Daily reminder that in 2000 Alex Jones filmed the Jewish elite sacrificing something
Alex Jones
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I love this guy. He is really commited in saving us from the globalist plan.
Jon Ronson was with him, he thought it was more like a frat party thing but Ronsons not an outright lunatic
Confirm, read book, good book, Jones is made out to be a nutter
>Being against the Jews & Globalists
The true red pill is understanding their end goal is to create a united army to stand against the reptilians who are hellbent on wiping out humanity.
It wasn't a sacrifice, it was the cremation of care ceremony.
In freemasonry, the "G" only means 'God' for the plebs. The "G" really stands for the generative force of the universe, which is care.
Except he goes out of his way to avoid naming the jew.
He calls Gorge Soros a "Nazi Collaborator"..
Globalists = Jews
Alex Jones is a part of the game, his job is to let people know who the boss is. He'd be dead by now or in jail if he actually was a truther.
Sounds interesting India, but can you make it stick?
Your claim obviously, not your shit to the wall.
*Tip tinfoil*
>you tried
>Not knowing how to greentext
Absolutely haram
could also be left alive since he's in the public eye
If they killed him it'd give him a lot more credibility. They haven't bothered because a lot of people have the impression he is crazy.
It's just a fun little play they put on for show
it's not actually a religion
holy shit that's fucking scary, wtf?
And you know this how?
Everyone thinks Alex Jones is nuts, but he is right about a lot of things.
the bound body is just a prop, it's not an actual dead body
Alex Jones is a creep.
i just read a handful of presidents actually went to those fucking conventions, jesus fucking christ im looking into it right now and my heart is starting to sink, i halfly dont believe it, but if this shit is true its heart sinking.
It's just some dumb hippy bullshit. Nixon went to one of these rituals and said it was "The faggiest shit I've ever seen".
If you think there's some big conspiracy behind it, just go back to
Alex Jones is a disinfo agent.
By saying a few legitimate truths and then acting like a lunatic, he discredits anyone else who speaks out about the truth. He also avoids mentioning the jews directly.
Alex Jones has always been based. Infowars is pretty much the only reliable source of news these days.
Just wish he'd fuck off with the Brain Force, Male Vitality shilling though.
There's no going back through this door
Anyone who thinks he snuck in there is fucking retarded. A place with all these high ranking elite people would have security up the fucking ass and he says he just walked in. They all know him and he knows them. He was invited
Pajeet is right
But it's not a conspiracy. There's video proof and no one denies what happens
They will be exposed soon. Their game is at its end.
He filmed a bunch of faggot designers from california burning an effigy after butt fucking male prostitutes
Dude is about as hardcore as a prolapsed asshole
Where do you get these weird pics?
who you quoting there pajeet ?
Bill cooper was also very public and people thought he was crazy but he killed because he was the real deal. No one cared
>jewish wife
>jewish producer for Infowars
>employs STRATFOR
From a Korean image board.
it was difficult to honeypot bill coopers radio listeners
alex jones runs a website for government conveinience
>filmed a bunch of faggot designers
George W Bush, George HW Bush, LBJ, Nixon, Reagen, Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, David rockerfeller and some of the Rothschilds have attended.
Some faggot designers
so many shills in this thread
he was questioned many times and he pursuaded his way in saying he was with bush because of his texas accent
pajeet is your wrong jones was ignored for many years and labeled a cook as then his predictions all started to come true and his popularity sky rocketed and they couldn't take him out because then that would make him a martyr for his followers who are millions on the daily also the republican's like rand paul recognised his popularity and tried to harness and thus protected him
they were burning an burning effigy of a child the idea is they were killing their 'care' for the common man, the sheep the cattle, the goyim
thats right the elite will happily cheer on as they hear the screams of a child burning because they think they are above us and can just slaughter us willy nilly for their plans
back in the day it was an effigy but a real child
the big statue behind the alter is Moloch
>Moloch was one of the false gods that Israel would worship during its periods of apostasy (renunciation of religion)
>One of the practices of the cult that worshipped Moloch was to sacrifice their children.
he attacks israel on frequent occassions
the video in the OP is exposing an old israelite religious cult who sacrificed children
also your a disinfo agent for the jidf that constantly try and say that jones is in bed with the jews
when he is not
he recently attacked the jews by the way and whenever jones is brought up in Sup Forums the shills come out of the wood work and say he works for the jews
because you want to say that you control him and he is your mouthpiece when in actual fact your very very afraid of him and what he has to say
I think it's funny how everyone manages to be both dismissive and paranoid of Alex Jones at once. I don't think Alex and I see eye to eye on everything but he is definitely the most real out of any national radio host. Honestly guys the elite doesn't care nearly as much as you think they do. So what if they know that you know they are up to no good? AJ doesn't really say anything that falls against the spirit of national soverignty and libertarianism so he's hardly dangerous to them, seeing as it is their calling card (not that they live up to it). The governors know there will always be rabblerousing libertarians but they don't really care unless they perceive a legitimate threat (i.e. militias or some other mobilization). They reach what, 1 percent of the population? They more than expect that and don't really care so long as the rest of the population baahs when they are supposed to. I think people get skeptical and/or paranoid because Alex is kind of theatrical in his approach. Just makes it entertaining in a They Live sort of way. Nothing to worry about.
I do consider the Bohemian Grove thing pretty satanic but that is really just synonymous with the creepy hedonism of the elite as a whole. Decidedly less satanic than the sex with underaged boys after the show. At least you can laugh at this part in good conscience.
Let's still try to look at this from a somewhat rational perspective. This is just an old club that affluent people go to. Reagan's memoirs mention it, and how much he liked going there. What I think may be the case here is that it's just a secret club, people don't like being asked about their membership in it out in the public, and as pertaining to what they do during the rituals, I'd describe it as something I call the 'Dad's Devil Fetish'.
There's this story on reddit (inb4 etc etc), you can find it under the title "TIFU by skipping school and walking in on my dad", it's a guy who walks in on his dad with a devil mask jacking off in a room filled with pictures of the devil on the walls, candles, etc. Obviously the son freaked out, and the dad was kind of aggressive in text messages afterwards (you can check their conversations posted in the site), but in the end it's just kind of an innocent thing, despite looking really weird.
>At least you can laugh at this part in good conscience.
see no its downright dangerous if you understand their ideology behind it
He doesn't want to throw all his work to the trashcan because of political correctnes and social rejection for a rscist remark. He just changes "jews" for "globalists", but we all know it's the jews anyway.
He's got Jews on the team, dipshit.
Fuck off Pajeet. Stop shitting up every thread
yes we're very affraid of the Muslims he says "run the media" and the "germanic death cults" that run the government and banks .....
>implying they aren't terraforming the planet for reptilians
They are not on our side
what's wrong with stratfor?
If the elites used a prop, wouldn't that make them somewhat ethical
bumping for based grandMAGA
You're the one shilling for him.
He was let in
If ALL his predictions came true then where's all these Americans in fema camps? It wasn't meant to happen under Obama and his term is almost over
They didn't actually sacrifice a child, just a prop that they dubbed over. It's still really fucking weird that all of the elite are in on this Moloch thing. I agree with Ronson's view that it is just a big, secretive themed frat party.
Alex Jones is still the man.