Pol ylyl

pol ylyl





6 years of that... I have no hope it will end.

absolutely accurate, even for me as t.german.






I found dat boi to be niggerish. Like blacks trying to bridge the memescene into our own.

Shit dirty ape meme.








It's absolutely a niggermeme for white people. It's like the meme equivalent of dab


shit taste, qatar

except it isn't for white people

It's for morons who don't understand that it is the bridge to the nigger memes and the death of pepe

Shit meme. Jewish kike meme.

Not rare in the slightest, there's like 6 of them in this thread


not really Sup Forums but hey






>implying Sup Forums has girlfriends


Horrifyingly accurate.

I'll pull out some of my BEST material


time to trigger the lurking russians

wow! now that's funny XD


Sounds like a hockey penalty.


>not order 88


fuck off

you are truly lost. it actually pokes fun at niggerspeak in a subtle, humorous fashion, which is part of the joke. non autists instantly get this



This is a daily reminder telling you to take your trashy ylyl threads back to Sup Forums where they belong.

you may not think that this is Sup Forums

but it is

I fucking hate the big bang theory with every atom of my body




Lighten up faggot



you sir, deserve my upvote xD


>nigger language

If you wanna edit this, the correct German text would be "Guten Tag! Ich komme aus Sup Forums. Ich bien hier, im dich/Ihnen (thee/you) rotzupillen"






Message for you, user.

Oh boy, how did I miss that ?



*Ich bin *um dich (silly wordfiller)

its a reference to a Tyler the Creator tweet


Worst: bluepilled wives


This is pure undiluted genius.

Not mine. Found.

But, I'll consider it if I remember & have 10 minutes free next time I'm shooping.

Probably keep "redpill" rather than use "rotzupillen" since it's a meme term borrowed from another language. But thanks for the grammar tip.




i think it's because a reference of a reference of a reference, and we still understand it.


>pollen is suspended in the air
>you're literally breathing tree sperm




oi nigger you need to update that
theyve gotten to the point they are selling their wildlife animals now



got a wife I've known for close to half my life, we did it twice today

is this real?


>that shirt

the memes are true


Thank you my Finnish chum, I'm glad you like it.


So you're from Qatar SallySumoposter?
Literally what country for a literally what meme

This is literally a libertarian/ancaps paradise.

Even the color scheme is the exact same.

>not jewzi.gif

As do we all.