*flies toward premier league*

*flies toward premier league*

Who /gulls/ here?

Don't you mean descends toward the playoff?

Gulls all day

>huddersfield have to play in form villa
>da gulls get to play rotherham


/lifelong/ as soon as they reach the premier league

Saunters toward the premier league

>Yanks discussing the Championship

Unironically more entertaining than the premier league





>Bong discussing Americans discussing an entertaining sawker league
No fun allowed

/lifelong/ fan desu

Their all black kits have been my home kit this year in FUT.

American Express/Nike masterrace

leeds will batter you in the playoff final

>implying no automatic promotion

have fun in the playoff though. maybe we'll see ya up there? probably not though hahaha :^)

shittiest crest of all time

friendly reminder that you face us at elland road soon. mind the gap.

worse than this?

thats much worse, looks like a mix between boca juniors and leicester city

>Albion paid millions to move from an athletics track to a football stadium
>West ham paid millions to move from a football stadium to an athletics track

Really makes you think.

>t. Lifelong fan born and bred

It's an improvement from the last one tbqh senpai.

what where they fucking thinking

where in brighton are you from lad?
/matlockroad/ here

I prefer the other bird team

Ideal Premier League Relegation:

Ideal Championship Promotions:

*slowly crawls towards the playoffs*

I hope they come back up, I miss being able to watch them on TV here.

what's an "albion"?

>not Sunderland instead of Boro

I'm honestly tired of those shitters

I hope Brighton become the next big meme.

thank u

south user here backing the gulls to reach the big pay cheque

why is it 3d?

Is this what /efl/ has been reduced to? KEK

>yfw da tricky trees get promoted

Which one is better? Brighton or Hove?

If you are truly /gulls/ answer me this who did you use to ground share with?

It's better than the MLS. What the fuck else am I supposed to do?


Albion est, I don't know.

Brighton born and raised here

Ask me anything about the gay capital of the UK

Old name for great britian

Hove is basically a boring suburb of Brighton, it's just a standard residential beach town. Brighton has great nightlife and a great cultural scene but it's also full of lefty SJWs and cunts who moved down from London.

What school did you go to pham?

Brighton to finish 3rd & lose the Playoff Final.
Screencap this.

Do you like it? How overblown is the whole gay thing? City looks fun but I'm straight although I don't have a problem with gay people, I don't want to feel out of place.

*shits on teams below us*

oops sorry

>mfw da gulls win the Englishf Ootballch Ampionship

>*flies toward premier league*

Funny desu.