Is spanish hard to learn?

Is spanish hard to learn?


not so hard, I lernt it when I was one or so.
If a kid so young can, you can

If you're a brainlet, yeah

if mexicans can learn it, then anyone can.

it depends
spanish from spain and argentina is fucked up

Why are they fucked up? Are they even hardy different from each other?

Did she jerked off an elephant

where are you from to consider spanish from those countries "fucked up"

Not too hard. Just think of it as a second English. Just remember every sentence needs a noun and verb. Remember all the prepositions, too, and you'll be fine.
tú tienes un pene pequeno, user...

If you can read and write in English you can learn Spanish

it's easy but why do u wanna learn it? it requires work and practice, like any other langauge, so u better have a good reason

Because they use a lot of slang, is like trying to talk with a nigger but instead theyre white

>why do u wanna learn it?
I have a lot of free time so I though I will learn another language.

You had highschool for that, and not just learn spanish, learn chinese or german, those languages will help you out a lot

I didn't find it too tough. Like anything though, requires practice. English being my first language, conjugating verbs took some getting used to however.

I'm not gonna learn language of communists. And arabic is too hard.


I didn't take any foreign language in high school, but did in college. So many to choose from, but figured Spanish would be the most beneficial living in the US.

If you think china is communist you been told a lie. Just go to China, they're capitalist as fuck, and everything is cheap over there, bought my PS4 for a 100 bucks and games for 10 bucks, seriously.

You over-generalize. The slang of any area can be annoying and difficult to follow. You might be thinking only of the Lundfardo-influenced language around Buenos Aires and the caló of Andalucía.

Ai lmao


[spoiler]goto bed cameron[/spoiler]

Its easier to learn new languages as a child.

But its still one of the easier languages.


If you wanna travel to any spanish country is useful too, but you really have to learn it to do not look like an idiot speaking spanish

MuriKKKans are pretty bad with English, and that's about all they try to speak. Sad!

>organ harvest
>Everyone is shitting on the streets like in India
>work camps
But hey, at least you can own small, shitty store!

Man I'm mexican and I can tell you it's really hard to understand what they're saying. One moment you think they're insulting you and the other they were just talking normally

I don't want to make you feel insecure, but you should try to learn Spanish from a person who is from the country you wish to travel to. If you learn Mexican Spanish and use it in Spain, you might get some weird looks.

I remember certain letter combinations being pronounced slightly different between Latino and European Spanish, but nothing so drastic that they wouldn't be able to carry a conversation with each other.

Including a ú but not the ñ in pequeño


i've read about how disgusting the people in that country are, they're ct like subhumans, no wonder considering their recent history

Referring to slang when someone asks about a learning a language, shows how desperate you are to participate on the one precious bit of knowledge you hold. But now you've shot the wad and can go back to having absolutely nothing to contribute.

Only the poor parts of china do that. Go to any big city and at least you're not gonna find people shitting in the streets.
>censorship is not only a communist thing you fuck, look at the leftits colleges or google
>organ harvesting is happening in the US too by the Planned Parenthood that hillary supports
I give you the point of the small stores lol

Creo que mas dificil es aprender ingles.

Por pendejo, ingles lo aprendes en meses.

And as far as I know the work camps are just for prisoners, the real work camps are in north korea you fuck


Con ese argumento yo podria decir qu eel español lo puedes aprender en semanas, siempre y cuando lo converses con personas que hablen español maldito yanqui.

I figured that out pretty early. You can learn proper Spanish from textbooks, and in the classroom, but it was most helpful having Spanish speaking friends that would teach you how it was spoken colloquially. You'd probably sound pretty silly talking as the textbook taught you to.

apruebo esto.

El español es una lengua rica en gramatica y vocabulario, si no aprendes ingles es porque eres pendejo. Yo estuve obligado a hablar ingles en una escuela internacional y lo aprendi bien en tan solo meses, y tambien porque es una lengua similar al español.

in Spanish we have what is called verbal paradigm. You're no longer working with past, present and future tense, but 10 different past tenses, each with a different verb conjugation. Present and future tenses are divided each as well in many tenses. Conjugating in Spanish is a bitch. That's what sets it apart in my opinion.

>You'd probably sound pretty silly talking as the textbook taught you to
That's true for every language tho.

>Spain and Argentina
>Not knowing about Chile
Fuck off

I think textbooks are the worst way to learn a language. A lot of them don't explain why you use certain grammar or vocabulary, while your friends can tell you why and how. Texting your friends in spanish can help too.

Does chilenos even speak spanish weon?

Imbécil. La cantidad de tiempos verbales que tiene el idioma inglés ni se compara con el español. Deja de baitear.

Sorry, you are right.

Castilian is the EXACT same in every Spanish speaking country. The news in Spain, is the same as the news in Mexico and the News in Argentina. The accent is different, but that's the extent of it. Learn proper Spanish and you'll be understood everywhere except among the country's lowlifes that don't understand their own news. If you plan on going to prison, learning local slang maybe useful, otherwise, just learn Castilian. It's what's taught in every country's schools, so don't buy assclowns trying to tell you no one will understand you. I'm pretty sure the Queen of England could manage to order in a dinner in Alabama. Someone might have to explain grits, but she'd get buy; same difference.

Quiere compensar su estupidez diciendo que el ingles es dificil.


Supongo que el español no es tu idioma natal.

Y me llamaste yanqui? Tu puta madre yo soy mexicano jajaja

I learned Spanish in Argentina and when I went to Mexico I was often lost. These weren't people from Mexico city, but still, I had a very tough time understanding them. Also Spanish has a ton of slang that is region-dependent. For example, you don't want to use the word 'coger' in Argentina.


Si lo es pero el teclado no me corrige los acentos, se me olvidan. Ademas estoy acostumbrado a escribir mas en ingles que en español por los amigos que tengo.

Nomas eres un negro envidioso que tiene un odio hacia un pais que no le ha hecho nada.

Italian is worse.
I had = ebbi
you had = avesti
he had = ebbe
we had = avemmo
you guys had = aveste
they had = ebbero

Este hilo se convirtio en un, aqui se habla espaÑol

Te faltó la frase "Cuantas copas tenés?"

its the easiest to learn for native English speakers id say

only thing i really didnt enjoy about it was that there are pretty much 8 different versions of each word to memorize depending on situation and context, and i sucked at Conjugation

>you don't want to use the word 'coger' in Argentina
Only for you mum, faggot.

No es demasiado difficle. Pero mi español es mierdo, si, que sabo?

we share the same root language of latin and other older ones like sanskrit, how different could it be?

I had = tuve
you had = tuviste
he had = tuvo
we had = tuvimos
you guys had = tuvisteis
they had = tuvieron
And we have other conjugation for past verbs and 2 kinds of "to be" ("ser" and "estar").

Is like Romance languages shared their roots, right?

i love how she puts her face right on it. definite hoe

Fuck my bad. I never use the word pequeño much so I forgot there was one there.

Fair enough user, but what language doesn't have slang that is region dependent? I'm curious if there us one, because I can barely understand the English spoken in parts of London. If you are having difficulty in any part of the Spanish speaking world, look for anyone who has gone to university, is wealthy, or watches soap operas regularly.

Spanish people are European... So yes they are white(Caucasian). and that makes their descendants white(Caucasian).

no its not hard

i bet you are mexican

Literally the first or second easiest in the world. There are also free places to learn it, or at least to read it, like Duolingo.

You learned English, and it's the second hardest behind Mandarin. So you should have no problem .I wouldn't waste my time though, unless you know people who speak it. There is a google program that translates speech of nearly every spoken language on the fly. The need for translators will become null in the next 10 years

>English, and it's the second hardest behind Mandarin
Nigga you what?

english is one of the easiest languages in the world

english is easy as fuck though. it makes the most sense of any language

English is easy to learn. The only difficult thing about it are the pronunciations

English is super easy to learn if you're from a Germanic country, there are so many similarities in the words and the way the sentences are structured

Just because you learned it as a child doesn't mean it's easy for someone who didn't. It's difficult, look it up. I'll wait. It's hard because it's an ever-changing cluster-fuck. Trust me i've known a lot of foreign adults. It's always harder to learn to speak a different language the older you get though

It really does depend on your native tongue and age, but that's the general consensus. Every language belongs on an ever-growing tree, so some will always have similarities to others.

but i learned it when i was 18, and it was so easy that i learned it by myself
place eingang

That's really young. Your brain won't stop developing until you're 25. The last part to finish is the prefrontal cortex. The place where all the logical thinking goes on. Not sure about wernicke's area though, likely earlier, that's the portion dedicated to language development.

Dude, English is literally the prime example of "easy to learn, hard to master" of languages.

spanish from spain is normal spanish mate.Any other version is shit

>not knowing how to use google
I'll wait. Pick up a dictionary, a billion words easy? Are you kidding?

Hard to master is exactly my point. You can easily learn how to sound like an idiot in any language. Fucking normies, read between the lines.

No you fucking dumbass, that's a pleb tier language. Try German, Russian, Dutch, Mandarin. Spanish is useless trash. It is not a trade language.

Do you use a billion words everyday, user?

Any monkey from the third world can learn enough English to talk with their coworkers and read the newspaper in a couple months. Most people can't read 2000 kanji (you know, to read the newspaper) in 2 years.

>moving the goalposts

>not meme language
Pick only one

Lmao, that is true they do sound like complete retards when speaking, remove dutch then.

>read between the lines
>an ever-changing language
>no one new to english is going to be publishing anything soon.
I've got source amnesia, but I know i'm right. I trust my memory over any faggot on Sup Forums

>an ever-changing language
Literally every language.

Try to come with some arguments or fuck off, you retarded EOP.

I can speek english spanish Russian and swedish and spanish was the Hardest

Please for the love of god I need to find more of these

I've given better arguments than "it's just easy". Going into great detail. Yet you people still miss the point.
>Literally every language.

English is particularly good at this though.

It's not the second hardest, I was wrong. But according to one of the most esteemed universities in the world, Oxford. They say this
>As we've seen, then, English is pretty challenging
So either Oxford is wrong, English is EASY for everyone, or you're all a bunch of basement-dwelling idiots using Sup Forums. I'm not 100% right, but i'm more right than any of you.

Good luck with finnish if thought spanish is hard

brain plasticity and stuff makes it easier to learn languages when your younger than when your older.

There's a little girl who lost half of her brain, and is totally fine. Most people aren't even intelligent with a whole one.