took the police 24 hours to admit it was terror.
first they started with - italien that loves pizza - turned out he was salafist all the time
Terror in Munich
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Nah beim Amt, da wissen wir ja wo er herkommt.
schon komisch dass moslems immer alles killen müssen
This is an english imageboard.
This is an fat faggot.
What happened Germany?
Another Sihk Temple bombing, or stabbing spree?
fetti was geht
Translation to the language of the Anglo filth please?
Translate this, kraut.
Every other flag is capable of translating shit, why are you fags always so lazy?
just bavarians.
It's hard for them to fit in, their """"civilization"""" is only ~50 years old. It's hard to deal with 5000 years of human evolution if you're only used to be a shitpoor peasant.
bavarian man can't handle alcoholic beverage, goes on stabbing spree. Just run it through google translate.
some tanned german salafist went on a killings spree with a scissors.
>Every other flag is capable of translating shit
fins and swedes never translate their shit too
All I can find is reports of the Islamist stabbing spree in Bavaria from ~2 weeks ago. Is there a more recent one?
It's the Frogs who are the worst when it comes to translating
Wow I didn't know you have scissor bombers Hans.
>some tanned german
He was a Bavarian citizen senpai.
tanned german is still funniest sgit this year
So is half of Turkey
>translating attentäter as bomber
what the fuck google
that's not the point.
turks > bavarians btw.
Bavarians are complete savages who need no excuse to kill each other.
Cant wait for the Oktoberfest. Its gonna be the bomb
>turks > bavarians btw.
Look at this self hating faggot choosing roaches over white people
>tanned German scissor bombers
>best running state in Germany
>great food
>great scenery
>regular culture festivals throughout the year
>first thing people thing about when it comes to Germany
>this is considered normal in Bavaria
More bizarre shit from our third world friends in Munich
yet the most sexual crimes are outside of bavaria
>nobody who works in a high paying job in bavaria is bavarian
>your food is 100% stolen from Austro-hungarian cuisine, 50 years ago you fuckers ate bread with goat cheese 24/7/365.25
>your own "culture" is about alocoholism and being shit poor peasants
>Everything "bavarian" was made up by the nazis to give you a German identity
Hitler fought in the Bavarian regiment you traitorous whoreson.
this statistic doesnt cover incestuous relationships.
Hitler never fought in a war you stupid stormweenie. He was a reservist who never saw the frontline.
>italien that loves pizza
what the hell. Fuck German media and fuck your shitty Weimar 2.0
Great Example of a self hating Germancuck
My brother just got back from Germoney . He's been living and working there for 6 years and almost graduated ( needs about a year more).
How do i fix this bluepilled self righteous fat cuck ?
Pretty sure you mean a salamist so still italian
Dude what.
I am almost 100% positive this is false as fuck and he actually got mustard gassed also.
Brb researching.
I'm not self hating.
Bavarians aren't Germans.
Hating bavarians is nothing special, like everyone does it openly.
>Hating bavarians is nothing special, like everyone does it openly.
And you sound like a nigger complaining about whites
>Hitler moved to Munich, Germany in May 1913. He did so seeking to avoid arrest for evasion of his military service obligation to Habsburg Austria and financed by the last installment of his inheritance from his father. In Munich, he continued to drift, supporting himself on his watercolors and sketches until World War I gave his life direction and a cause to which he could commit himself totally. By all surviving accounts, Hitler was a brave soldier: he was promoted to the rank of Corporal, was wounded twice (in 1916 and 1918) and was awarded several medals.
>Though reportedly not given to lengthy political discourses at this time, Hitler appeared to have been carried along by an increasingly vicious political antisemitism promulgated by the radical right and seeping into the military hierarchy during the last two years of the war.
>In October 1918, Hitler was partially blinded in a mustard gas attack near Ypres in Belgium. He was sent to the military hospital, where the news of the November 11, 1918, armistice reached him as he was convalescing.
Is teaching German history illegal over in Germany?
How did I know this and not you and all you guys do is talk about Hitler was bad and the holohoax.
>Is teaching German history illegal over in Germany?
In a nutshell yes
He's just stupid.
this just in, "researchers" say german men cant fight anymore. this is getting ridicoulos.
>mentally I'll
He converted to Islam, no shit.
at first:
but then:
>"marokkanische wurzeln"
>implying wiki warriors like yourself would and could fight
how old are you? have the history lessons fucked with that hard?
Nice knowledge you got there bro, MAYBE you should just shut the fuck up if you literaly not know jackshit about german history.
setzen sechs, achim.
General Butt Naked on the cover there.
Wait. He is Moroccan? So the native German is actually a Moroccan?
>falling that hard for the bait
Mami ist Stolz, Ronny.
bavarian is not an ethnicity, it's a state of mind, remember?
he's a bavarian and thus a full blooded German
Hitler also had very bad intestinal problems after the gas attacks which made him eat that weird diet of his doctor consisting of veg, very little grain and a good handful of nazi germany grade meth.
he was an italian muslim convert
I love this word. It outs the user as a fucking retard.
yes. typical bavarian.
I think being forced to live between "real" bavarians turns even the most noble human being savage.
>check flag
opinion discarded
>I was only pretending to be retarded cuck
hang yourself roach
>insulting me as a fish
underage b&?
Mach Abitür Brudi.
wat? i heard he was an italian rooted dude living in germany all his life?
Why is it always either morrocans, pakis or algerians who start shit like that?
hab schon.
wie kann man was gegen die bayern haben?
if theres any place in germany that is worth living there it would be bavaria
>if theres any place in germany that is worth living there it would be bavaria
Ever been to Munich? Ever talked to an actual Bavarian?
i'm not turkish like you so those peole might be more friendly towards me
Useless anime shitposter.
>le turk insult
>thinks bavarians are friendly to Germans
confirmed for never been to Bavaria.
Believe in your memes if it helps you staying sane, newfriend.
They should just stop calling it terror and call it criminal.
Then it loses it's effect because it's no longer politics of fear, and it de-legitimizes it. Just some criminals.
Fuck 'em.
what the fuck germancuck ,he got the iron cross he almost lost his eyes
I vote green for the environment.
What do you do to save the planet, dumb naziboo?
Bavaria is literally the most prosperous state in Germany. Very traditional and clean, loads of space. It's nothern and eastern Germany which are shitholes, at least bavarians still have dignity.
well its a state capital, no shit there's degeneracy there.
he's a roach, see
The tanned German strikes again.
> be "german" muslim
> get shot
Pretty good start if you ask me.
i thought of that
anothre ""italian"" guy kicked a german to death. He's actually some maroccan shithead, but you know how this goes.
They said he's italian with another foreign backround in the press conference.
Says he's born in italy but from Marocco
>Bavaria is literally the most prosperous state in Germany
Not because of Bavarians, yes. They're cheap workforce for their prussian overlords.
BMW? Founded by a prussian who colonized Bavaria.
>never saw the frontline
I don't think you get 2 iron crosses for being a POG.
Always thought that Bavarian were rich.
You do know that the green movement was started by the national socialists, dont you?
You dumb hebrewboo
you even got iron crosses for cooking and giving birth you mongrel. My family has like 10 from my grandmother's family alone.
>iron crosses
mehmed plz stop it
Are you the guy who this Eastern Germans and Non Catholics are subhuman?
I recognise the anime girl
well she deserves it, being the first Roach that learned to Cook and teaching you how to write
They do that in this case. Even better, they call it mental illness.
Keep pretending that there exists turkish diaspora capable of communicating with you in English on a japanese anime forum if it helps you keeping your dignity.
>be cuck
>go on Sup Forums
>tell lies
>mfw he's right
>mfw bavarians are really just colonized slavs
Speak for yourself roach I am 100% pure anglo phenotype
my sincere condolences.
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