Well, Trumpbots?
Well, Trumpbots?
I guess America was never great to begin with, might as well shit all over it with hatred instead of doing anything to make it great, huh?
All of those sound pretty fantastic except maybe the last one. We'd be better off if we just mailed all the niggers back to Africa.
Answer is yes to all those questions.
I'm pretty sure most trump supporters just want to be able to say "faggot" in the workplace without reprimand like in the day before political correctness.
Hopefully yes to all three
all of the above
Back when America had enlightenment values? Back when you could support a family on one salary? Back when kids could afford to move out at 18? Back when there were jobs for anyone willing to work?
How about back before spying on the private lives of its own citizens?
It's not really hard to answer in a way that even the simpering beta leftist has to agree.
Faggot marriage is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.
Female vote is a bad idea.
And slaves aren't necessary in this day and age
At least before you were born so we don't have to listen to your bitching
Damn, really makes you think.
Yes to all
Africans should go back but slavery also impedes on others freedoms
Queer here.
The coming Era of President Trump looks to be like a gay-friendly 80's.
I am OK with this, and will be voting Trump.
When did Trump ever speak out against any of those things? Never. Hell, he's been in favor of gay marriage for decades longer than Shillary has.
Back to September 9, 2001
Based queerlad.
When SJWs didn't exist.
Very true.
All meming aside
would you guys say outright in public that you think gays should be mentally rehabilitated instead of their lifestyles approved and tolerated?
Don't you just love it when they always pull the same "Muh 1950s horror decade" card?
Trump is talking about in the terms of economics and power you deluded fucks.
you know what I find funny? the republicans actually used the gay rights for over 30 years to troll their own voters
70 for abortion
Yes of course
Ironically a resettlement program to return blacks to Africa each with 1 000 000$ in hand would probably be cheaper in the long run.
>Slaves aren't necessary
dear republicans; should ppl that you don't give a fuck about , have rights in america?
You know, I've thought of this a lot. I've heard it a lot. Too many times. And I have an answer. I have my answer.
This world is going mad. I thought of this a week or two back, when a man drove an SUV through the front of a mall an hour from Boston, dismounted, and started stabbing people. He got put down about three deep, but not before he started stabbing a pregnant waitress, whom he only stopped stabbing because an elderly teacher grabbed him by the waist before he caught a knife to the temple. And I had to wonder.
Was this the only stabbing attack this weekend? Was I mistaking this for another? I wasn't. but another man had done similar in Germany, right off a train, shouting "Allah Akbar" as the media claimed Islam had nothing to do with it.
The food is unfit to eat. The air is unfit to breathe. Shopkeepers have to keep a gun under the counter, and in our great cities, people are afraid to walk. They'll get mugged, molested, murdered. Places once thought of grand, amazing, truly crowns of our nation, are now dirty hells we fear. People die in the streets, and it's just another damned day.
I don't know when we were great. I don't know quite how to make it great. But I know damn well it isn't now, it isn't what you animals want.
I remember once, or I've been told, families could be raised. Wages could lead you to prosper. People could be happy, violence wouldn't surround them, and they wouldn't all be waiting for the next attack. Life could be lived. Families could grow.
There were iniquities. There alwas will be, we're human, for Christ's sake. But there was once a time people could be proud, they could see the sun in their lives, they could see it in their futures and smile. A family, a life, a nation could be made and loved, pastoral or urban, patriots all. And that time is not now. And those were the great times. Those are what we want. Those are what we need. And those are the times, ethereal they may be, we want to make this place again
>before gays could marry
>Before women could vote
Well, that's a good start.
I think even gays would give up marriage in some states so that they could be 1.5 times richer, not have to work 7 years longer than their parents before retiring, and enjoy a society that wasn't about oppression Olympics and identity politics
They really aren't.
Especially when you can pay people low wages and let them deal with housing, bills etc.
Whites did not enslave blacks, blacks did. History is often ignored.
At least before politically correct BS became a thing.
>implying he isn't socially moderate
>implying he doesn't have blacks and women in high ranking, high paying positions at his company
>implying he has ever been against gay rights
He wants to bring back the days when economic opportunity existed for people who actually want to work hard and prosper. He doesn't want to roll back civil rights, and implying otherwise is tumblr teenager tier garbage.
Nice remake of the Network speech.
Have a (you).
Obviously last time America was great was when it was apart of the British Empire.
Just me, I have valuable sources high up in the Trump Campaign, he wants the monarchy to come back.
>Niggers sell weaker niggers to jewish merchants who sail to America and sell them to whites
>Whites get all the blame
Keikaku doori
>before women could vote
>before Afrikangz were freed
>before gay marriage
Of course America was great before all that
I don't want to waste money on "rehabilitating" them. I want to return to the days when they were forced to remain in the closet for fear of being ridiculed mercilessly. What was wrong with that? It worked just fine for the majority of our history.
Make America great again.
When things where big, strong, reliable and red white and blue where the only colours an American cared about.
When apple pies sat on the window ledge, when the grass was mowed manually, when Joe went to work with his metal lunchbox and earned the sweat on his brow.
Americans are losing sight on their unique position in the world, to me, America needs to be white picket again.
I love America.
1. who gives a shit about gays marrying, they can just have civil partnership
2. women are more likely to vote based on emotion and not reason
3. Niggers ruined detroit and new york
Lets make it happen!
Yes, yes, and yes.
giving gays, women, and blacks rights was the worst decision ever
Before socialism and mental illness of the left was pitched as normal.
>Before African Americans were freed?
Before we even brought the parasites over here. What a fucking mistake that turned out to be.
Yes, yes, and… yes.
in 30 years whites will be a minority
should those assholes have rights?
The leafs right, what did you expect?
Whites under 5 already are a minority.
women aren't a minority
and they're actually much more dangerous because of that fact.
dangerous to you ppl
Trump is pro surveillance. There will be more spying, not less.
yes, people like me who value reason over emotion
Trump is pro gay rights, idk where thhey are getting the idea that he isnt
Funny how we went from tolerance to unquestioning acceptance isn't it? Used to be that you could disapprove of gays without discriminating against them, but that was never enough and now any criticism of gays at all, no matter how justified will make you a social outcast. People are sick of having their lives ruined just because they have a contrary opinion.
they seem to think that being against fag culture is being against all lgbt
I hate being grouped together with those people
I knew it was gonna be that video before I even clicked the link. It puts tears in my eyes remembering what a beautiful place America used to be when I was growing up. No matter how hard the leftists try to re-write history, America was the greatest place in the world to live.
One retarded post deserves another
Yes, that would do nicely.
>value reason over emotion
problem is, you don't, the opposite is true
White men typically vote mixed. Some of them socialist all the way, most of them eventually turn conservative or swing a bit further to the right than that.
White women are split too. When single, they need to state to protect and nurture them in their crusade against whatever triggers her. When married, they are more inclined to vote for a smaller gouvernment since we've reached the point where a greater state will cost the household more than it yields.
>kids already get education, good healthcare
Niggers are not so split. There are exceptions who turn out quite well thanks in part to higher IQ, but that leaves the majority of the black people that can't keep up in a proper free market economy and as a result will vote for socialists. Gibsmedat and all that.
Retract the socialist policies that are ruining the fabric of society, deregulate the economy to boost startups and small businesses and drop the tariffs to force innovation in those parts of industry that rely on their regulations for their survival.
Niggers will have to adapt or bugger off (they won't) and white men have to start getting their balls in place, open up the market, start businesses and develop the nation proper. Lead by example, women will follow.
God, I wish Donald Trump was the monster the left is making him out to be.
Yes to all.
B-but I thought America was always great? That's what Hillary s-said!
idk but, my house is great because it is in a safe area, has a strong long lasting foundation, well made, clean, has plumbing, electricity etc.
What makes my house great is not that I allow faggots inside of it. In fact, if I just let anyone in, then people will see it as less valuable. If people see it as less valuable they will treat it with disrespect. If people treat it with disrespect it will ruin the house. so yah, maybe he is correct, kick out all the retards. MAGA
you do realize that's the reason why we're rooting for him, right?
Right before the Fed was created would be a good starting point.
I don't have a problem with someone being gay, a woman or black. I do however have a problem with degenerate behavior. Unfortunately there are patterns of behavior that those groups of people have made themselves known for. The "white privileges" that me as a white male (German) have become known for is we generally won't do fucked up things. We have established a pattern of good behavior. These people shouldn't be mad at whites for having it objectively "better" because we worked to make it that way. They should be mad at the others who have made their stereotypes and who continue to live the stereotypes that have perpetuated the negative patterns. Liberals are more racist than any other group by placing crutches on minority groups, by doing so they are suggesting that they are unable to compete in a world with normal people. They think it makes them look good but they are really just scared of blacks, Muslims, and gays. They have the child mentality of if I befriend them they won't hurt me. They know that sane white people aren't going to snack bar or chimp out if we don't hear what we like because of behavior patters we have exhibited throughout history. They have also forgot that when pushed beyond a limit of what's rational white people have gone beyond the limits of what people thought was possible to show our dominance (WW2 on both sides, Moon landing, and creating and fighting for America). Essentially don't fucking bully people just because they don't initially fight back.
>Before gays could marry?
Yeah that sounds about right.
Yes please.
That would be nice.
>total sperg filming people at 7/11
>everyone is being polite, smiling and actually having fun
>doing this today will get you beat up by tyrone or called "rapist creep" by feral SJWs
This is sad man.
it's amazing how whites are oblivious to their own behavior
they actually caused most of their own problems but are mad at everyone else
is this a stupidity trait?
what are the biggest problems in the world today?
I'm 20, and when I was growing up he would tell me to act and be 'happy' in front of strangers, but to always keep a lookout on danger. He said that he couldn't afford his little girl to trust others like how he would when he was growing up because of all the crazy people out there. I want my son to experience what my father did, I want to see glorious buildings attributed to America being built; I want to taste true prosperity. If not for me, for my son.
> African Americans
In an era when slavery was still widely accepted as the norm and the view it as immoral was still novel... yes America was great then. The founding fathers even took steps to end it. If Sup Forums actually dug up facts to show this instead of just saying "muh back to Africa" "muh make niggers slaves again" we could gain an upper hand.
Faggot spotted
Do you think we wanted this? We were trying to be nice by giving you brown skinned cunts an upper hand over us with things such as college benefits, among other things. People like you took advantage of our generosity, we gave you a leg up, and you still wanted more, you greedy little fucks. The average white person hates this, but those in the government still feel the need to be politically correct in order to serve your useless asses. Get fucked
I'm a ukrainian and scottish canadian
you didn't do shit for me
>they actually caused most of their own problems but are mad at everyone else
What problems did whites create for themselves?