Southwest and near the Canadian border. To avoid racial profiling, any American could expect to be stopped and asked for papers.

>To achieve millions of deportations, the Obama administration’s focus on deporting serious criminals would have to be scrapped, said Julie Myers Wood, a director ofImmigration and Customs Enforcement, also known as ICE, under Mr. Bush. “You would not care if the person had a criminal record,” she said.

>Large-scale raids, rare under Mr. Obama, would resume at farms, factories, restaurants and construction sites, with agents arresting hundreds of workers and poring over company records. And prosecutors would bring criminal charges against employers hiring unauthorized immigrants.

Fuggen pol. I am on MAGA with you but deportating 11 million people (3% of US population) is not an easy task. How would trump deport them?

Not good, if you haven't seen me posting it's because I've been in and out of the hospital while trying to make room for school work. The reason why I'm here posting at 2 AM is because I'm working on side work and studying. How are things on your end?

Have fun!
I habeeb.

The blood of virgins