Hey Sup Forums, How many of you are children of single mothers and how has that affected you?
>be child of single mother >grew up with no male figures >go work for my father at age 16 >realise I'm effeminite and that I have to do something about it >start therapy, force myself into social situations that are hard for me >get diagnosed with general anxiety, still fighting by at a much much better place than I was >many social situations are still very difficult for me to even comprehend >still feel a bit of envy when my friends talk about their fathers
There are a lot of sad cunts in my generation that just compromise with the bullshit lifestyle they were given
How has your parents choices affected your lives and what did you do about it?
Thomas Ortiz
I was raised by a single mother but she beat all "effeminate" (your word not mine) attributes out of me at a young age. She was so worried about the effect of not having a father figure she over compensated by being very strict to the point of abuse.
Nathan Roberts
How old are you user? I am a child of divorce, but I think at 23 I am finally growing out of it. I am a man, I don't need my fathers affirmation, I am my own affirmation.
Jason Lopez
>she beat all "effeminate" (your word not mine) attributes out of me at a young age
Would you give some examples of what you mean by this? If it's not too painful to get into I mean.
Juan Russell
21 I'm in a much better place I was two years ago but I still have some way to go I'm not very anxious about it at this point, I'm much more determined than I used to be and have much greater self esteem I just want this shit to be over at this point
Julian Howard
I had two parents growing up, happily married (still married to this day). I grew up well. I don't have any mental issues, aside from shitposting on the 4chins
Nathaniel Allen
I mean she would beat me for crying, if she heard I lost a fight, got bad grades, or failed in some aspect of life, she would withhold food. It was win or die of starvation.
I once called the cops on here after a week and a half straight of not eating and when the cop arrived she persuaded the cop that I had attacked her and had me arrested and taken to jail, I was 12.
When I got back she told me that if I was going to launch an attack of that manner I had better plan for every eventuality.
William Thomas
Sounds kinda harsh though how is your life now?
Oliver Green
My Dad was in prison for most of my childhood and when he was not in prison he has never really been around. My parents are together, but it has always been my mother who was there.
Matthew Allen
My parents divorced when I was 14. They lived about 10 miles away from each other.
I would see my mom on weekends, etc. but lived with my dad. He remarried, but the new wife never attempted to replace my mother. My father died in 2004.
I'm not a virgin, yet will never be married. I see no LTR compatibility with a female. It may stem from the divorce.
>I'm 46 years old.
Caleb King
fantastic, I'm entirely self sufficient with a good and steady income, I spend my time reading, doing combative sports and hanging out with my gf. My spartan upbringing was very beneficial, though I don't think it is for everyone.
Landon Campbell
I grew up a sad cunt. Insecure, shy, anxious. Still a gfless virgin at 21. I had so much potential. My mom tried but a kid needs his mom and dad
Parker Cox
not to divert from the subject....
but your ID is "Pleb Klap".
>insert Spurdo pic of breddy guudd.... :DDDDD
Camden Davis
Do you really hold no grudge to your mother? I would argue that this kind of upbring would be the only acceptable way to bring up males, although not to the extremes your mother took it wouldn't you want to be brought up in a more linient household?
William Taylor
My parents got divorced when I was 3. My father didn't pay any child support and his new wife didn't want me around their house so I never saw him.
Honestly my father is a bipolar Christian so I can't see him raising me as well giving me any better a life.
But right now I suffer from heavy social anxiety. I can't travel. I have depression, although that could just be genetics.
I'm very independent and don't ask for help - even though I desperately need it.
I'm 22 years old and I'm in a situation where it's just me and my mum in a house, paying rent like housemates. I can't move out because she'd be fucked.
Jonathan Bailey
This. I had so much potential and good genes but it was all wasted. My dad was a fuckin pussy who acted like a woman and left my mom over dumb shit only a woman would do so it might not have helped much even if he did stay.
Robert Nelson
wow just noticed that, that's a pretty legendary ID There are certain benefits to my upbringing that cannot be replicated in a less lenient household. I do in fact hold a grudge against my mother but I put that aside as there is no use in harboring it. I will not allow her alone with my children though. As I said my upbringing is not for everyone. But I believe both boys and girls should be both nurtured and challenged in order to grow properly.
William Phillips
>replicated in a less lenient household I mean more lenient
Luis Taylor
Fag here, brought up by a single mother.
The problem was that my old girl is your old-fashioned homemaker. She enjoyed baking, children, cleaning the house, etc. She was, essentially, Sup Forumss wet dream of a dedicated housewife.
My dad was, and is, the problem.
Muh dick explains him well. Thought he was a rockstar and cheated on her all the time. Dad was having an affair with the wife of the doctor who delievered my brother (doctor kissed my mum afterwards). My dad said my brother wasn't his and never bonded with him. Horrific thing to say, he clearly is his father so imagine being a young boy and your father not bonding with you.
Dad saw me as extension of himself (we look very similiar) so his narcissism came through a lot. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depeing upon how you look at it) I've not ever lived up to his expectations, he is a cruel, self-centred. Other people cannot see it but he's a horrible vile creature.
When we were there for the holidays he would make us practice writing straight on a blank piece of paper (when we were five, just learning how to write). He'd get a ruler and rule under our writing and scream at us for not being able to do it perfectly. Might not sound like a lot but that's just one thing out of many. it made me feel worthless as fuck. I have severe depression, feelings of being worthless, a waste of space etc loop through my mind constantly.
I'm having to go to therapy to deal with my lifelong anxiety of which he is a major cause.
Sucks because my mum would have really benefitted from having a man in her life, as would have I. I don't have a dad and I don't think I've ever really dealt with the fury I have about how badly the narcissist that is partly responsible for my creation has fucked me up.
Angel Morgan
Same. My dad is a weak, insecure cuck that needs approval of women. I am scared I will end up like him
Ian Johnson
You can harbor resentment or you can realize that he was a teacher, there are things to learn from everyone. How you don't want to be, how to handle stressful situations, self worth and self value.
Gavin Taylor
Are you me?
Isaiah Evans
My mom told me explicitly that it was not my job to take care of her, rather her job to take care of me.
Leo Nelson
I was a child of a single mother, not that my father died or anything, my parents just couldn't stay together, both are control freaks. I turned out okay I guess, but then again, my mother is a non-degenerate conservative woman, so I guess it depends on the person.
Evan Green
>Parents split up when I was young >spend a few years with no father figure >all in the same year my mother starts dating a great guy, I have a male teacher who really inspires me, and I get recruited to the marines I got saved from a life of faggotry.
Samuel Richardson
>>realise I'm effeminite and that I have to do something about it
I've had a father in my life for the most part of my life, but I still grew up quite feminine. Hobbies such as camping, hunting, plinking, hiking and fishing have helped to remedy the situation somewhat.
Kudos for managing on your own.
Justin Rodriguez
Not everyone has that luck, children that are broughtup in a female-only household have a hard time identifying how important male figures are
My mother "started dating a great guy" when I turned 19, before that they were all cucks, my biological father "bacame a man" after got dumped by my mother, when I was 2, and I had nothing to do with him before 16
Ian Gomez
Parents divorced when I was 1. Honestly its better that way since my dad is a Mudslime and knowing what I know now I'm eternally grateful I was raised away from that poison. She tried to make up for a lack of father but nothing ever really worked so she just did the best she could as a mother after a while. I was a pretty shitty kid due to lack of proper discipline, not a delinquent stirring shit outside of home, just a shitty brat.
I never really appreciated the work she put in to my worthless ass until my dad said he should have raised me since she apparently failed in her duties as a parent or some bullshit. That set me off pretty bad but it also made me a bit of a better person since I came to realize how much I could have been fucked up in my upbringing. The worst I got out of the whole deal is being socially retarded, which is unfortunate but manageable. Even though I'm grateful I was raised away from my dad, I am of firm belief that no kid should be raised by a single parent if it can be helped. All things considered I turned out pretty alright, but I would never advocate single parenthood.
Mason Miller
Gym's helped a lot with my shit, it's stupid important to fnd a way to excert your energy
Angel Baker
My drunk of a dad who thought you need to respect women divorced from my mom a few months after I was born and I was allowed to visit him, so I only learned a fraction of the things a man should know. I fell victim to school bullying because I was not taught to control my temper, plus my surname which i changed as soon as i was of legal age to do so (surprisingly both my parents agreed to sign the papers, despite them not getting along)
I started my path towards enlightenment after i couldnt bear the depression any longer after getting rejected because I was a "nice guy". I started with conspiracy theories to put my mind on something else, which eventually led me here. After the redpill, I learned more about nationalism, which was like a cornerstone of becoming a man.
Sup Forums saved me from becoming a basic bitch leftist media influenced cück.
Christopher Edwards
Is he in Black Dolphin?
Aiden Baker
How many here have ever been liberals/SJW? How many have never?
In spite of being terrified of Nazis when I was little (because tha't's what we're taught) I always had this strange pull towards them. I think I actually discovered Sup Forums because I searched up Third Reich pictures and found a Sup Forums archive.
Could there be a correlation between an attraction to Nationalism and a lack of a father-figure?
(I had male role models in my life but the embarrassment, et al, I felt about my father is hard to get past. Really, a boy should look up to his father as his hero not despise him).
Chase Howard
I despise both of my parents for bringing me into this world a mudblood and not raising me properly.
James Perez
>mudblood In Estonia?
Thomas James
Apparently im a mix of chuvash, somekind of east asian and white.