Yuropoors excluding the Brits BTFO
Yuropoors excluding the Brits BTFO
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Realistically, how many students in these unis earned their place instead of being born to rich parents?
>tfw currently attending one of these
Why would I care? Foreign papers have almost no value in Finland
Not even that many get in that way. Most of them just get in as token minorities.
According to fucking who and what stupid metrics?
> tfw attending a top 20 University
P-Please post the longer list OP. I want to feel superior.
>Berkeley's on there
>Yale isn't
>rides on net worth of a few students to determine the university's "goodness"
>cant properly measure "goodness"
>furthermore exploits this through americas inflated as fuck population
Can I suck your fucking dick
Is Yale just a meme?
Take a look at any University rankings. Usually by research quality, alumni achievements, faculty awards, publication impact rankings, ect
your school on this one?
Came here to post this
>Inb4 a bunch of butt hurt Euro socialists start memeing about how their """""free""""" government ran educations are relevant
Git gud
>No particle accelerator
>No fusion reactor
>No experimental stellarator
Do you even try to contribute to this world?
Do you fat burgers even contribute
>tfw nobody believes you but wants to make you feel special
All havens of SJWs
Guy I went to undergrad with went off to Germany for grad school because he's a giant fag that probably has aids and loves Berlin. To his credit though I remember the school was pretty good there.
nah, on average still the best law school in the States. Also excellent mathematics, classics, and English lit departments.
How many of these have gender studies or social """science"""?
Can't hear you over the sound of democracy, Canada.
Or over the sound of intelligence for that matter.
>more democratic
Pretty much just means more refugees and niggers. Good job.
Post rape stats now, Ahmed :^)
>nobel laureates
>reflection of intelligence
>what is nobel peace price
Only stat that matters is refugees per capita, congrats Sweden, you've won
>> tfw attending a top 20 University
In Germany?
TUM is only at 60, followed by Heidelberg and LMU.
What are you talkin' about m8? We have one up in livermore. It's like an hour away from me and when I was younger I thought it was going to explode and take half of Cali with it
>Nobel peace price
Nice straw-man. Nordic countries are still top even when you exclude it.
Why are you sucking trans-atlantic cock?
being judge is a easy way to become laureate in fact
>Fermilab, SLAC Linac, ect, ect,
>National Ignition Facility, Alcator C-Mod, ect
>Helically Symmetric Experiment
There are multiple rankings Hans, AWRU and Times might have it higher.
>Full democracy
Apparently Canada BTFO too
If you're stupid enough to think Harvard is an impressive place of learning then think again m8.
Harvard is a Jewish finishing school and an incredibly expensive liberal wankathon
I've read into this. Huge chunck of the score is a "popularity survey" "student to staff ratio", "research" and "industry income".
No-fucking-where is scored alumni achievements, emplyment after graduation and career outlooks (salary after 3 years)
Uni rankings are bullshit from a student point of you. You want to have a look at programms rankings (like "master in Finance world ranking, or engineering programs)
There they take that into account.
So is being intelligent.
Yale has a bunch of minority protestors that are bringing it down la
>any EU country having full democracy
>USA not being an oligarchy
It's just shit. All of it.
I think that sound might be screaming rape victim desu senpai
The choice is settled. I'll be attending Harvard for my PhD in gender studies
DICE and Volvo, whoop-dee-fucking-doo
Stay mad, 3rd world shithole.
>not even part of G7 or G20
>calls US shithole
>tfw my uni is just barely within the top 100
Research is incredibly important.
I went to the University of Vienna. I also took a year in Leeds and my MSc at Oxford. The undergrauate teaching was roughly the same at Leeds and Vienna, but Oxford simply was that far ahead. For everything. Quality of academic staff, research programs, funding, facilities.
You simply cannot get the whole package like you get at a top English speaking university. They are better.
>CS undergrad
>mfw achieved summa cum laude at CMU
The rankings are full of shit, don't bother. At least the two Munich universities, KIT and Heidelberg are well-regarded at burgerland-employers
>point of you
Fucking frenchies, you never cease to amaze me mangs
>"Yo man da po-leece always puttin me in jail for nuffin"
Whatever makes you feel better Pierre, but the reality is that Anglo schools are better geared toward research. Continental Europe needs emulate Switzerland to be competitive.
What should be in there that isn't?
Wasn't calling you a shithole, Germany. I was calling the USA a 3rd world shithole (not only due to the corruption). I like Germany. I like germans. Good people.
Apart from NIF, most of what you posted is outdated gear.
Don't worry guys. These university rankings are quite unrealistic in my opinion.
I've experienced it firsthand at a high ranking university in California. The exams are ridiculously easy in electrical engineering and higher math when compared to the German university I eventually graduated from.
I don't know why we score so low on these rankings.
Bias? The fact that only English publications count and it's only about quantity not quality. Or that in Germany as a student in STEM it's your own responsibility to study otherwise you fail horribly at the exams and much more people fail? Who knows.
For example Harvard is usually in the top 5, although Oxbridge is better. A colleague knows a professor at Harvard who is sick of their policy which simply tries to keep them high in rankings instead of offering a exceptional education.
>all these "unknown to ancients"
what the fuck does that mean
silicone was discovered by a frenchman
im certain if i look at the others I'll get a result in 3 seconds as well
Yeah I said US (United States) not us. Don't bother, I like Sweden and Swedish citizens too, nice Nordic culture and friendly people. And we share the same destiny in regards of the Muslim genocide
No use in building a duplicate of CERN, Supercollider shouldn't been canceled. Most interesting Fusion research is happening right now in commercial labs. ITER will likely end up as a white elephant.
I doubt any German university has anything coming close to Standford's Quals.
Can Sup Forums post their top 10 [or 50 or 100 or 200] universities in the world?
>The Ecole Normales Superieures won most Field medals than any other American "university"
>Not on the list
Why am I not surprised? Burgers be burgering
Personally my favourite is any university in India and not in the West.
you are only making me wanna cuck you out of a uni seat.
Nobody would want to sit next to you and your stench anyway
I meant more obviously.
Moreover these ranking are retarded as most European universities work in a way the rankings do not fair. Hell, some French universities had to merge because they were each excellent in one field and even if the students used all the facilities, the universities would still be at the bottom of these retarded rankings
but i brush my teeth twice every day. :^)
>The fact that only English publications count
English is the language of science.
> Or that in Germany as a student in STEM it's your own responsibility to study
Isn't this how it works everywhere?
why is your country so pathetic? you're literally so irrelevant the only accomplishments that happen in the vague proximity of it are those of your neighbors
You also wipe your arse with your hands so when people run away from you it's not the shitty morning breath that's doing it
For me it'd be
1. MIT
2. Stanford
3. Cambridge
4. ETH Zurich
5. Berkley
6. Oxford
7. Tokyo
8. CMU
9. Princeton
10. Harvard
I am more tech focused.
In terms of low tuition: TUM in Munich. Costs me nothing and has a great CS department
>Students do poorly in exams
>We'll just adjust results until x% pass
> Isn't this how it works everywhere?
nah, study in the Anglosphere and then anywhere else in the world and you'll see how babied you are
science is the same in every language, as long as it's real science
>English is the language of science.
>literally use latin names or every fucking thing
for technical sciences, i'd say mathematics is the universal language of science.
>claiming to know my hygiene maintenance habits
so i'm right in claiming to know you have left with but one teeth because of your shitty brushing habits [or lack thereof]
thanks, bro.
German might even be a better language for science, since you can simply construct new words. Works for STEM-fields pretty good
This isn't 1900. Cali unis have been up there with the East coast for a long time
you realize that the two most important rankings are done by the Brits and Chinks. France dumping the majority of their prestige academics into a single university were they are not expected to produce significantly hurts the ranking of French universities.
UofT, UBC, UofA, McGill, and Waterloo are all great schools, we are fine considering our population
lel, you can do it in every language
Yeah, has America even developed nukes? Fucking primitives
I have all my teeth I can assure you
You can doubt that as much as you like and without going into way too much detail I won't be able to convince you or proof anything to you anyway.
Just consider the end result. Many of the worlds best engineering products are German. Last time I've checked the world is still eating up German cars and machinery.
And all of these are build by German engineers who graduated from German Universities.
Fields medal is math related. How many Facebooks or Microsofts does France has?
>Muh, we have SAP.
No SAP is German and is like 50 years old
and i poo in loo and use TP i can assure you
That's why there ranking are bullshit. Any decent recruiter would take someone from Ecole Polytechique over most of these "top ten" schools
> USA is 4th
> this guy exists
Well, that theory's disproved
Except when you don't lol
German was the language of science, probably for a reason
Yay, I am currently attending in #29!
>Thinking there's any authoritative ranking.
you are a girl, aren't you?
All SJW nests
sound [read] like one.
And still, you love our fresh graduated students, the main difference between european and US best universities is not the level, it is the money.
Funding your research is extremely difficult here, I don't even speak about creating a start up in tech.
It is a combinaison of cultural and law problems.
If I were a girl you'd be acting a lot more creepy towards me
>worlds best engineering products are German
nice meme, but that has more to do with German products actually being manufactured in Germany and a willingness of German companies to value quality over cost than actual engineering quality.