Why they so mad?

why they so mad?

>city of love
Pick one

Had this been murrika this guy would have been 6feet under.

Why did the police officer not fire his weapon?
Did he not have one?

He has one, he puts his hands on it when approached from the right so nobody grabs it.
Had he not been alone he would have grabbed the guy.

I see a lot of mudshits running there, whats the problem exactly?

>pew pew peww

i just wonder why the glass wasnt stronk enough. do baguette cars even crisp.

pshh, the real deal is here:

Have to rename it

>city of peace

Also to sum up what they're butthurt about
>Since March, people across France have been protesting the new labor bill. The proposal states that employers need pay only 10 percent of overtime bonus, instead of the current 25 percent. The bill technically maintains the 35-hour working week, but says that in case of “exceptional circumstances” employees can be asked to work up to 60 hours a week.

>be french
>Be paid for 35hours
>Work 60hours(that's 8.5hours 7 days a week)

>city of love

Haha why asian people are so naive ?
Paris is more islamist than romantic

Congratulations, you understood the joke.

I don't want to work more than 35 hours a week despite failing economy, so lets have violent riots so that the government can magically give us stuff out of nowhere.

You have it.

Shitskins see the protest as an excuse to steal and shit everywhere.

Isn't that about reducing the bonus you get paid additionally to your regular hourly wages?


Why in the fuck are the police driving hatchbacks


that parrying skill

Yeah people should be paid extra when its outside 9-5.

See 0:15 he take his gun, but then must have remember he would be jailed if he defend himself.

>French "justice"

yes pew pew pew kill the retard with his inoffensive bout de plastic

I think its more along the lines that he knows if he puts a hole in someone the rioting will be 10 times worse. He just wants to use the threat of force to make his escape.

>1st world

It's an arab/gypsy/nigger ghetto.

lmao. Try again.

You motherfuckers need to google what 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world actually means. Seriously, you are retarded if you think 1st world means good place to live and 3rd world means shitty place to live. It has nothing to do with standard of living you dense dumbasses.


>not africa.
Pick one.

Subhuman, nukes when?

>that is not how you wear a helmet

fucking niggerland

>going to jail

>white male literally slaps a woman in the face
>sjw's will defend this

You're basically not allowed to defend yourself or use your gun when you're a cop unless the other guy also has a gun or is immediately threatening the other people's lives (yours doesn't count if you're a cop).

>wearing a helmet like a fashion accessory
The guy was reminding her what those straps were for

Biggest cities in Europe summed up:
Islamic ghetto
Islamic, run by muslim
Daily rapes by muslims

I'm so proud to be European

shoot them.

Is this Muslims? Or French political whatever?

Хaхaхaхaхa Polaaaaaaaan :-D

Replace Berlin with Frankfurt and you'll have the biggest Jewish financial centers in Europe.


>that moment he starts hitting the man with the blue pipe
I wanted him to whip out a gun and start shooting him down soo bad there.

Can the police not have guns there?
Seriously, is it not allowed?
Why is that guy allowed to live?


Armed bloody riots when

>Armed bloody riots when
Pretty sure you know when

Just as bad as mudslimes.

he plays a lot of dark souls

Dude just fucking kill them...


>causing no damage whatsoever
>police dude completely unaffected
>deserves to get shot
Burger, you are a meme


How many of those cops do you think really enjoyed beating the dune-coons, i know i would have

French police are the equivalent of American college apartment security.
>Can't use a gun.
>Wear a uniform, but it's just a uniform.
>no authority except for filing complaints
>cannot arrest or restrain people
>have to leave when outnumbered

isnt illegal to hit a cop in France? shit cucked country. not even Sweden

This is why I support police brutality. #MakeEuropeGreatAgain when?

Over throw the right wing rats in power.

paris has been an utter shithole for 30 years now

it's too late to save it, just like Brussels or London



Get rubber bullets and unload on their asses WHAT THE FUCK?

Very good

If some fag attacks you with a large blue pool noodle, are you allowed to break out a baton?

Has this even been on the news here in the uk at all?? I don't think it has.


Seeing as that isn't exactly a pool noodle, escalation of force would be allowed. Although in America they'd just shoot the guy.

>people protesting and fight in the street for their convictions

Poorland is fucking stupid, fucking nuke this shithole. Based Greece fight against austerity, doesn't make a third world country faggot

Maybe just taze him and hope for the best. But really what they do is have an overwhelming force there to begin with, or else call in backup. And then you just get tossed on the ground, hogtied, and the court system does the raping.

ex gf used to talk non stop about how much she wanted to visit paris and how shes going to save allllllllllll her money up and take a trip there someday its such a beautiful city bla bla ect

i hope she raises that money soon

Popular meanings change over time, retard.

Why is Russia always so bipolar on Sup Forums. It's either a grade-A faggot, or a based Russianbro, 50-50 crapshoot.

Kill yourself icenigger.

Kek has spoken.

It's in their genes to be more aggressive.

Unfortunately all of the history and culture of these famous European cities that earned them monikers like "city of love" have been ceased during our generation. Nothing will ever bring about a return to normalcy short of a massive shift in political thinking.

rustled & triggerred

Pirouette, poteau tête.

New law will allow business to finally fire unionists (or very long time employee) without having to pay them 10-20 years of salary in compensation (only 1 year now). Unions are in full rampage mode trying to block it, as it's the first time a law will impact the union leaders/delegate themselves, and not just the average worker.

In France, unions can lead criminal acts without any fear of justice (C.G.T. has literally hold people hostage multiple time, and even threatened to bomb a chemical plant once) - so every violent retard in France is now out in the street, destroying everything he wish in the name of "freedom of unionist expression".

Why are the frenchies so mad? No free 'gib me dat's?

Those protesters seem very dark skinned. Are you sure these riots are taking place in Paris? I thought France was a majority white country.
Double check your sources.

Ah okay. thx.

How will this going from now on? What will happen next? Any Predictions?

Check your double yourself.

No, you see, all the former colonies are automatically just as French as they are!

Are we British?
No. thank goodness.

The funniest part is those RT faggots were probably siding with the protesters.
Russia always takes the anti-Western-government narrative.

Too bad her pet chimp didn't knock her out.

I'm not British at all. I'm a multigenerational legal immigrant, and I love this place.

I don't know what the hell France is doing so wrong. Unfortunately soon to be coming to a country near us.

No, you dumb fucking abbo.

>work 60 hours
>get paid 35 hours in regular salary
>get paid 25 hours on an extra 25%
>get it lowered to 10% and chimp out

Also, 35 hours work week? That's so fucking weak, why are Euros so damn lazy? Maybe that's why they are starting to lose their benefits, can't sustain a nation working like lazy bums.

If you work less than 50 hours a week you're a fucking burden to society and a waste of oxygen, you don't have a passion and you will never ever achieve anything worthwhile in your entire life.

I can't blame them for rioting.
Petitions and shit won't work.

When I was young I worked at a greece restaurant. The boss greek alsways said I work for 12 hours a day! The chef said I work for 10 hours a day!

Impressive isn't it?

The thing is: They would both sit at the tables and drink coffee for an hours, work 1 hour and return to the table.

Literally nothing will happen. Shit like this happens every few years. The government will either give up and back off or they'll try to force their shit and let the people demonstrate til they get bored.

Well, being a freaking restaurant it probably depended on the clients.

I don't get your point though. You think 7 hour work schedules are more effective and people will work more cause they are shorter? Does not make sense to me.

>french unions

oh sweet jebus these guys gotta be super mad

Fuck unionists tho, i agree we need unions or we'll be back in 1850 before we know it but they have too much power, even here in Belgium.

What you French unionists are allowed to do boggles my mind tho, i thought we had it bad

>when welfare queens don't get their gibs

Sorry okay, the other part was:
Often enough the restaurant could serve a meal because the chef didn't prepered it. Or we lacked drinks because the boss haven't bought any.

The food was great though.

What I wanted to say is that some people do the same work in a shorter amount of time.

At the beginning I sometimes was issued the order "go take the garbage out". That took me 10 minutes. When I said "I am finished" he was a little perplexed. I lreaned with time that orders like "go take the garbage out" meant: Take a nap or call you GF or something like that.

Best job I ever had as a student

*could not

>that face she makes after being hit

would physically abuse her/10


Those guys are sons of rich people in Paris. They have a job as well. Reminder that liberals are rich.

But also look at it this way:
He has to go to work and stay there for 12 hours before he comes back. Even if he's a lazy fuck, the fact that he works for 12 hours benefits me, you and all of the society. There are more places open for longer hours, there are more options to eat in different places and I can eat at any time I want, thanks to people that only spend 3-4 hours awake in their home, and the rest of the day out working.

Cities become more lively, nights become less feared and dangerous. All for just putting a couple of extra hours. It's also more money generated, and less money spent in "free time" (porn, drugs & video-games).

And more people would be able to do what they love. A lot of people complain that what they like to do doesn't give them enough money.. but working on it 12 freaking hours a day, I bet you get at least a livable wage.

In general I think it's good for society, especially jobs that are not nerve-wrecking or highly stress-inducing.

Yeah, how dare people be upset about being fucked over by multi billion dollar corporations. They should sit at home and accept their unions being decimated and their pay lowered so their boss can buy another yacht

hot girl, would impregnate

Islam. Remove belief in Islam, remove problem.

No but the problem isn't that people are in the streets.
There were peaceful manifestations a few weeks back, but some anti-police faggots decided it woule be the best time to assault them and destroy stuff.
Although I agree with the fact that we need to fight against that, assaulting law forces won't change shit

Stop being so racist. These are our lawyers and doctors, working in on one euro per hour.

Basically there is a law that allowed bosses to fire anyone without giving them a significant compensation, and reduced the pay of overtime hours.
Obviously people were against it and the law shouldn't havr passed.
But the prime minister used something call the 49.3 article, which allows the government to pass a law under without contest, except if the Assembly manages to vote a censure and remove the actual government.
This vote failed by ~40 votes and the people got pissed, pointing out how it is antidemocratic