Now that 250 Labour supporting, "refugee" importing, race traitor "celebrities" who hardly spend any time in this country let alone in a city, have come out to support the EU, are you going to support it now?
The Internationals have spoken!
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Jesus Christ British women are hideous.
Save me
>believing in shabbos goys and jew puppets
Lived there for 4 months
They really are disgusting. Personality wise they're basically the same as the shit here...but they're more ugly. It makes their arrogance and sense of self importance even more repugnant
>mfw anglos
100% true
self-entitled cunts
>EU pours money into "the arts"
>"the arts" and those who are involved surprisingly support the EU
What could it mean?
>leave EU
>end the unending import of EU trash
>import made-great-again American, Aussie shitposter and negro-hating Asian girls instead
Vote leave lad
I want to see which actors I can hate now
I hope Michael Fassbender didn't sign this bullshit
Why are people still taking political advice from meme media personalities?
This celebrity worshipping shit is the reason this world is going down the shitter.
"They're verbose/good looking/on the telly/can sing, they know best".
That was the first thing i saw too..
That hideous inbred manface, god
Holy crumpets what a slag
Isn't Cumberbatch from a very rich family and know for hating the poor and middle-class? I read that one time.
Anyway how is the vote going to end, britbongs ? Medias here say that Brexit won't happen
>Paloma Faith
pol approved video
> Be British tv """"""star""""""
> Make 6 episodes every two or three years
It's your fault they've got nothing better to do
no one knows
That's Sherlock Holmes
thats what i meant lol
If you were a good Englishman you already hated Fassbender
>only love can hurt like this
>burnt by a black guy
racist video as usual
Of course they do, they all say that the odds are stocked completely against us and that the polls all show that IN is going to happen.
It's a pathetic attempt at manipulating skeptics to think that there's no point voting leave because so many people are voting stay.
They tried the same shit last election where all the polls showed David Cameron losing by a landslide.
The truth is, Britain is very much on the brink, people all around the country have had enough. The only people that will vote to stay are the big cities because they're full of globalist lefties.
Please show the way for other countries
Everyone knows, Brits on Sup Forums just don't want to admit it
>Bendydick Cucumberpatch
No integrity and pseudo-intelligent
>Paloma Faith
>Danny Boyle
British History: Multiculture Edition
Yeah, no thanks. fuck the EU.
I'm not English, I'm Northern Irish
Lol, what happened to Britain? You guys used to treat actors with the same respect as prostitutes.
Now mother fuckers take there opinions seriously.
Why do celebrities think their political opinion matters?
i haven't seen one house with "remian" posters i've seen lots of vote leave posters but that might be because i'm from the based north and not the cucked south
But you got so many shitskins, they know where the handouts come from, they won't vote for a brexit
>muh empire
>muh colonies
>muhh import pakis and indians
>EU's fault
You did this to yourself, your mayor of London is now a literal paki.
at the same time you were openly discouraging immigrants from white countries-poland, bulgaria, romania
Now that is the kind of shit that you can lightly redpill on facebook
The vote? Way too close to call.
The referendum itself? We're staying. Pig-fucker never intended to deliver, his bluff was called when he won the election. He'll find some way to worm out of it even if he has to declare martial law. This is too important to the globalists to be resolved peacefully.
its a good job noone in the UK gives a fuck about celebrities
You beat me to it, Australia.
you know a nation is cucked when celebrities participate in the propaganda without even knowing. I'm sure most of them genuinely think that they're fighting for a good, progressive cause against all le evil anti-EU bigots XD.
I hope the average Brits wake up enough see through all this bullshit, do what's right and vote out. Even if you might not truly hate EU, just do it as a protest against all this scummy shady fucking pro-EU propaganda.
Look at any weighted poll average, look at any betting market, hey I'd like to see it happen, but we all know Cameron's set this referendum up just so it can fail, the same way he did to Scottish Ind and AV
hey guys whats the name of the faggot on the left side? I keep forgetting his name
What the fuck is that flag ? Where are you ?
Come down here to Ausfailia.
on average british women are by far the ugliest of all white women, but i think their attractive women are the most attractive
If only that were true.
m8 he is a really good fucking actor, political belief besides.
I really hope brexit happens and they leave EU.EU has done very little good yet people keep sucking its dick
is that the eu flag?
Europe, it's an overcrowded peninsula with a violent and barbaric history hanging off the Western side of Asia
>Talks about betting rates
>This year of any
>5000/1 m8
Are there any jobs there?
Is it true that high level management jobs are a plague in australia because nobody wants to work office jobs and recruitment is awful ?
The vote in Northern Ireland will push it from Leave to Remain.
delete this
also how?
I think I'd rather stay with the shitskins than deal with your wildlife. I don't do spiders.
even your celebrities are hideous what's up with that
Ahhh, less than five years ago. But there's enough opportunity for you, Achmed.
Probably in Brussels
Spiders are easier to gas though
>Can't think of one austrian celebrity
Which was the most hilarious?Aidan Gillen saying yes to refugees or maisie williams thinking she is an adult with worthy opinions?
I like when people use pig fucker.
It generally means you can easily spot someone who is clueless about politics, but likes to think of themselves as an authority.
Yes. We're lazy. So it stresses the managers.
Fugg, i'll recruit azn, they never complain
At least I can avoid the pests here, you can smell them.
oh my god what the hell is that
I'm thinking this has to be a leave plant.
Fair enough. Stay in Britbongistan. Maybe get a dowry for your sister when she gets married and moves to Islamabad.
fuck me, they're really going all out to try to keep you lads cucked. please don't fuck this up guys, we're going to need an uncucked UK when things start really going to shit.
That's Game of Thrones beautiful independant feminist star actress
I like when people defend Cameron.
It generally means you can easily spot someone who is clueless about politics, but likes to think of themselves as above giving derogatory nicknames to a man who's done nothing to earn the country's respect.
Solid slags m8.
Middle one is cute
do you even know where you are?
I bet they all take it in the shitter and go ATM. Would bang/10
Bentobox Crumpetmunch
>mfw when some smelly toothless britcuck opens his mouth
Does anyone care what actors have to say about the EU?
dont lie to me thats a bridge troll
Daily reminder that British gardens are full of furious thorned beasts
What about Josef Fritzl?
I'm not defending Cameron. I just find it funny how you repeat a story that was false, and a revenge price by a man he thought untrustworthy.
Then go on to further demonstrate my point by failing to come up with a witty retort.
Benderbee Rodriguez
Holy shit lel, i spent 3 months working in the UK i forgot about these.
They're even more irritating when you hear them speaking, that fucking ugly accent
"Wanna know how I got these scars?"
>poland, bulgaria, romania
except GB if full of Poles, Bulgarians and Romanians incl. Gypsies out of those countries
> My point is you can't prove he fucked a pig
do all your women look like Russel Brand?
Are you posting from a boat in the middle of the Mediterranean?
Full ? Ever been there ? The brown ones sure aren't poles m8, and they're everywhere
They're middle aged
It doesn't matter whether the story is true, what matters is that it harms the reputation of a man who's selling us out to the globalists. Anything and everything is fair game - whatever good name he has left must be destroyed.
>Full ?
Ever been there ?
>The brown ones sure aren't poles m8, and they're everywhere
I didn't say there were no wogs and nogs
>not recognising Quasimodo